Self Improvement: Study Skills - Study Physics effectively

In order to score in Physics or any other subjects or even everything in your life, habit plays an crucial part on it. Success leaves clues. Three techniques, which will increase your learning level, are understand the concepts, memorize the core of formula and its concept, and practice the problems everyday.

1. Understand the concepts
The step to understand the concepts of physics is apply them in our daily basic. How? Observe all the nature phenomenon around us such as when will something fly? When will the rainbow appear? When will the wind blow from the sea? After observe all the nature phenomenon by asking when, ask why and how those natural phenomenon will exist. Repeat this everyday to nurture this habit. This is not only for the sake of your result, but also broaden your horizon and the ability to think creatively.

2. Memorize the core of formula and its concept only
Some students or even teachers may say why do we need to memorize all formula since those formula will be given during exam. Trust me, most of the top students have very strong memory to memorize all of the relevant information in order to score during their exam. Nothing difficult but just memorizing. However, the important thing is just memorize the core instead of their branches. For instance, what is inertia? Inertia is a phenomenon of an object to resist to change of its state. An object is rest will remain at rest and an object is moving will remain keep its moving with a constant velocity and so on. So how to memorize inertia? The core of inertia is an object to resist to change of its state. After that, refer back to the part 1, understand its concept, and try to link inertia to your daily basis. Enjoy your learning and cultivate your knowledge.

3. Practicing the problems everyday
No pain, no gain. Repetition is the mother of skills. Practice the problems everyday is the only way to sharpen your knowledge and skills. This is very important for those who want to finish his or her paper within time given during examination. Without seriously emphasize this way to boost your knowledge, time will never be enough for you to answer all of the questions during exam. Besides that, it will also build your self-confidence during exam as well. It will let you feel more comfortable with the questions and more determinant to give an answer upon it.

In fact, there is nothing secret but just keep hardworking toward the correct direction. I hope these three "directions" plus your hardwork will help you to score your physics exam with a enjoyable journey eventually.

Written by: Xaivier Chia
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