Green Carpet Nite on 2010 New Year's Celebration at Steel with International Dhol Artiste and Djs Mash & Ashim : Beat Party Nite Ever at The ASHOK, New Delhi
new year
2010 New Year's Eve Party on thursday 31st DEC at ELEVATE by Juggy-D and Manak-E book now: online or Tele Booking
new year
Best New Year Deal from Raffaele on Food Products with free Plum Pudding Walnut Pie in Delhi and NCR
Delhi's Best New Year 2010 Eve Celebration party at Hilton Garden Inn very cheap and affordable price for couple and singles
Creative Thinking: Test Yourself with Tough Interview question (mathematic 2)
You are given one 3 litre container and one 5 litre container.
How to use this two containers to measure 4 litre water accurately and what is it minimum step to achieve it.
Note: There is no any label on the container and it is impossible for you to obtain 1.5 litre water in half full 3 litre container. It is because all of them are in strange shape.
3 steps only.
1. Fill-in 3 litre container full then drop this 3 litre water in the 5 litre container.
2. Repeat it but there will remain exactly 1 litre water in the 3 litre container when the 5 litre container is full.
3. Empty the 5 litre container and drop the remainder 1 litre into it follow by 1 full 3 litre water.
This is one of the tough interview questions which I have found. It will basically test your logic thinking and lateral thinking skills via mathematic approach. The question is:
How to use this two containers to measure 4 litre water accurately and what is it minimum step to achieve it.
Note: There is no any label on the container and it is impossible for you to obtain 1.5 litre water in half full 3 litre container. It is because all of them are in strange shape.
3 steps only.
1. Fill-in 3 litre container full then drop this 3 litre water in the 5 litre container.
2. Repeat it but there will remain exactly 1 litre water in the 3 litre container when the 5 litre container is full.
3. Empty the 5 litre container and drop the remainder 1 litre into it follow by 1 full 3 litre water.
Creative Thinking
Provincialism of language and The health of popular Indian languages.
1. Indeed, Hindi was broadly accepted as the National Language and Hindi Prachar Sabha-s were established to propagate Hindi language and working successfully in many States, esp. in Tamilnadu, where the objections of serious nature developed later.
5. Nehru then came up with the idea that while non-Hindi States would learn Hindi as a third language, Hindi speaking States would insist on the staff to learn one of the non-Hindi languages- which never materialised.
Veer Savarkar once started addressing a public meeting in Hindi at Bangalore .
A university undergraduate (biological science) - outside India - has been selected to spend one semester (five months) in a Swedish university, beginning Jan 2010, as part of the student exchange programme. A catch. He cannot take courses at the Bachelor degree level because all first degree courses (including the hard sciences) are conducted in the Swedish language. Only Masters and above are available in English. This young man (of Indian origin) has, therefore, agreed to choose somewhat equivalent modules from the Masters programme.
2. Malayalees took to Hindi as fish to swimming, as the Sampoornanand version of Sanskritised Hindi- not Hindustani- was understood better by Keralites than even UP-ites, who were more familiar with Urdu words. Most of the rankings in Hindi Language Examinations in Delhi or Agra, I remember were taken by Malayali students, as they knew the Devanagri script while studying Sanskrit and the terminologies too of Sanskrit.
3. What was objected to and aggravated to serious agitations was the modus operandi followed in imposing Hindi through Central Govt. offices as well as UPSC examinations- only in English and Hindi then- which States like TN would not accept. One of the reasons of success of the Dravida movement was the anti-Hindi agitations in 1960-s, bandhs and defacing Hindi- boards, displays..etc. leading to severe law and order problems and sympathies for DMK rising fast.
4. The Centre unilaterally decided to send all letters in Hindi which found the trash-box in many offices in non-Hindi States without responding, paralysing the work in offices. It was then diluted to both English and Hindi versions on either side of the paper for Govt. correspondence.
Thousands of mediocre school non-metrics from Hindi States were recruited as Hindi teachers and sent to every Central office to teach Hindi to non-Hindi speaking staff, a futile effort initially, until passing Hindi language tests was made compulsory for promotions.. etc.
5. Nehru then came up with the idea that while non-Hindi States would learn Hindi as a third language, Hindi speaking States would insist on the staff to learn one of the non-Hindi languages- which never materialised.
UPSC examinations too were compromised to accept all 14 languages and mediocres flooded the IAS and other cadres compromising on meritocracy in Central Services.
7. However, IAS officers posted to particular States learn the local language within a few years and converse, speak and write notings in the States they work. This works as it is mandatory.
8. Parochialism is bad and is divisive. But Parochialism has benefited many political parties to win the elections, be it DMK or Shiv Sena or Akali Dal etc. Shiv Sena and MNS are aiming at this goal.
9. Hindi movies have done propogation of Hindi language much more effectively than all Govt. promotionary programmes put together. Popularity in Hindi movies is universal.
10. If you want to promote Hindi, make it a third language from Std.V compulsory up to XII, besides English and mother tongue for the next 15 years, and you will find the next generation prepared to meet any challenges then, without any compulsion.
Veer Savarkar once started addressing a public meeting in Hindi at Bangalore .
The crowd started shouting "Speak in Kannada. We will hear only in kannada."
Veer Savarkar replied " Friends, I have spent 14 years of rigorous imprisonment in ill famous Andaman Jail where all freedom fighters were kept in jail. I have learned Bengali from the freedom fighters coming from Bengal , Hindi from those coming from Uttar Pradesh, even gujarathi and
punjabi. Unfortunately there was none from Karnataka from whom I could have learned Kannada."
...and there was pin drop silence.
The primary cause of the problem is the failure of the Indian state on two major counts:
a) failing to establish a comprehensive public education system to provide quality education for most of Bhaarat's children up to the secondary levels, AND a combination of public & private institutions of higher learning of high quality in all fields (including the humanities) to produce technocrats, professionals, managers, 'artists', thought leaders and cutting-edge researchers for Bhaarat (not for Nasa, Microsoft, and Wall Street); and
b) failing to establish a comprehensive 'language policy' to further enrich India 's linguistic heritage, which is fundamental to intellectual and moral development, as well as cultural articulation and innovation.
Hopefully this anecdote would help people understand how and where India slipped by
making a comparison.
A university undergraduate (biological science) - outside India - has been selected to spend one semester (five months) in a Swedish university, beginning Jan 2010, as part of the student exchange programme. A catch. He cannot take courses at the Bachelor degree level because all first degree courses (including the hard sciences) are conducted in the Swedish language. Only Masters and above are available in English. This young man (of Indian origin) has, therefore, agreed to choose somewhat equivalent modules from the Masters programme.
The politicians who fight to get elected can't run even kindergartens properly, so much so that even ordinary peasants are forced into sending their children to unaffordable private 'convents' (in English). Do you know what kind of damage is being done to the mental and emotional development of these kids forced to learn a foreign language (English)? Aggravating the problem is the fact that most of the teachers are themselves not proficient in English. What is going on in the name of education is, therefore, nothing less than criminal. There are any number of educationists who will vouch for the damage the kids will suffer. But the education merchants are in cahoots with the politicians and bureaucrats.
At the other end is the problem of job opportunities for graduates educated through the mother tongue.
Why is it that Bhaarat cannot get to do what the Swedes, Dutch, French, Japanese, Chinese, Russians.... . can?
Is it because they have superior languages?
Or superior people?
