Multiples Search Engines: Search with Google and Yahoo simultaneously

Multiples search engines is a search engine which consists of more than one famous search engine, such as Google and Yahoo, in one page. In other words, one can save their time and optimize the search data result in a single search. There are five popular multiples search engines will be shared here to help you to simplify your work.

Get results from 10 leading websites, 100 millions users can't be wrong. Joongel is a simple web application for searching and navigating through the most popular sources on the Internet in different categories. Our search method is based on the geographic location of the user and traffic ranking analysis from Google, Hitwise, Compete, Comscore, Nielsen//Netratings, Quantcast and more.

Search both Google & Yahoo at the same time side by side! Make comparison between two different search engine. cuts out the time and hassle involved in searching both Google and Yahoo at the same time. According to various online statistics, most English speaking countries such as the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia primarily use either or as their main websites for search.

Try the easiest search yet. Save your time, get more results in less time. Your search will be faster and more reliable.

Zuula is the best way to find what you are looking for on the Internet. With Zuula, it is quick and convenient to get results from all the top search engines. Search engines often return very different results for the same terms. So checking multiple search engines will give you the best results, and Zuula makes it easy. Currently, Zuula offers Web, Image, Video, News, Blog, and Job searches.

Generally it is same as above.

Take a break: Jokes & Fun - Mistakes

If a engineer makes a mistake,
It is a new venture...

If parents makes a mistake,
It is a new generation...

If a politician makes a mistake,
It is a new law...

 If a scientist makes a mistake,
It is a new invention...

If a tailor makes a mistake,
It is a new fashion...

If a teacher makes a mistake,
It is a new theory...

If a barber makes a mistake,
It's a new style...

If a driver makes a mistake,
It is an accident...

If a doctor makes a mistake,
It's an operation...

If our boss makes a mistake,
It is our mistake...

If an employee makes a mistake,
It is a "MISTAKE"

All right reserved to the author

HTML Programming Tutorial: Basic HTML programming

HTML is a very common programming used at Twitter, Facebook, friendster, forum, blogspot etc. Have you ever seen somebody put their favourite link in facabook account, friendster account, forum etc. Just a single click on that link, you will be alternate to that website. Nothing is hard when you are willing to discover it today.  

HTML is a very quite easy understanding programming. All you need to know is its "open" and "close" format. For example,  to open the HTML, we need to initial it by <html> then start our programming. After we complete our program, </html> is needed to end it.

Next, to put a sentence arrange in center, using <center> as its opening and </center> as its ending. For example,

Code:       Hello World1<center>Hello World2</center>Hello World3
Display :

Hello World1(no affected)

Hello World 2(adjusted center)
Hello World3(no affected)

Below are some useful HTML code and its example

1. Create a Hyperlink:  
Code     :  <a href="website">Display Name</a>
Example:  <a href="">® Main Page ®</a>

Display :   ® Main Page ®

2. Create a Hyperlink to open it in the new tab. It is very useful to avoid visitors to be alternate to other website unconciously.

Code:       <a href="website" target="_blank">Display Name</a>
Example:  <a href="" target="_blank">® Main Page ®</a>
Display :   ® Main Page ®

3. Create a email link so visitor can email to you by a click.
Code:       <a href="mailto:email" target="_blank">Display Name</a>
Example:  <a href="" target="_blank">email</a>
Display :   email

Some exception here where an "open" and "close" is not used.

1. Put a space
Code:       &nbsp;
Example: Hi&nbsp;&nbsp;HI&nbsp;HI HI HI&nbsp;&nbsp;HI HI
Display: Hi  HI HIHIHI  HIHI

2. Enter to next line
Code: <br/>
Example: HI<br/>HIHI<br/>HIHIHIHI<br/><br/>HIHI


3. Horizontal line
Code: <hr>
Example: Up<hr>down


4. Subscript which makes the text below the normal line
Code: <sub> </sub>
Example: <sub>UP</sub>DOWN
Display: UPDOWN

5. Superscript which makes the text appear above the normal text
Code: <sup> </sup>
Example: <sup>UP</sup>DOWN
Display: UPDOWN

6.Blockquote shift text five spaces to right side
Code: <blockquote></blockquote>




Ubuntu: Solution for Loading Fail in Operation System

It was fail when I tried to loading my Ubuntu OS just now. No clue and no idea what it's going on. After some tried and error approach, luckily, the solution for this problem is quite simple as long as your computer is connected to the internet.

