How to Beat the Mistery / Spell of Life - Love and Job

Today, I am going to share with you about two spells in my life. The first "belief" is "please appreciate the first three months of your love story. Because the remainder is either disaster or burden". This quote was from a so-called "experienced" person who just hope me "understand" the "game rule" and abid by it.

I must admit that I was shocked because this belief is too ridiculous. To me, love is about understanding. Understanding can only be achieve through proper communication method. Proper communication depends on your patience and understanding. Therefore, I do is always be patience and try to understand each other with proper and enough communication. As a result, we still very sweet as what it was in last five years. Besides, we are more and more confident now that our sweet and happy love story will be everylasting.

The second "belief" is "it is hard to find a job before New Year, why don't you do a part-time job first and then it is easier for you to find a job after the New Year". What a ridiculous belief! Yes, this is,again, based on so-called "experienced" person thought or belief. In fact, it is what happens to my girlfriend. Guess what, instead of simple believing this kind of "ridiculous belief", I just convince her that job likes opportunity, it always available, it just depends on you and how many effort you put on.

Finally, after about three months with intense of interview and advertisting herself, she get a not bad job now.

To sum up, instead of choosing the belief of loser, why not figure out an alternative to one of success stories; instead of finding a excuse to be lazy, wby not trying your best to strike a beautiful future now. That's all for today. Feel free to give me a comment about this topic or any suggestion about Xaivier Blog. It will be a great support to Xaivier Blog.

Written by: Xaivier Chia

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