Jaago India Jaago
Jaago India Jaago,
social issue
Life Answers: Reasons to think Out of the Box
Thinking out of the box help us to have a whole picture of a phenomenal, thing or accident. It is very important to think out of the box in order to help us more understand to the problem and to solve it effectively. For example, a water pipe of your house is broken every week. For the people who can think out of the box may find out the problem is caused by the design of pipe which is not suitable for high pressure water supply. For the people who think "inside the box", on the other hand, may just keep repairing it every week. I will provide three example to help you paradigm shift about thinking out of the box:
1. The earth is square or sphere?
Answer: Although it is a fact now that the earth is sphere, how you know this fact? Have you ever seen the earth is square? and where you have seen that?
2. Are we be attracted on the earth or the earth be attracted on us?
Answer: Again, the science shows that both us and the earth are attached to one another. It is true according to Newton's third law, every action has its reaction.
3. How many alphabet of "A to Z"?
Answer: The answer is four alphabet, 'A', 't', 'o' and 'Z' only.
1. The earth is square or sphere?
Answer: Although it is a fact now that the earth is sphere, how you know this fact? Have you ever seen the earth is square? and where you have seen that?
2. Are we be attracted on the earth or the earth be attracted on us?
Answer: Again, the science shows that both us and the earth are attached to one another. It is true according to Newton's third law, every action has its reaction.
3. How many alphabet of "A to Z"?
Answer: The answer is four alphabet, 'A', 't', 'o' and 'Z' only.
Experince Sharing
I am a Blogger Against Hunger
Food crisis + financial crisis
The food price crisis, dubbed a "silent tsunami" for the world’s poor, is far from over. A recent study revealed that food prices are higher than they were 12 months ago in 46 developing countries. In nine of the countries, food prices are the highest on record.
The current economic crisis, first felt in developed nations, is now impacting on developing nations too. People living in these regions have much less to cushion the blow of an economic downturn and hunger is on the increase. The combination of high food prices and the economic downturn has the makings of a humanitarian.
In the Horn of Africa, where climate change is aggravating the situation, the effects of the two crises are especially harsh. And as the global economic and financial crises compound the food crisis, hunger and malnutrition are likely to increase further.
The food price crisis, dubbed a "silent tsunami" for the world’s poor, is far from over. A recent study revealed that food prices are higher than they were 12 months ago in 46 developing countries. In nine of the countries, food prices are the highest on record.
The current economic crisis, first felt in developed nations, is now impacting on developing nations too. People living in these regions have much less to cushion the blow of an economic downturn and hunger is on the increase. The combination of high food prices and the economic downturn has the makings of a humanitarian.
In the Horn of Africa, where climate change is aggravating the situation, the effects of the two crises are especially harsh. And as the global economic and financial crises compound the food crisis, hunger and malnutrition are likely to increase further.
This is how I used the tools which I had described last time to build a automatic update archive or collection of all my post. Read back here
Bursa Malaysia tips: Free Effective Analysis tools in investment
These are some free but effective tools to start your investment in Bursa Malaysia
In other to success in stock market, first hand information plays a crucial role on it. The traditional newspapers are no longer effective in this fast-paced world, keep update the latest information will increase your probability to win in a stock market. Here we go with three related online newspapers:
1. The Edge is a Malaysia business newspaper, which provides daily e-mail alerts and NextView investment portfolio (Coming soon) when you register an account.
2. TheStar is a Malaysia general newspaper, which, however, also provides a portfolio free service for investor to manage their investment. Besides that, we can set a stock alert to be inform when the price or volume of particular stock is out of range and obtain the history data of the company to make some technical analysis. However, sign up is needed.
Next, it is necessary to familiar all game rule first in order to win the game. Therefore, I strong suggest you to read through the regulation of Bursa Malaysia to avoid unnesaccery mistakes at Bursa Malaysia official website. The information about investing basic, golden rule and terminology in stock market are provided at as well.
Furthermore, there is another free service at shareinvestor to help you do technical analysis. Click the "Factsheet" then select your prospective invested stock to display its historical data in chart form. In fact, there are a lot of free tool available for us to do our homework before making any decision as stated below.
Note: All contents shall not be treated as a recommendation but are solely the opinions of the author. Any action that one taken as a result of information from this site is ultimately ones responsibility. Consult your investment adviser before making any investment decisions, if necessary.
Written by Xaivier Chia
Note: All above information is just a reference only.
In other to success in stock market, first hand information plays a crucial role on it. The traditional newspapers are no longer effective in this fast-paced world, keep update the latest information will increase your probability to win in a stock market. Here we go with three related online newspapers:
1. The Edge is a Malaysia business newspaper, which provides daily e-mail alerts and NextView investment portfolio (Coming soon) when you register an account.
2. TheStar is a Malaysia general newspaper, which, however, also provides a portfolio free service for investor to manage their investment. Besides that, we can set a stock alert to be inform when the price or volume of particular stock is out of range and obtain the history data of the company to make some technical analysis. However, sign up is needed.
Next, it is necessary to familiar all game rule first in order to win the game. Therefore, I strong suggest you to read through the regulation of Bursa Malaysia to avoid unnesaccery mistakes at Bursa Malaysia official website. The information about investing basic, golden rule and terminology in stock market are provided at as well.
Furthermore, there is another free service at shareinvestor to help you do technical analysis. Click the "Factsheet" then select your prospective invested stock to display its historical data in chart form. In fact, there are a lot of free tool available for us to do our homework before making any decision as stated below.
Note: All contents shall not be treated as a recommendation but are solely the opinions of the author. Any action that one taken as a result of information from this site is ultimately ones responsibility. Consult your investment adviser before making any investment decisions, if necessary.
Written by Xaivier Chia
Note: All above information is just a reference only.
Bursa Malaysia
Merry Christmas : Best and most famous christmas wallpapers and quotes
Merry Christmas to All
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold,
everything is softer and more beautiful.
The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree:
the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.
May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing
all year through!
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world
in a conspiracy of love!
Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away
like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf.
The good you do for others is good you do yourself...
I Love India
New Year Discount 40% on Sony Handycams and Cyber-Shot with free 4 GB memory stick and a carrying case
The company is said to begin its year 2010 with a price drop in the Handycam and Cyber-shot range alongside the launch of a new Walkman with Speakers. In addition, users can take home a new portable PSP 3004 by sharing their special walkman experience.
The limited New Year offer will let users avail a discount of 40 percent on Sony Handycams while DCR-SX40 and DCR-SX60 and DCR-DVD650 are now priced at Rs. 14,990, Rs. 16,990, and Rs. 12,990 respectively.
The Cyber-Shot DSC-S930 earlier priced at Rs. 7,990, will now be available only for Rs. 6,990. Well, Sony will also let users take home a 4GB memory stick and a carrying-case for free. Dressed in Lovely Pink and Bold Black colors, this Sony device is attractively priced at Rs.7,990.
Users can now clutch their favorite devices by taking advantage of these offers.
market deal
Gain instance update via adding feed to your site
There are many advantage to use feed service in your website. You can use it to show your latest post to other website or even in your own site to impress your visitors. Nothing too hard but cut and paste the HTML code from the feed service provider. Since there are a lot of feed service providers now, I would like to introduce you two improtant providers to help you impress your visitors.