Just type "fsck" command and enter for file system check operation. Then enter "y" to confirm all the file recovery process. Finally, enter "reboot" and hopefully you can once again enjoy your favourite open Ubuntu OS.

I hope this tips can help you too if you are facing similar problem.

Dollar dari facebook

dollar gratis di facebook
Dollar dari facebook kini bisa kita dapatkan.Yang sebelumnya saya membahas tentang aplikasi yang ada di facebook yang memberikan kita uang gratis dari facebook.Dan ini adalah salah satu aplikasi yang bisa dibilang baru dari facebook.Yap aplikasi ini akan memberikan kita $1 setiap orang yang kita ajak bergabung di aplikasi ini melalui facebook
Lalu gimana cara dapat dollarnya?Yang perlu sobat lakukan adalah memasang aplikasi ini (paypal wishlist) ke dalam profil facebook sobat semua.Dan ajak teman sobat untuk bergabung.Setiap satu orang yang kita undang dan mereka menerima undangan kita atau dengan kata lain orang yang kita ajak memakai aplikasi ini berarti kita akan mendapat $1 gratis.Emm tau Cossa aranda ga?Ternyata dia juga ikutan progam ini dan menjadi salah satu orang yang tercatat dalam "TOP EARNING" dalam aplikasi paypal wishlist ini.

Lalu setelah bergabung bagaimana kita tahu berapa dollar yang kita peroleh?Lihat screnshoot dibawah ini
aplikasi facebook dapat dollar gratis
Disitu tertulis $2,artinya kita sudah mendapat $2.Jika kita memiliki banyak teman di facebook dan kita undang semua teman kita,mereka pun menggunakan aplikasi ini semuamya,wuihhhh berapa dollar yang kita dapatkan?Setiap kita pertama kali bergabung kita akan mendapat $1 gratis.Dan maksimum payout adalah $100,dan ini berlangsung sampai tanggal 31 desember 2009.Gak rugi khan ikut progam ini?Ayo deh mumpung ada cara dapat dollar gratis dari facebook,manfaatin deh facebook kamu untuk medapatkan dollar gratis dengan aplikasi ini.Salah satu aplikasi penghasil dollar dari facebook

Windows Tips & Trick: How to create an invisible file in Windows

An invisible file is a file which will never be seen but can be selected and opened it if and only if you know its location in your desktop. Actually it is quite impossible to create an invisible file in Windows. Invisible file is totally different to hidden file. In other words, the invisible file is not a hidden file. The hidden file is visible if someone turn on the "show hidden file" in file option settling. There are only two steps to do an invisible file in your Windows.

1. Change to invisible icon:
Right click the file -> choose properties -> click Customize -> click Change Icon... -> select invisible icon as illustrated below:

2. Change a invisible file name:
Firstly, select the invisible file then press F2. Next, just press and hold the Alt key, in the meanwhile, type "42868", then release the Alt key. Finally press enter.

Hope you will enjoy it. I look forward to your good news.

Cara hacker bobol facebook orang

hacking facebook
Hacker semakin meresahkan facebook saja.Karena akhir-akhir ini banyak orang yang membicarakan atau bahkan ingin mencoba sesuatu yang disebut hacking facebook orang.Entah cara apa yang mereka lakukan,tapi tujuan mereka sama yaitu mencuri facebook orang lain.Kalo dipikir buat apa kita mencuri facebook orang lain?Toh kalo mereka kena hack khan masih bisa buat account facebook yang baru.Dari sekian banyak orang yang saya jumpai,mereka ingin nyuri(hacking) facebook sang pacar.Jelas tujuannya mereka ingin tahu apa yang dilakukan pacarnya di dalam facebook itu?Berarti dengan adanya facebook bisa buat orang berubah?Berupah dalam hal apa ne?Udah ga usah dibahas masalah ini,khan kita ingin membahas cara yang dilakukan hacker untuk mencuri facebook

Tentunya banyak sekali ya cara yang dilakukan para hacker tersebut,disini saya akan memberikan sedikit gambaran cara yang dilakukan para hacker