First of all, is a tool which help you to format a feed's display with the information you want to use on your web site. After enter this homepage, select "build" to build your own feed. In this page, all you need to do is entering the URL for the RSS source, and select the desired options to illustrate your feed. Example of my blog feed is shown below:
Next, Dynamic Feed Control Wizard is another powerful tool to put feeds on your web page in a second. The speciaty of this service is your can just enter some relevant key words then this wizard will automatically search for feeds that match those keywords to your site. For example, if the key word is "Xaivier Blog", the display will show as below:
Note: To learn how to customize it to suit your need. Go to
Written by: Xaivier Chia
First of all, is a tool which help you to format a feed's display with the information you want to use on your web site. After enter this homepage, select "build" to build your own feed. In this page, all you need to do is entering the URL for the RSS source, and select the desired options to illustrate your feed. Example of my blog feed is shown below:
Next, Dynamic Feed Control Wizard is another powerful tool to put feeds on your web page in a second. The speciaty of this service is your can just enter some relevant key words then this wizard will automatically search for feeds that match those keywords to your site. For example, if the key word is "Xaivier Blog", the display will show as below:
Note: To learn how to customize it to suit your need. Go to
Written by: Xaivier Chia
Google tips: Free comment box from Google friend connect
Google friend connect service have provided us a very user friendly comment box in order to help webmaster to more understand their visitors. This comment box is not only free of charge, all comments can also be moderated my webmaster to avoid spam. I feel very sad about my friends who have be spam just because using free comment box which do not allow webmaster to moderate their comments. Thanks again to our big provider, Google, here.
All you need to do is log in or register an account at Then, add your site and click Gadgets. Next, click the "Comments" as illustrated below to get your HTML code as usual.

After adding the Comments box to your site, click "Moderate" then click "Comment moderation" as illustrated below. Change the moderation style to "Approve prior to display" to moderate your comments every time before it is visible to other visitors.
I hope this tips will help all the webmaster to avoid spam comments and save money in the same time.
All you need to do is log in or register an account at Then, add your site and click Gadgets. Next, click the "Comments" as illustrated below to get your HTML code as usual.

After adding the Comments box to your site, click "Moderate" then click "Comment moderation" as illustrated below. Change the moderation style to "Approve prior to display" to moderate your comments every time before it is visible to other visitors.
I hope this tips will help all the webmaster to avoid spam comments and save money in the same time.
Written by: Xaivier Chia
Friend Connect
John Lennon "War is Over" merry christmas lyrics, chords, listen free war is over song download
So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
Ans so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Christmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong
And so happy Christmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones
Let's stop all the fight
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Christmas
And what have we done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
Ans so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
War is over over
If you want it
War is over
Listen to the War is over Song:

Download War is Over Song free: Click here to Download
War is over guitar chords:
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
Ans so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Christmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong
And so happy Christmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones
Let's stop all the fight
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Christmas
And what have we done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
Ans so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
War is over over
If you want it
War is over
Listen to the War is over Song:
Download War is Over Song free: Click here to Download
War is over guitar chords:
Happy Xmas(War is Over) John Lennon
A-sequence 002220 002200 002230 002220
So this is Christmas
Bm-sequence 224432 224422 224452 224432
And what have you done?
E-sequence 022200 022100 024100 022100
Another year older
A-sequence 002230 002220 002200 002220
And a new one just begun....
D-sequence x00232 x00230 x00233 x00232
And so this is Christmas
Em-sequence 022000 024000 022200 022000
I hope you had fun
A(dif)-sequence 002230 002220 002200 00222
Another year older
D-sequence x00232 x00230 x00233 x00232
And a new one just begun
A merry merry Christmas
and a happy new year
Em7 G
let's hope its a good one
D Esus7 E7
without any fear
And so this is Christmas
for black and for white
(i forget the words)
A-sequence 002220 002200 002230 002220
Bm-sequence 224432 224422 224452 224432
E-sequence 022200 022100 024100 022100
A-sequence 002230 002220 002200 002220
D-sequence x00232 x00230 x00233 x00232
Em-sequence 022000 024000 022200 022000
A(dif)-sequence 002230 002220 002200 00222
D-sequence x00232 x00230 x00233 x00232
Take a break: Brain Game - Brain Fire
Brain Fire is a game which is provided by Google to stimulate your brain by seeing how fast you are with numbers. If the normal level is easy, try the hard one as stated below. Use this gadget to do a regular mental exercise. Try it now and show off your best time.
Note: For all my friends, please login your account at my follower to save your best result.
Level: Easy
Level: Hard
Source: Google Friend Connect
Note: For all my friends, please login your account at my follower to save your best result.
Level: Easy
Level: Hard
Source: Google Friend Connect
Brain Game
Awaken and engage your community by using Google Friend Connect
Google Friend Connect lets you easily add robust, social features to your website. You can grow your community by making registration simple, so more users join and explore your site. You can also encourage activities to get users commenting, rating, sharing, etc. Besides that, it is simple setup. What you need to do is just copy and paste snippets of code to get started.
There are too many advantage to use Google Friend Connect such as simple setup, Copy and paste, Grow your community, Social gadgets, Get to know users, Send newsletters, More relevant ads, etc. You can find more at Google Friend Connect website. Without wasting time, let me introduce some interesting feature which may benefit your website immediately.
1. Recent Visitors - This gadget will list the recent Visitors to your site to let you track your visitors immediately.
2. Featured content - This gadget will display content from your site based on the interests of your site's visitors. Besides that, this gadget will automatically display content that matches the interests expressed by your site's visitors by using Google site search. It is good for you to better understand your visitor from Google site search.
3. Interests poll. You can use this gadget to ask your visitors questions relevant to your site via a poll that adds to their profile. Those answers can enhance AdSense and the featured content gadget. This gadget works in concert with the Interests feature.
4. Members Links - Members Gadget linking directly to member sites
5. Top 10 Members - Lists top 10 members of your site, accoring to the number of times a member visits your site.
6. Brain Fire - Stimulate your brain. See how fast you are with numbers. If the normal level is easy, try the hard one. Use this gadget to do a regular mental exercise. Try it now and show off your best time.
7. Comments Box - Last but not least, you can just Google Comments box to let users post comments and video links. Posts can apply to a specific page or an entire website. Moreover, you are no longer need to use other third party comment box.
What you need to do is signup an account at Google Friend Connect. Then add your site before get your desired gadget. To conclude, I prefer to use Google Gadget to avoid any unnecessary advertisement in my site.
There are too many advantage to use Google Friend Connect such as simple setup, Copy and paste, Grow your community, Social gadgets, Get to know users, Send newsletters, More relevant ads, etc. You can find more at Google Friend Connect website. Without wasting time, let me introduce some interesting feature which may benefit your website immediately.
1. Recent Visitors - This gadget will list the recent Visitors to your site to let you track your visitors immediately.
2. Featured content - This gadget will display content from your site based on the interests of your site's visitors. Besides that, this gadget will automatically display content that matches the interests expressed by your site's visitors by using Google site search. It is good for you to better understand your visitor from Google site search.
3. Interests poll. You can use this gadget to ask your visitors questions relevant to your site via a poll that adds to their profile. Those answers can enhance AdSense and the featured content gadget. This gadget works in concert with the Interests feature.
4. Members Links - Members Gadget linking directly to member sites
5. Top 10 Members - Lists top 10 members of your site, accoring to the number of times a member visits your site.
6. Brain Fire - Stimulate your brain. See how fast you are with numbers. If the normal level is easy, try the hard one. Use this gadget to do a regular mental exercise. Try it now and show off your best time.
7. Comments Box - Last but not least, you can just Google Comments box to let users post comments and video links. Posts can apply to a specific page or an entire website. Moreover, you are no longer need to use other third party comment box.
What you need to do is signup an account at Google Friend Connect. Then add your site before get your desired gadget. To conclude, I prefer to use Google Gadget to avoid any unnecessary advertisement in my site.
Friend Connect
Take a break: Brain Game - Figure Ground
Figure Ground is a puzzle game used to give your brain a little bit exercise. Its game rule is "The screen displays two grids (labeled Puzzle and Goal) filled with squares of different colors. The object is to rearrange squares or groups of squares in the Puzzle to match the pattern in the Goal grid. In scenarios with squares of more than two colors, each of the different types uncover each other in a cyclical order. Once a piece has been dragged into overlapping or edge-to-edge contact with another piece of the same type, they permanently fuse."
Play now at
Play now at
Brain Game
Take a break: Good Game introduced - Shuffle Brain
Shufflebrain is a game which is quite similar to photohunt. But, personally, I think Shufflebrain is more difficult than photohunt. It is because you are required to use your mouse-pointer to point out where is the location of the "spot" at your left hand side. Have a fun with this game and don't forget to put your comment after that.
Note: You can click the button at the lower right corner of the screen.
Brain Game
Interview Preparation: 5 common tough interview questions
Your certificate gives you opportunities to have interview, but your interview will determine whether you can get your job. Spending time to prepare your interview is one way for you to excel in your interview. There are 5 common interview questions that you will be asked during interview, think about them wisely, prepare them seriously, and practise them frequently before go to your interview.
1. Can you briefly introduce yourself?
Be concise and compact. You should introduce yourself clearly within 2-3 minutes. Start from your latest conditions or involvements to one or two previous achievements. Please do not explain them over detail. If the interviewer is interested in your introduction, they will ask you to explain them more detailedly.
2. How can you contribute to the company?
Firstly, all of your points must match with the position that you are going to apply. Let the interviewer knows about your strengths which other candidates may not have. State out related facts from your previous projects and achievements to convince the interviewer.
3. Why should we choose you as our employee instead of other candidates?
The answer of this question might be quite similiar to question 2. However, you can tell the interviewers more about your soft skills such as interpersonal skills, time management skills, or other special skills which you have spent a lot of time in developing them and those skills should, once again, match with the position you are applying.
4. Why do you want to choose our company instead of other companies.
Be honest. Do some research about the company background and the company's business. Just tell the truth about why you are keen to join this company.
5. What is your expected salary?
Now, you should show your negotiation skill. Sometimes, the interviewer tried to give you their minimum payment and want to examine your negotiation skill. Practise yourself to negotiate if the interviewer offers a salary which is 35% less than of your expectation salary.
Practice makes perfect. Try to impress your prospective employer during your incoming interview.
Written by: Xaivier Chia
All right reserved.
1. Can you briefly introduce yourself?
Be concise and compact. You should introduce yourself clearly within 2-3 minutes. Start from your latest conditions or involvements to one or two previous achievements. Please do not explain them over detail. If the interviewer is interested in your introduction, they will ask you to explain them more detailedly.
2. How can you contribute to the company?
Firstly, all of your points must match with the position that you are going to apply. Let the interviewer knows about your strengths which other candidates may not have. State out related facts from your previous projects and achievements to convince the interviewer.
3. Why should we choose you as our employee instead of other candidates?
The answer of this question might be quite similiar to question 2. However, you can tell the interviewers more about your soft skills such as interpersonal skills, time management skills, or other special skills which you have spent a lot of time in developing them and those skills should, once again, match with the position you are applying.
4. Why do you want to choose our company instead of other companies.
Be honest. Do some research about the company background and the company's business. Just tell the truth about why you are keen to join this company.
5. What is your expected salary?
Now, you should show your negotiation skill. Sometimes, the interviewer tried to give you their minimum payment and want to examine your negotiation skill. Practise yourself to negotiate if the interviewer offers a salary which is 35% less than of your expectation salary.
Practice makes perfect. Try to impress your prospective employer during your incoming interview.
Written by: Xaivier Chia
All right reserved.
Tentang blog Facebook Hacker
Semua ini disuguhkan sekedar untuk berbagi pengetahuan dan berbagi apa yang saya dapat dari internet dan teman blogger lainnya yang mungkin berguna bagi sobat semua khususnya sobat facebook hacker.Jika ditanya,artikel yang paling menonjol di blog ini apa mas?Sesuai dengan judul blog ini yaitu "facebook hacker" tentunya artikel yang menonjol dari blog ini adalah tentang tips facebook dan juga tutorial hacking facebook.Terkadang setiap orang membuat sebuah blog sangat ambisius karena mendengar cerita orang lain yang menyatakan "dengan sebuah blog bisa mendapatkan uang dari internet".Pernyataan itu memang benar,dengan internet kita bisa mendapatkan uang.Tapi tidak semudah itu mendapatkan uang dari internet.Bahkan saya menganggap sangat sulit.Lalu untuk apa kita membuat blog?Kalau saya membuat blog ini tujuan pertama adalah berbagi ilmu dan informasi dengan para blogger dan sahabat blog facebook hacker juga untuk mencari sedikit rejeki di internet.Maka dari itulah blog facebook hacker sampai saat ini masih tetap exist di dunia blogger Indonesia.
Maka saran yang bisa saya berikan bagi sobat yang ingin membuat blog adalah "tentukan ap tujuan sobat membuat blog".Kalau sudah tahu apa tujuannya,kedepannya akan lebih lancar dan enak dalam menjalankan aktifitas ngeblognya.Jadi kalau ingin mencari tips tentang facebook dan SEO untuk blogger tidak ada salahnya mengunjungi blog facebook hacker ini,karena saya akan selalu menulis tentang
Tentang blog facebook hacker
Optimizing blog or website feeds via Google Feedburner
Google Feedburner has provided a lot of services to help you to optimize and manage your feeds, and analyze your subscribers of your blog or website at the same time. All you need to do is open an account at I will introduce several important points here to help you get starting this useful service.
First of all, using an animated banner that cycles through your feeds will be an easy way to promote your website contents. Besides that, you can use BuzzBoost to republishe your burned feed's content as go-anywhere HTML. For example, you can promote your blog on another site which managed by you. Using a FeedCount is another cool way to promote your feed. It will always display your feed's current circulation, as calculated by FeedBurner, with graphical dynamic. Moreover, you can create your own free FeedCount by customizing it in a second.
Next, using a email subscriptions service will always give your biggest fans another way to keep up with your blog or podcast feed by placing an email subscription form on your site. Using PingShot is another useful tool to notify interested services when your feed is changed. In short, all you need to do is:
1. Go to, then select your blog or website name after sign-in.
2. Select "Publicize", then click "FeedCount", which can be found at the services column, to activate and to create your own FeedCount.
3. In the "Publicize", then click "Email Subscriptions", which can be found at the services column, to activate and to create your own Email Subscriptions.
and so on.
Feel free to share your experience here.
First of all, using an animated banner that cycles through your feeds will be an easy way to promote your website contents. Besides that, you can use BuzzBoost to republishe your burned feed's content as go-anywhere HTML. For example, you can promote your blog on another site which managed by you. Using a FeedCount is another cool way to promote your feed. It will always display your feed's current circulation, as calculated by FeedBurner, with graphical dynamic. Moreover, you can create your own free FeedCount by customizing it in a second.
Next, using a email subscriptions service will always give your biggest fans another way to keep up with your blog or podcast feed by placing an email subscription form on your site. Using PingShot is another useful tool to notify interested services when your feed is changed. In short, all you need to do is:
1. Go to, then select your blog or website name after sign-in.
2. Select "Publicize", then click "FeedCount", which can be found at the services column, to activate and to create your own FeedCount.