1.Dengan fake login
Bagi sebagian orang kata "fake login" sudah tidak asing lagi seiring pesatnya petumbuhan facebook.Kenapa begitu?Tanya kenapa.....
Dengan fake login seorang hacker berusaha membuat halaman atau replika situs yang mereka jadikan target sasarannya.Dalam hal ini tentu saja facebook.Fake login bisa diciptakan seorang hacker dengan mengolah "script atau html" menjadi satu kesatuan yang tentunya menggunakan bahasa mesin.Tentunya kita harus paham dengan apa itu script dan html

2.Dengan keylogger
Keylogger ini semacam software yang dipasang/di instal dalam komputer.Cara kerja keyloger adalah mencatat atau menyimpan semua aktifitas yang dilakukan di atas keyboard.Entah apa saja yang orang lakukan diatas keyboard(mengetik) semua akan tersimpan dengan "keylogget" itu.Dimana bisa dipasang keylogger itu?Dimana saja yang penting komputernya hidup hehehe.Kebanyakan keylogger dipasang di warnet.

3.Dengan email
Cara yang satu ini ada kaitannya dengan cara nomer satu.Si hacker akan melakukan apa yang namanya "mengirim email notifikasi" yang berupa link.Jika kita klik link itu contohnya kita dapat email tersebut yang ada kaitannya dengan facebook.Kita klik link yang ada di email kita,memang kita akan dibawa ke halaman facebook.Seolah olah seperti halaman facebook asli,tapi sebenarnya itu adalah salah satu proses fake login(halaman palsu).Hal yang perlu diperhatikan jika kita mendapat email seperti itu adalah pas kita dapat email apa sebelumnya kita melakukan aktifitas di facebook yang intinya kita merubah password atau apa saja yang kaitannya ama privasi.Lihat link yang ada di kolom bar komputer kita,apakah alamatnya atau ada embel-embel dibelakang tulisan .com

4.Yang paling gokil
Cara ini bisa dibilang salah satu cara orang strees.Kenapa?Jika seorang hacker mencuri facebook dengan bermain script dan otak mereka kali ini kita hanya memainkan "mata kita" untuk melakukan aksi hacking itu.Lalu bagaimana caranya?Begini,tentukan dulu korban kita.Kalau sudah dapet siapa orangnya,nah ikutin deh orang itu kalo pergi ke warnet.Pas di login di facebook,saat itu aksi kita mulai.Yap pelototin tuh tangan orang itu untuk mendapatkan passwordnya hheheh.

Nah udah sedikit paham khan dengan cara yang dilakukan para hacker pada umumnya.Jelas lah hacking itu sangat susah,jadi ngapain kita melakukan hacking untuk mencuri password facebook orang

Self Improvement Tips: 4 essential skills to master your life immediately

Mastering one own life by oneself will always be possible if and only if you believe it. According to top motivator guru, Anthony Robbins, that are four keys points to master our life:

1. Raise your standard
2. Change your limiting Belief
3. Model the strategies that work
4. Increase your emotional intensity to train and build up your emotional muscles.

I believe so much on them which not only give me a continuous momentum to push myself from one level to another level, but also grow my quality of life gradually.

Sometime we do know what we should do today. For instance, we know that we should study because the exam is coming soon, the result of the exam is important, education can change our life and so on. But the reality is a lot of people fail in their exam and finally give up and start suffer from their regret throughout their life... Therefore I hope this article can inspire you to change your life.

Raise your standard. What happen to our life if we change the "should" to the "must" from previous example? Are there more people pass their exam and further their study? Sometime people fear responsibility, commitment, and promise. A man who fear to said "I love you" to his love one, for example, will cause his love one lose secure and finally divorce become their "solution". If you love your lover, you must tell he or she how much you love he or she instead of thinking that he or she should know it in last few years. Therefore, try to change "should" to "must" now in your life.

Change your limiting beliefs. The beliefs are so powerful and have power to control your life. Let's imagine you believe study is very important to your life. You will, of course, focus on study because you believe it is very important. Next, you also believe constant study is a proved way to achieve good result, you will have a habit to study everyday instead of last minute study. As a result, you result will improved and this improvement will directly or indirectly increase your belief upon it. The stronger your belief, the more effort you will put in to your study. Guess what, you because a top student just change your belief.

Model the strategies that work. Success leaves clues! Try to adopt the habits of successful people such as hardworking, patience, keep doing, willing to help and so on.

Increase your emotional intensity to train and build up your emotional muscles. I believe so much everything in our life can be trained just like muscles. The only difference is the period or time it needed. You may take up to 2 years to train your body muscles, so how about your brain muscles? Have you ever train it before?