3. In the "Publicize", then click "Email Subscriptions", which can be found at the services column, to activate and to create your own Email Subscriptions.
and so on.
Feel free to share your experience here.
Self Improvement: Study Skills - Study Physics effectively
In order to score in Physics or any other subjects or even everything in your life, habit plays an crucial part on it. Success leaves clues. Three techniques, which will increase your learning level, are understand the concepts, memorize the core of formula and its concept, and practice the problems everyday.
1. Understand the concepts
The step to understand the concepts of physics is apply them in our daily basic. How? Observe all the nature phenomenon around us such as when will something fly? When will the rainbow appear? When will the wind blow from the sea? After observe all the nature phenomenon by asking when, ask why and how those natural phenomenon will exist. Repeat this everyday to nurture this habit. This is not only for the sake of your result, but also broaden your horizon and the ability to think creatively.
2. Memorize the core of formula and its concept only
Some students or even teachers may say why do we need to memorize all formula since those formula will be given during exam. Trust me, most of the top students have very strong memory to memorize all of the relevant information in order to score during their exam. Nothing difficult but just memorizing. However, the important thing is just memorize the core instead of their branches. For instance, what is inertia? Inertia is a phenomenon of an object to resist to change of its state. An object is rest will remain at rest and an object is moving will remain keep its moving with a constant velocity and so on. So how to memorize inertia? The core of inertia is an object to resist to change of its state. After that, refer back to the part 1, understand its concept, and try to link inertia to your daily basis. Enjoy your learning and cultivate your knowledge.
3. Practicing the problems everyday
No pain, no gain. Repetition is the mother of skills. Practice the problems everyday is the only way to sharpen your knowledge and skills. This is very important for those who want to finish his or her paper within time given during examination. Without seriously emphasize this way to boost your knowledge, time will never be enough for you to answer all of the questions during exam. Besides that, it will also build your self-confidence during exam as well. It will let you feel more comfortable with the questions and more determinant to give an answer upon it.
In fact, there is nothing secret but just keep hardworking toward the correct direction. I hope these three "directions" plus your hardwork will help you to score your physics exam with a enjoyable journey eventually.
Written by: Xaivier Chia
All Right Reserved.
1. Understand the concepts
The step to understand the concepts of physics is apply them in our daily basic. How? Observe all the nature phenomenon around us such as when will something fly? When will the rainbow appear? When will the wind blow from the sea? After observe all the nature phenomenon by asking when, ask why and how those natural phenomenon will exist. Repeat this everyday to nurture this habit. This is not only for the sake of your result, but also broaden your horizon and the ability to think creatively.
2. Memorize the core of formula and its concept only
Some students or even teachers may say why do we need to memorize all formula since those formula will be given during exam. Trust me, most of the top students have very strong memory to memorize all of the relevant information in order to score during their exam. Nothing difficult but just memorizing. However, the important thing is just memorize the core instead of their branches. For instance, what is inertia? Inertia is a phenomenon of an object to resist to change of its state. An object is rest will remain at rest and an object is moving will remain keep its moving with a constant velocity and so on. So how to memorize inertia? The core of inertia is an object to resist to change of its state. After that, refer back to the part 1, understand its concept, and try to link inertia to your daily basis. Enjoy your learning and cultivate your knowledge.
3. Practicing the problems everyday
No pain, no gain. Repetition is the mother of skills. Practice the problems everyday is the only way to sharpen your knowledge and skills. This is very important for those who want to finish his or her paper within time given during examination. Without seriously emphasize this way to boost your knowledge, time will never be enough for you to answer all of the questions during exam. Besides that, it will also build your self-confidence during exam as well. It will let you feel more comfortable with the questions and more determinant to give an answer upon it.
In fact, there is nothing secret but just keep hardworking toward the correct direction. I hope these three "directions" plus your hardwork will help you to score your physics exam with a enjoyable journey eventually.
Written by: Xaivier Chia
All Right Reserved.
Self Improvement
Creative Thinking: Test Yourself with Tough Interview question (mathematic)
This is one of the tough interview questions which I have found. It will basically test your logic thinking and lateral thinking skills via mathematic approach. The question is:
If you got 8 balls, one of them has 9.8g and the remainders are 10g,
You are given one balance. What is the minimum try needed for you to find out the 9.8g ball?
Minimum try is two only.
1. Separate 8 balls into 2 groups, 6 balls and 2 balls, respectively. Putting the first group in three to three balls arrangement in the balance for its first try.
2. If the first group is unbalance, the second group is surely in balance. Then process to test the less weight part of the balance by using one to one ball arrangement in the balance for its second try then you know which one have different weight.
3. However, if the first group is balance, then what you need to do is just test the second group for the second or last try.
If you got 8 balls, one of them has 9.8g and the remainders are 10g,
You are given one balance. What is the minimum try needed for you to find out the 9.8g ball?
Minimum try is two only.
1. Separate 8 balls into 2 groups, 6 balls and 2 balls, respectively. Putting the first group in three to three balls arrangement in the balance for its first try.
2. If the first group is unbalance, the second group is surely in balance. Then process to test the less weight part of the balance by using one to one ball arrangement in the balance for its second try then you know which one have different weight.
3. However, if the first group is balance, then what you need to do is just test the second group for the second or last try.
Creative Thinking
What is the reason of linguistic war going in India. Should Hindi be taken as a national language and be made compulsory or we should follow 'language of convenience’ and follow English as "Ingliss" and lose our identity. Jaago India Jaago
There are various elements necessary in the making of a nation such as a common language, a common religion, a common Government and a common culture and social economy, but perhaps the most fundamental and indispensible factor is the possession of a common country, a fixed, definite abode. Even nationality has a material physical basis without which it can hardly manifest and assert itself as a real existence and factor in the political world”. – Radha Kumud Mookerji, Ex-Historian
Those nations are at a loss, where there is no common language, one that is officially declared, mooted and followed religiously. A common language can convey the sensitivity of their inhabitants. On 15th August 1947, British India gave birth to a sovereign nation: India in English and Bharat in Hindi.
What’s there in a name? Are ‘Bharat’ and ‘India’ same or different?
By January 26, 1950 it was made official that rich cultural heritage and ethnic diversity of “ancient Bharat” will be re-assimilated and will be re-amalgamated in order to carve out a new modern nation, BHARAT. But nothing really happened… at the age of 59, Bharat is persistently struggling for ‘her’ own identity against India. From British-India to India, privately owned India Inc. is endlessly ruling the roost. Bharat has continually been facing tough challenge to stand on its feet - since its inception. Millions of people of ‘Indian’ origin do not know what ‘Bharat’ is, and why ‘Bharat’ is engraved in their Passports and other documents? What happened in ‘Maharashtra Assembly’ speaks the volume of identity crisis of Bharat. Linguistic war inside Assembly could have been avoided, if we would have given our country one name: either India or Bharat.
Will any country without “a language of national repute in real terms” ever become a forceful country to reckon with?
A few months ago, there was a panel discussion on CNN-IBN online why “the foreign policy of China is ruthlessly aggressive”. In other words, why our nation’s foreign policy is mercifully meek? Panel failed to address the core problem, it was the language. Mandarin, the language of China is a ‘font’ of aggression and the ‘typescript’ of national pride. Our nation does not have a language that can embrace her entire populace and stimulate the feeling for the place we live in and work for, neither the officially declared Hindi and nor the languages of 8th schedule in our constitution. It is practically impossible to snub aggression in ‘scrounged’ idioms, what ‘India’ is doing for the past several years.