Portable Software: Using software in pendrive anywhere without installation

Carry your favourite software in your pendrive and use them without any installation in any computer is not a dream any more. There are three advantages to use portable software. First, convenient, you can carry your favorite computer programs along with all of your favorite bookmarks, settings, email and more on any Windows computer without leaving any personal data behind. I believe it is very helpful for student like who are using public computer daily in University.

Next, Portable Applications are open source. In other words, they provides a truly open platform that works with any hardware you like (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc). The entire platform is open source built around an open format that any hardware or software provider can use. I love open source so much, it is more secure since its source code is always available for you to take a look, partial or full source code. It provides an opportunity for programmer to learn and develop, as well as to ensure there is no so-called "back door" in the software.

Lastly, The Portable Applications Suite and Platform is free. It contains no spyware. There are no advertisements. It isn't a limited or trial version. There is no additional hardware or software to buy. You don't even have to give out your email address. It's 100% free to use, free to copy and free to share.

As a way to appreciate the experts behind and their contribution, try it now at The figure below illustrates my what I call my mobile computer which consists of all my favorite software such as Open Office, Google Chrome, PDF viewer, calculator, antivirus, anti spyware and so on. Enjoy those fantastic software now^^

Facebook vs Twitter

Facebook dan Twitter saat ini adalah situs jaringan sosial yang merajai dunia internet.Tapi saat ini,antara facebook dan twitter lebih unggul facebook.Karena melihat dari pengguna di seluruh dunia,facebook menjadi nomer satu sebagai situs jaringan sosial dengan jumlah anggota terbanyak.Lalu apa saja keunggulan facebook dibanding situs jaringan sosial yang lainnya?Sehingga orang lebih cenderung memilih facebook sebagai pilihan utama dalam hal situs jaringan sosial

Bukankah masih ada yang lainnya?Seperti friendster misalnya,atau twitter.Mungkin dengan banyaknya anggota di facebook,mereka yang menjadi anggota facebook menilai,di facebook lebih simple dan yang jelas sangat popular.Atau bahkan mereka hanya ikut ikut trend facebooker's yang sekarang melanda negeri kita.Bahkan ada yang mengatakan "hari gini gak punya facebook?" jiahhh nyampe bilang gitu.Oke kita lupakan masalah itu,kembali ke topik.Sekilas antara facebook dan twitter tampilannya sangat simple.Tapi jangan salah,walaupun simple tapi lihat dong anggota dari ke 2 situ itu.Disini pebedaan yang sangat mencolok antara facebook dan twitter adalah sistem yang ada di dalamnya atau cara kerjanya.Di facebook kita dapat menikmati fasilitas yang sangat menarik,kita ambil saja contoh masalah obrol mengobrol.Di facebook kita dapat chatting dengan member lainnya.Sedangkan di twitter kita hanya dapat melakukan atau menulis pesan singkat yang nantinya akan dibaca oleh semua teman kita di twitter.Jadi secara garis besar twitter itu seperti sms an tapi dilakukan secara online atau dilakukan di internet.Masalah privasi,twitter lebih unggul dibanding facebook,karena di facebook setiap kita menulis sesuatu di wall teman kita,maka tulisan itu akan terlihat juga di halaman anggota lainnya.Kalo di twitter itu ga terjadi,karena memang ga ada yang namanya wall di twitter hehehe.Tapi masalah privasi twitter lebih unggul.

Dan yang terakhir masalah income,Di facebook maupun twitter kita mampu mendapatkan income atau uang tambahan.Di facebook ada sebagian apikasi yang dapat menghasilkan uang.Dengan twitter kita mampu memanfaatkan account twitter kita untuk mendapatkan uang tambahan.Dan denger denger kabar,ID twitter kita bisa kita jual dengan harga tinggi dengan syarat ID twitter kita populer atau banyak followers nya.Yap untuk masalah income twitter jadi unggulan saya.Lalu siapa yang pantas jadi "TOP ONE SOCIAL BOOKMARKING" saat ini.Facebook atau twitter

How to add a Menu Navigation Bar with hyper links at the top in a blogger blog with new XML template?

A blog does have a blogger navigation bar at the top but lacks a MENU BAR with links to your own blog or any other link with your own choice links, as we see in many websites.

This helps in easy navigation across your blog/site. The reader will have a wide variety of choice and will stay on your site or blog for a longer time. This also helps in categorizing your blog posts according to their category or genre.