Officially declared language, Hindi went on dialysis on the night of August 14, 1947 when first Prime Minister of Independent India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru delivered his first ‘independence speech’ in and outside the Parliament in the language of his convenience. ‘Nehruvian’ school of language continues to dominate both inside and outside of Parliament amongst different political and social affiliates. India became the officiating country to the world; her representatives never spoke in the officially declared nation’s language at any world forum. It is ironical to note that many cities and states across our country adopted names in their respective languages in order to assert their regional smugness. Calcutta, Bombay, Madras and Bangalore embraced regional self-importance in the form of Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai and Bengaluru, respectively. No one asserted emphatically ever on behalf of Bharat.
Bombay, the financial capital of India became Mumbai, but Mumbai remained financial capital of India. Imperative to regional leadership and own weaknesses of Bharat, not only Mumbai is slowly slithering, but the entire small rural-urban centers across the nation. That is why there is no national pride associated in the battle of name change. ‘India’ gained many technologists and scientists, but there was none in favor of ‘Bharat’. Hence, our national (educational) identity is lost in translation.
India is more accommodative.
Music is magic, and Indian (mainly Hindi) Cinema has shown us a new national hope. In 2009, nearly two-third lyrics of Hindi songs have English inputs for the betterment of our rural folk-tongue. According to a survey on upper middle and rich Indians conducted by The Nielsen (published in CNN-IBN online edition) found that "Top 10 affluent cities of India prefer English language for newspapers but watched television more in regional languages. “Nine in 10 affluent individuals watch television and nearly three-fourth read English dailies”, the survey further added.
Can English as a language be our exclusive identity of one-nation theory - India?
Reflective confusion has always prevailed over Indian Institute of Technology vs ‘Bhartiya Prodyogiki Sansthan’. And, between Prodyogiki and Technology, there were/are many dumb abnegators. It was my late realization in early 1990s that why parents are working overtime on feeding ‘Technology’ to their children over ‘Prodyogiki’ as a mode of communication? Trends set in motion for the sake of acquiring prestige, power and jobs, or whatever the forms it may have today. A sudden realization by the Government was for a ‘unique identification number’ for all in order to serenade one’s national identity. Therefore, Agency was ‘just’ given a new name in Hindi language, “Bhartiya Vishishth Pahchaan Pradhikaran” and in English “Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)”. It was noticed that UIDAI made its presence felt everywhere on the recent visit of its Director, Mr. Nandan Nilekani in Patna. There was no banner depicting “Bhartiya Vishishth Pahchaan Pradhikaran”. Poor ‘Bharat’ is enduring stress of continual ‘Indianization’ of her own heartland.
Policy making places are no exception. A couple of months ago, during a parliamentary Question hour in English between Maneka Gandhi and Jairam Ramesh, Mulyam Singh Yadav wondered whether he was in an Indian or an English parliament.
What language one should use in the Parliament, the so-called national language Hindi or the language of convenience. Maneka Gandhi chose language of convenience, ENGLISH. Later BJP spokesperson Mr. Rajiv Pratap Rudi cleared the BJP view and gave verdict in favor of the language of convenience. At the same time, he showed ‘enormous kindnesses” towards Hindi. Constitutionally declared the so-called national language has all the privileges and civil liberties till the ‘language of convenience’ blows its horn boldly in coming years. Mr. Jairam Ramesh too asked for forgiveness.
A language is like a flower, and needs enough water for its nourishment, and hence, the Hindi. I personally believe that Hindi as a national language has failed at all fronts to such an extent that it will certainly never become a language of convenience in 21st century. Hindi has further failed to get acquainted with millions of individuals as ‘Indian identity’, so why it has been crowned with national title with so much disgrace in their own country and parliament? Insult can be tolerable, injury can be beyond repair. Hindi should be given due respect in the 8th schedule of constitution before it loses everything in the name of national language in coming years. Language signifies our identity. Why should we carry such a fake identity, which divides people and creates a class system based on linguistic diatribe?
Hindi is losing its foot hold in the Hindi heartland, where the life of economically upward mobile people wakes up with “good morning” and slumbers with “good night”. Those who are fighting for Hindi inside Parliament/Assembly ironically take pride in their second generation who are fluent enough in the characters of “good morning” to “good night”. Not only amongst rich and affluent, over the years English has emerged stronger, has grown bigger, and in fact they are finding acceptability amongst rural tongue - INGLISS.
These days, speaking ‘Ingliss’ is providing citizens of Bharat a full satisfaction of earning prestige as well as upper hand in sharing the cake of globalization with rest of Indians including nearness to bureaucracy and military.
Hindi has no right to occupy the national language seat in an ethnically divided multi-lingual country. Time has come to declare INGLISS as a language of national identity and neo-nationalism. Time has come to shed the ‘double standard’ in our lives. Bihar has always been the torch bearer of the revolution of its kind. Bringing English (Ingliss, an Indian English) as a compulsory subject in Class X board is a major shift in the policy of Government of Bihar. Many “Bhartiya” from Bihar putrefied in their linguistic struggles on the streets of ‘India’ in finding their dreams. Let the Government of Bihar initiate the process of endowing the official status to INGLISS as the primary language for all Biharis.
A country whose President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers refrain from speaking “officially declared national language” while pledging for their respective offices, remain restrained in taking tough stand against the marginalization of national language by extremist forces; a country whose parliamentarians are mortified by the language Hindi, calling it a disease, is an embarrassment to the words, national and nationalism. It is an absolute double standard with respect to ‘Bharat’.Let us declare “Ingliss or English” the language of National Identity of India.
src: When India Defeated Bharat: By Dr. Sudhir Ranjan
Jaago India Jaago,
social issue,
Windows Tips: 10 steps to recover formatted or deleted data
I was very frustrated because the data in my personal pen-drive was deleted unconsciously by myself when I was trying to install new OS in my computer. It seemed quite impossible for me to recover them after the formating process. However, the data inside my pen-drive was very important to me. Luckily, I found a free and quite user-friendly program, testdisk.The procedure to recover the data in my formatted pen-drive is stated as below:
1. Download the free testdisk and extract it to your computer.
2. Launch the testdisk_win.exe program in the win folder.
3. Choose the size of disk which you had formatted.
4. Select "Analyse" to analyse it.
5. It may show nothing in your disk initially. Select "Quick Search" to retrieve your formatted or deleted data.
7. Change the "symbol" at the left hand side of the sentence to "P" (Primary) if you not sure if it is a boot-able disk. Note, all your data may permanent lose if you select "D", (Deleted).
8. Select "Write" to start recovering your data.
9. Confirm this process to start the recovery process.
10. Press enter and reboot or restart your computer now.
1. Download the free testdisk and extract it to your computer.
2. Launch the testdisk_win.exe program in the win folder.
3. Choose the size of disk which you had formatted.
4. Select "Analyse" to analyse it.
5. It may show nothing in your disk initially. Select "Quick Search" to retrieve your formatted or deleted data.
6. Select "N" (No) if you are sure that you did not use vista to format or delete your disk.
7. Change the "symbol" at the left hand side of the sentence to "P" (Primary) if you not sure if it is a boot-able disk. Note, all your data may permanent lose if you select "D", (Deleted).