Follow the following steps and its all done... very easy indeed.

  1. Login to your blogger account and go to LAYOUT & then  PAGE ELEMENTS (default) 

  2. Now click on EDIT HTML  and  check " 

  3. Use Browser Text Search Feature using shortcut "Ctrl+F" and type in "Inner layout" to find "/* Inner layout */" inside ""

  4. Paste the following code after "/* Inner layout */" :

  5. /****** Top Navigation ******/
    #topnav {width: 100%;
    height: 20px;
    text-align: right;
    font-size: 0.7em;
    color: #999999;
    float: right; }

    #topnav img {
    border: none;
    padding: 5px; }

    /****** Navigation ******/
    #navigation {
    width: 100%;
    url( repeat-x;
    height: 35px;
    /* border-top: ##58b2eb solid 1px; */
    margin-bottom: 2px;}
    #navbar_link {
    height: 34px;
    float: left; }
    #navigation #navbar_link ul {
    float: left;
    width: 100%;
    list-style-type: none; }
    #navigation #navbar_link ul li {
    display: inline; }
    #navigation #navbar_link ul li a {
    padding: 0px 15px;
    color: #ffffff;
    text-decoration: none;
    line-height: 1.7em;
    float: left;
    border-right: 2px solid #0c5684;
    text-decoration: none;
    font-size: 1em;
    font-weight: bold;

    #navigation #navbar_link a:hover {
    text-decoration: none;
    border-right: 1px solid #0c5684;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    background: #ddd
    url( repeat-x;

    .1ST a {
    background: url( repeat-x;

  6. Now Uncheck " " at the top right.

  7. Use Browser Text Search Feature using shortcut "Ctrl+F" and type in "header-wrapper" to find

    div id="header-wrapper"

  8. Now before this header div ends , paste the following code after /b:section

    <!--navigation links-->
    <div id='navigation'>
    <div id='navbar_link'>
    <li class='1ST'><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
    <li><a href='url1'>Link Title</a></li>
    <li><a href='url2'>Link title2</a></li>
    <li><a href='url3'>link title 3</a></li>

    <!-- add as many links as you want -->

    </div><!-- end of navbar_link -->
    </div><!-- end of navbar -->

  9. Replace the url1/url2/... with your own links and Link Title1/2/3.... with your link title.

  10. Save the Template. Its All Done. You can see the green navigation bar as shown above.

  11. Having problem with the code? feel free to ask through below comment area.

  12. enjoy a new look to your blog or site.

Facebook antara jaringan sosial dan bisnis

bisnis di facebook
Bisnis di facebook bukan hal yang baru lagi.baca juga tentang bahaya facebookKarena saat ini banyak sekali orang yang memanfaatkan facebook sebagai tempat bisnis online.Jika kita menjadi member di facebook pasti kita melihat 2 sampai 3 iklan yang muncul di halaman profil kita.Yang tentunya kita tidak tahu siapa yang memasang iklan itu.Apa itu mengganggu?Jelas secara tidak langsung hal itu mengganggu kita.Kenapa harus ada iklan yang muncul?Sebagai member facebook kita juga bisa mendapatkan uang dari facebook.Kenapa sekarang fcaebook menjadi ladang bisnis?

Facebook adalah situs jaringan sosial nomer satu di dunia,dengan begitu member atau anggota facebook sangat banyak.Para pelaku bisnis online mampu membaca situasi ini dan memanfaatkannya dengan sangat baik.Berarti mereka melakukan bisnis di facebook?Yap betul banget,mereka mampu melihat hasil yang akan didapat dengan berbisnis di facebook.Dengan pangsa pasar yang sangat luas (seluruh dunia) mereka para pelaku bisnis online berharap mendapat hasil maksimal dari facebook.Bahkan sekarangpun banyak sekali progam bisnis online yang muncul di facebook.

Jadi kesimpulannya untuk apa facebook itu?Apakah facebook sebagai jaringan sosial atau sebagai ladang bisnis

Three easy steps you improve the financial

Money is one factor that must be observed in life.Many people have the habit of saving, or save their money properly and there are also people who can not do that.Sometimes we see someone who just as easily spend their money for purposes that should not really matter, if they have a lot of money certainly was not a big problem.
But what about those who do have a bit of money and tend to have more desire beyond their financial capabilities? Not all rich people are always spending their money, there is also always save money with a better.And not everyone can save or manage their finances well.So what should people do to be able to manage their finances?Surely we've all heard a lot about money saving tips.But sometimes there is a rate that is too heavy,But with money saving tips can improve your finances in a relatively short time,Three Money Saving Tips That Will Improve Your Financial Situation In Just One Week you'll learn how to improve your finances.