8. Select "Write" to start recovering your data.
9. Confirm this process to start the recovery process.
10. Press enter and reboot or restart your computer now.
Main Reasons Why Men Like To Stare At Beautiful Girls
Why my husband or boyfriend or friends always like to or "unconsciously" stare or look at other women or girls? Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to help men to defend their behaviour, rather presenting it in different perspective. I believe that this article can help you to be more discipline, if you are man; or to be more understanding, if you are woman. The main reasons why men like to stare, see, watch or look at beautiful girls are stated below:
1. The perception. Open your television, most of the advertisements are presented by girls. Media tried to convince people that you have your right to see beautiful girl. But what is the definition of beautiful girl? Slim? Tall? White? Who define it? Think about that, if you have no idea who defines "beautiful girl", why do you just follow it?
2. Feel different and "proud" among their friends. "Look! I got new beautiful girl's phone number, picture, and email address.", "Look! I saw an beautiful girl just now, don't you see her?". These are quite common among guys' conversation. They just want to show something that others cannot do and to feel awesome. Think about that: What caused you feel proud or awesome? Just because you saw that beautiful girl just now? Or just because you think you should be? You should work hard to be distinction in your career and your business instead of "crazy" about staring at beautiful girls. There will be nothing after a second of "awesome" feeling.
3. Peer pressure. How if you tell them you didn't see her? You will definitely be criticized throughout the day. You will become "loser" immediately, although, you are not a loser. In fact, only the person who has been miss-leaded by others is loser. Believe yourself and do what you should do, love your wife and your family, true friends never put negative pressure on each other.
We are human and we make mistakes almost everyday. Please appreciate your girlfriend or your wife, your true friends, and your family. They are the only beautiful people to you because you are unique to them and vice versa. So, start staring at your wife, your family and your true friends today.
Written by: Xaivier Chia
All right reserved
1. The perception. Open your television, most of the advertisements are presented by girls. Media tried to convince people that you have your right to see beautiful girl. But what is the definition of beautiful girl? Slim? Tall? White? Who define it? Think about that, if you have no idea who defines "beautiful girl", why do you just follow it?
2. Feel different and "proud" among their friends. "Look! I got new beautiful girl's phone number, picture, and email address.", "Look! I saw an beautiful girl just now, don't you see her?". These are quite common among guys' conversation. They just want to show something that others cannot do and to feel awesome. Think about that: What caused you feel proud or awesome? Just because you saw that beautiful girl just now? Or just because you think you should be? You should work hard to be distinction in your career and your business instead of "crazy" about staring at beautiful girls. There will be nothing after a second of "awesome" feeling.
3. Peer pressure. How if you tell them you didn't see her? You will definitely be criticized throughout the day. You will become "loser" immediately, although, you are not a loser. In fact, only the person who has been miss-leaded by others is loser. Believe yourself and do what you should do, love your wife and your family, true friends never put negative pressure on each other.
We are human and we make mistakes almost everyday. Please appreciate your girlfriend or your wife, your true friends, and your family. They are the only beautiful people to you because you are unique to them and vice versa. So, start staring at your wife, your family and your true friends today.
Written by: Xaivier Chia
All right reserved
Experince Sharing
Bursa Malaysia: Stock Investment and Analysis - SCOMIMR (7045)
After some analysis as stated below, I believe it is the time to enter this stock.
Target buying price : RM 0.40
Target selling price : RM 0.60
Main Industry: Oil and Gas industry
Business involved:
1.Oilfield Services
- which comprises integrated drilling fluids and drilling waste management solutions; OCTG machine shops and distribution of oilfield products and services.
2. Energy & Logistics Engineering
- which comprises OCTG machine shops, and transportation engineering such as monorail, busses, and special purpose vehicles; i.e. patrol tankers, refuse compactors, vacuum tankers, airport ground support vehicles etc.
3. Energy Logistics
- which provides marine vessels for the coal and oil and gas industry.
4. Production Enhancement
- which comprises industrial and production chemicals division; and gas business, which mainly provides gas processing equipment.
Scomi Marine Berhad is a Malaysia-based company engaged in investment holding and the provision of management services. The Company operates in two segments: investment holding, which includes investment holding and provision of management services, and marine, which includes marine logistics and offshore support services. Some of its subsidiaries include Scomi Marine Services Pte. Ltd., which is engaged in investment holding; MarineCo Limited, which is engaged in ship chartering, and Gemini Sprint Sdn. Bhd., which is engaged in ship chartering and management. On March 28, 2008, the Company acquired Emerald Logistics Sdn Bhd. Source: Google
Note: All contents shall not be treated as a recommendation but are solely the opinions of the author. Any action that one taken as a result of information from this site is ultimately ones responsibility. Consult your investment adviser before making any investment decisions, if necessary.
After some analysis as stated below, I believe it is the time to enter this stock.
Target buying price : RM 0.40
Target selling price : RM 0.60
Main Industry: Oil and Gas industry
Business involved:
1.Oilfield Services
- which comprises integrated drilling fluids and drilling waste management solutions; OCTG machine shops and distribution of oilfield products and services.
2. Energy & Logistics Engineering
- which comprises OCTG machine shops, and transportation engineering such as monorail, busses, and special purpose vehicles; i.e. patrol tankers, refuse compactors, vacuum tankers, airport ground support vehicles etc.
3. Energy Logistics
- which provides marine vessels for the coal and oil and gas industry.
4. Production Enhancement
- which comprises industrial and production chemicals division; and gas business, which mainly provides gas processing equipment.
Scomi Marine Berhad is a Malaysia-based company engaged in investment holding and the provision of management services. The Company operates in two segments: investment holding, which includes investment holding and provision of management services, and marine, which includes marine logistics and offshore support services. Some of its subsidiaries include Scomi Marine Services Pte. Ltd., which is engaged in investment holding; MarineCo Limited, which is engaged in ship chartering, and Gemini Sprint Sdn. Bhd., which is engaged in ship chartering and management. On March 28, 2008, the Company acquired Emerald Logistics Sdn Bhd. Source: Google
Note: All contents shall not be treated as a recommendation but are solely the opinions of the author. Any action that one taken as a result of information from this site is ultimately ones responsibility. Consult your investment adviser before making any investment decisions, if necessary.
Bursa Malaysia
Take a break: Adult Vs Child 1(Three or five?)
Take a break: Fun Jokes - Adult Vs Child 1(Three or five?)
Mum: If I give you 5 apples then you give 2 of them to your friends, how many apples will you have?
Xaivier: Five.
Mum: No, listen carefully. If I give you 5 apples then you give 2 of them to your friends, how many apples will you have?
Xaivier: Five.
Mum: OK, let's try it again. If I give you 5 pens then you give 2 of them to your friends, how many pens will you have?
Xaivier: Three.
Mum: Good. Now if I give you 5 apples then you give 2 of them to your friends, how many apples will you have?
Xaivier: Five!
Mum: Where do you get five apples from?
Xaivier: Because I will never share my favourite apple with my friends.
Written by: Xaivier Chia
All right reserved.
Mum: If I give you 5 apples then you give 2 of them to your friends, how many apples will you have?
Xaivier: Five.
Mum: No, listen carefully. If I give you 5 apples then you give 2 of them to your friends, how many apples will you have?
Xaivier: Five.
Mum: OK, let's try it again. If I give you 5 pens then you give 2 of them to your friends, how many pens will you have?
Xaivier: Three.
Mum: Good. Now if I give you 5 apples then you give 2 of them to your friends, how many apples will you have?
Xaivier: Five!