1.Dismiss the thought "I could not it"

thought it signifies that you are not able to do that, but you want it.
If we look at an item and we intend to buy it while reserve money that we have very limited,What do you think the first time? Surely you are thinking to have it.It's not about wanting or not, would anyone want to buy what they like.That so the question is, do you really need it or what the stuff is you need?

2.Go cash-only for a week!

Reduce the use of credit cards in payment.Why? Indeed, we easily buy an item with a credit card, but what we know how much budget we spend each day?Payment of cash dengai better control of our budget out.

3.Find out for whatever money you spend

Every day we would spend our money, whether for shopping or for the purposes of our.But what we know to what money we spend each day?This needs to be done, find out to what money we spend.If you need to make a record of our daily expenses.That way we can know to what our money every day, and for the future we can see what needs and what is not necessary

These three tips can improve your finances in one week if you are correct in doing so

Cheap Life Insurance Rates Online

By Johnny PerkinsYou need to be well informed about this because some insurance companies that make monetary losses from some claims end up shifting that burden to the consumer. You must look for an affordable indemnity cover that will allow you to save some money. Requesting indemnity quotes by filling simple online indemnity questionnaires that are provided by different indemnity companies; you

Cheap Life Insurance Rates Online

By Johnny PerkinsYou need to be well informed about this because some insurance companies that make monetary losses from some claims end up shifting that burden to the consumer. You must look for an affordable indemnity cover that will allow you to save some money. Requesting indemnity quotes by filling simple online indemnity questionnaires that are provided by different indemnity companies; you

Software hacking facebook

hack facebook dengan keylogger dan fake login

Nge hack facebook adalah salah satu kegiatan yang sedang dicari banyak orang saat ini.Kenapa mereka pada ngebet pengen nge hack facebook orang?Entah itu milik pacar ataupun musuh atau ada juga yang pengen nge hack facebook artis.Hehehehe apa untungnya sih??Tapi memang tidak dipungkiri,baca artikel saya yang lain tentang facebook jadi sarang hacker kalau banyak hacker di facebook
Saya sering sekali mendapat email atau chat di facebook yang kebanyakan dari mereka meminta tolong untuk nge hack facebook ceweknyarolleyes.Jiahhhhh jahat banget tuh cowok!!!Tapi saya udah kapok,gara-gara nge hack facebook pacarku akhirnya saya putus ama dia hahahahaha.mrgreen.Kapok dehhh,tapi saat saya browsing di eyang google dapet deh software buat ngehack facebook.

Gimana apa sobat pengen nyoba softwarenya?ya sapa tau dapet tuh password facebook yang mau kita hack hehehehehe.Untuk downloadnya klik disini.
Panduan mendownload : tunggu 5 detik trus klik "SKIP AD"
lalu dicoba deh...Sapa tau aja berhasil ngehack facebook orang

Blogku diakui google

google page rank

Blog facebook hacker ini akhirnya diakui google dengan diberikannya Page rank pada update PR google kemarinlol.Dan lumayan juga PR yang diberikan blog ku yang dibuat 4 bulan lalu.Setelah berusaha selama 4 bulan dengan blogwalking dan menjalankan trik SEO versi saya akhirnya muncul juga angka pada kolom PR,mantab facebook hacker dapet PR 3 dari google

Kalo punya sobat dapet PR berapa pas update PR kemarin??Pasti lebih tinggi ya dari blog ini?Atau malah belum dapet?Ga usah putus asa sobat semua itu ada proses dan tahapnya okwink.Dan ga cuma PR blog aja yang bertambah,ranking alexa blog ini pun sekarang sudah mecapai nilai 300 ribuan.Mantap deh dari hari ke hari tambah naik aja alexanya.Dan yang lebih membuat saya semakin semangat ngeblog adalah facebook hacker berada di urutan pertama search engine dari 30.100.000 situs dengan kata kunci "facebook hacker" lihat buktinya dibawah ini
facebook hacker,google
mantab khan sobat?hehehe

Ternyata SEO itu ga selamanya jadi makanan para webmaster,ternyata blogger pemula kayak saya aja bisa juga walaupun masih sederhana.Dan dengan SEO yang saya terapkan,blog facebook hacker dapat PR 3 dari google

How to add adsense ads just after the post title and after Post Ends in blogs.