Mum: Where do you get five apples from?
Xaivier: Because I will never share my favourite apple with my friends.
Written by: Xaivier Chia
All right reserved.
Adult Vs Child
Self Improvement: Brainstorming Technique- Optimizing Meeting and Discussion
To be successfully optimizing your business meeting, project discussion, communication and idea organization play an crucial part in our daily basic.
Brainstorming has a meaning of getting a large number of ideas from a group of people in a short period of time. Therefore, Brain Storming technique, indeed, is a very powerful tool in many area of our life. It is quite often to be used in a meeting to avoid conflict and optimize the ideas generation in a minimum period of time. Basically there are several type of brainstorming technique as stated below:
1. Classical Brainstorming:
All participants agree to the rules and express ideas verbally. They are not really restricted and can express themselves freely.
2. Mitsubishi Brainstorming method:
Participants are required to write down their ideas in a silent period before verbal contributions begin.
3. Phillips 66 method:
A large group is separated into several small groups. Each small groups would be given six minutes to generate their ideas and then share their idea in the large group. The six-minute brainstorming period can be repeated several times in order to generate more creative ideas.
Today, I will share with you about the Classical Brainstorming technique.
The basic principles of this brainstorming technique are stated below:
1. Everyone must postpone their own comment to any presented ideas during the brainstorming session and delay the judge to every single idea in order to produce a productivity atmosphere and encourage all the group members to contribute as much ideas as possible.
2. The main purpose to use brainstorming technique is getting as much ideas as possible.
3. All the members are encouraged to think freely by using their imagination to produce or generate ideas.
4. All the ideas can be combined, modified, expanded, improved and amended.
5. The period of time for brainstorming is about 15 to 30 minutes only in order to avoid the group members feel tired and hamper.
6. Brainstorming activity is a group work. However, the recommended number of members per group is not more than 15 people. Otherwise, the process of brainstorming will be difficult to be handled or controlled.
7. The main objective of brainstorming is to produce and develop an abundance of ideas.
Process to launch a brain storming:
There are basically 3 session in a brainstorming activity as stated as follow:
1. Choose a leader who every group members agree and support with. After that, the leader is required to deliver a talk which doesn't relate to the topic in order to amuse all the group members. If the members haven't known each other, the group leader must use a suitable approach to introduce all the group members in a short time.
2. The brainstorming will be started after the topic or title is introduced. The crucial part is the topic or title must be particular and specific. Otherwise, it will be so difficult to be discussed in the group.
Next, write down the topic on a piece of Mah-jong paper or white board in order to let all the group members see it clearly. After that, the group leader is required to invite all the group members to present their ideas to the topic. A secretary must record all the presented ideas. All the comments or suggestions to the ideas must be postponed regardless whether it is logic, confusing, or not practical during this session. In the meanwhile, all the participants are also encouraged to add, to combine, or to expand all the presented ideas. When the time limit is over, the group leader should close this session and read all the recorded ideas from the secretary. After that, all the group members are given 5 to 10 minutes to relax and make their mind clear.
3. After 5 to 10 minutes time out period, the next session is to evaluate all the recorded ideas from the session 2. This is very important session to determine and choose suitable and applicable ideas. The group leader will lead the group members together to discuss all the ideas in order to choose the best ideas. The remainder ideas can be use as sub-points or supporting points to the main point.
The physical requirement of brainstorming activity:
Location and circumstance play an important part to smooth and optimize the brainstorming activity. In an atmosphere and the circumstance which is far form the noise and busy will help the participants to be more focus on their thinking in order to produce or generate creative and innovative ideas.
Some suggestions for physical requirements are suitable meeting room, comfortable chair, one circle shape table for 15 people, pencil and paper for each participants, suitable size of white broad or mahjong paper, maker pen with several color, and recorder to record the activity of brainstorming.
Written by:
Xaivier Chia
Reference: pengenalan pemikiran kritis kreatif, Mohd. Azhar Abd. Hamid (2001)
Brainstorming has a meaning of getting a large number of ideas from a group of people in a short period of time. Therefore, Brain Storming technique, indeed, is a very powerful tool in many area of our life. It is quite often to be used in a meeting to avoid conflict and optimize the ideas generation in a minimum period of time. Basically there are several type of brainstorming technique as stated below:
1. Classical Brainstorming:
All participants agree to the rules and express ideas verbally. They are not really restricted and can express themselves freely.
2. Mitsubishi Brainstorming method:
Participants are required to write down their ideas in a silent period before verbal contributions begin.
3. Phillips 66 method:
A large group is separated into several small groups. Each small groups would be given six minutes to generate their ideas and then share their idea in the large group. The six-minute brainstorming period can be repeated several times in order to generate more creative ideas.
Today, I will share with you about the Classical Brainstorming technique.
The basic principles of this brainstorming technique are stated below:
1. Everyone must postpone their own comment to any presented ideas during the brainstorming session and delay the judge to every single idea in order to produce a productivity atmosphere and encourage all the group members to contribute as much ideas as possible.
2. The main purpose to use brainstorming technique is getting as much ideas as possible.
3. All the members are encouraged to think freely by using their imagination to produce or generate ideas.
4. All the ideas can be combined, modified, expanded, improved and amended.
5. The period of time for brainstorming is about 15 to 30 minutes only in order to avoid the group members feel tired and hamper.
6. Brainstorming activity is a group work. However, the recommended number of members per group is not more than 15 people. Otherwise, the process of brainstorming will be difficult to be handled or controlled.
7. The main objective of brainstorming is to produce and develop an abundance of ideas.
Process to launch a brain storming:
There are basically 3 session in a brainstorming activity as stated as follow:
1. Choose a leader who every group members agree and support with. After that, the leader is required to deliver a talk which doesn't relate to the topic in order to amuse all the group members. If the members haven't known each other, the group leader must use a suitable approach to introduce all the group members in a short time.
2. The brainstorming will be started after the topic or title is introduced. The crucial part is the topic or title must be particular and specific. Otherwise, it will be so difficult to be discussed in the group.
Next, write down the topic on a piece of Mah-jong paper or white board in order to let all the group members see it clearly. After that, the group leader is required to invite all the group members to present their ideas to the topic. A secretary must record all the presented ideas. All the comments or suggestions to the ideas must be postponed regardless whether it is logic, confusing, or not practical during this session. In the meanwhile, all the participants are also encouraged to add, to combine, or to expand all the presented ideas. When the time limit is over, the group leader should close this session and read all the recorded ideas from the secretary. After that, all the group members are given 5 to 10 minutes to relax and make their mind clear.
3. After 5 to 10 minutes time out period, the next session is to evaluate all the recorded ideas from the session 2. This is very important session to determine and choose suitable and applicable ideas. The group leader will lead the group members together to discuss all the ideas in order to choose the best ideas. The remainder ideas can be use as sub-points or supporting points to the main point.
The physical requirement of brainstorming activity:
Location and circumstance play an important part to smooth and optimize the brainstorming activity. In an atmosphere and the circumstance which is far form the noise and busy will help the participants to be more focus on their thinking in order to produce or generate creative and innovative ideas.
Some suggestions for physical requirements are suitable meeting room, comfortable chair, one circle shape table for 15 people, pencil and paper for each participants, suitable size of white broad or mahjong paper, maker pen with several color, and recorder to record the activity of brainstorming.
Written by:
Xaivier Chia
Reference: pengenalan pemikiran kritis kreatif, Mohd. Azhar Abd. Hamid (2001)
Self Improvement
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