It is always beneficial to show the ads just after the post title before the real content starts. But by default the ads are shown either in the sidebar or after the comment link at the bottom of the post. So many a time your visitors did not even give a look to the ads which is not desirable.

So what to do to make the adsense ads come just after the post Title and at the post bottom before the Comments or reaction buttons or anything else.

Follow the following steps and its all done... very easy indeed.

  1. Login to your blogger account and go to LAYOUT >> PAGE ELEMENTS (default) 

  2. Click on EDIT in BLOG POSTS (a pop-up window "configure blog posts" will open)

  3. Check the radio button  "SHOW ADS BETWEEN POSTS" at the last of "Post Page Option" in the pop-up.

  4. Scroll down and click on Ok (you can edit the colour of the ad displayed, its better to match the ad colour to your blog colour especially ad background and border must be same as blog background colour)

  5. Save the template by clicking on the BLUE button at the top right.

  6. Now click on EDIT HTML >> check " 

  7. Use Browser Text Search Feature using shortcut "Ctrl+F" and type in "adcode" to find <adcode> just after the comment section.

  8. Then add "!" before adcode like <!--adcode--> (this makes the defalut adcode as a comment for the browser and it will ignore it while interpreting the codes)

  9. Then Find  "<data:post.body/>" using "Ctrl+F".

  10. After and Before "<data:post.body/>" paste this code:

  11. Save the Template. Its All Done. Now after every each post title your ad will be shown and at the bottom also. To edit the type of ad size and colour see point 4. But its better to use a square size ad format.

  12. Best of Luck. Happy earning.

NOTE: Always Save your template before editing your HTML codes.

Dollar dari progam PPL

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Dollar gratis kembali bisa kita rasakan.Sekarang muncul satu lagi progam semacam PPL yang akan memberikan $1 setiap refferal kita dan progam ini gratis.Setelah sempat dunia bisnis internet gempar dengan adanya progam $125 gratis dan $30 per refferal kini muncul lagi dollar gratis dari internetlol.Yap progam ini bisa dikatakan sejenis PPL yang akan memberikan kita dollar jika ada orang yang masuk ke website penyelenggara PPL itu.Simple aja caranya kita hanya akan mengarahkan orang lain menuju halaman website mereka dan kita akan mendapat dollar yang dijanjikan yaitu sebesar $1 (huhhh dikit amat ya...rolleyes) ya itu sih kalo satu orang,gimana kalo ada 10 atau 20 orang?Khan lumayan tuh.Ne bagi yang paypalnya masih Kosong mlompongcry cara ini ga ada salahnya dicoba.

Pertama sobat masuk dulu ke dalam situs yang akan memberi kita $1.Berikut langkahnya
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Emmm ganpang khan sobat?satu langkah saja sobat berkesempatan mendapatkan dollar dan mengisi paypal sobat dengan dollar gratis

Bad News for Pet Lover: Be Careful MCD to seize and sell lost pets

Next time your pet dog, cat, birds, etc, is found abandoned or roaming in any public place or public land, MCD can impound them and sell them to recover the cost of removing and feeding if the amount is not paid by the owner within seven days.

Under MCDs proposed pet policy to be tabled in the standing committee for approval on Wednesday the civic body has the right to do so under section 418 of the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957, which pertains to seizure of certain animals.

The proposed policy also elaborates on the rules and regulations for issuing licenses to pet shops which are functioning without one so far. As per section 418, if a horse, cattle or quadruped animals or birds are found abandoned and roaming or tethered on any street or public place, MCD officials can impound the animal and remove it to a place earmarked by the civic agency. The cost of impounding the animals or birds and feeding them will be recovered by auctioning them off.

The owner of the animal or bird should come forward to claim them within seven days of the seizure, and will have to pay us the cost incurred by us in impounding the animal and in feeding it, an MCD official said. The civic agency is formulating a licencing policy for pet shops to regulate privately operating individual /groups selling pet animals. The aim is to ensure animals are adequately supplied with food and water, are not sold at a tender age and all reasonable precautions are taken to prevent unnatural death.

by: Ruhi Bhasin | TNN

Facebook dan Hacker

hacker di facebook
Para hacker semakin banyak di facebook.Tambah berbahaya aja kalau terlalu mengumbar data pribadi di profil facebook kitacry.Karena ancaman teroris ehhhmrgreenmrgreen salah maksudnya hacker bisa menimpa kita.Baca artikel saya yang lain cara menghindari hacker di facebook atau tips keren facebook.Terus kenapa juga para hacker bekeliaran di facebook

Kita semua tahu facebook sekarang menjadi nomer satu di dunia sebagai situs jaringan sosial.Sadar gak?Dengan terkenalnya facebook akhir akhir ini kita sering mendengar tentang berita yang menyebutkan "facebook dimasuki komunitas hacker".Dengan bertumbuhnya facebook semakin mendorong para hacker untuk menunjukkan kemahirannya dalam hal hacking.Sempat juga ada kabar yang menyebutkan kalau member facebook yang terkena hack dengan fake login.,lihat cara buat fake login di facebook

Dan dari pihak facebook sendiri selalu menghimbau agar "para member meng update password facebook nya".Dari kutipan di atas apa kita bisa menyimpulkan kalau pihak facebook mulai khawatir dengan ulah para hacker belakangan ini?Dan apakah munculnya facebook mendorong orang orang untuk belajar menjadi seorang hacker?

Is India ready to become the Biggest Economy of the World? Please Donate to Help stop Child Labour

We all know India is growing at an extensive speed, giving birth to a lot of entrepreneurs and Business Tycoons. Our Status and reputation are gaining strength in the World. In every Aspect we are developing but still Vision 2020 of Dr.Kalam can not be achieved unless we reduce the gap between these two positions:

.Photo: by Shelton Muller

At an age when she should be visiting school and learning, she is earning livelihood for herself and her family. Showing her extraordinary skills of balancing on rope she manage to earn Rs.100 a day from the offerings from the passing buyers on the road side of PUSHKAR. Though she can make her carrier and future in Gymnasium and may bring back some medals for the country, but who has time to look into it. Every one is busy and counting there own lot. Even Govt. approaches them only when they seems to be a potential vote bank.

Still the no of Child Labours in India is at an alarming level. Sparing some pennies from our daily extravagance like an ice-cream or just a cigarette we can help them shape their future.If we want to see India at the apex we need to change ourself.  Those pennies may not count for you but meant a lot for those whose daily earning is less then $1.

After 6 decades of Independence child labour exists and we think we are developing. These Kids did not ask for a laptop or an ice-cream but there age needs a nourishment for their Mind and Body. They are the one which can shape the future and image of India. Govt is trying a lot for them, providing basic schooling and even mid-day meals and school dress completely free to attract them to attend classes, but what really approaches them is not hidden from anyone. The corruption is present at every level. Despite the numerous promises and provisions made by the Indian government, the state of many of the country's children continues to be pitiable. Statistics reveal that there are close to 13 million child laborers, about 3 to 5 lakh children are forcibly engaged in prostitution and at least 18 million children live on the streets in India. Coupled with child abuse and poverty figures, the picture is far from pretty. A little help on your part can bring these numbers down!

We need to change it, It is the responsibility of every Indian to ask and check the status and condition of such schools and to contribute to shape the life of these 'to be futures' of India. There are a lot of NGO's and other organisations helping these kids to smile. Please Help them to make these kids SMILE in true sense.

Please Donate: your Donation can help:

Donate through UNICEF : As low as Rs. 1000 [click here]

Donate to Cry CRY: Child Rights and You 

Sponsor a Child : World Vision India and get TAX benefits under section 80G

Donate to Smile Foundation

Donate for India Street Kids

Donate online to accountable Indian NGOs working for children

Please Jaago India Jaago Don't think about yourself only, we are human we are meant to share the problems of the world. Please Donate and help her.

Some Links:

Initiatives towards Elimination of Child Labour – Action Plan and Present Strategy

UNICEF Statistics India

India Street Kids

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Hacker buru Nokia 1100

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Hacker mencari nokia 1100.Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi?Kenapa para hacker ga nyari aja handphone yang mahal sekalian.Seperti blackberry misalnya.Ternyata setelah diselidiki kenapa para hacker mencari nokia 1100 ini,dan kabarnya lagi mereka berani membeli dengan harga tinggi.Ga tanggung tanggung harganya,sampai Rp.300 jutaan gilaaaaa.
hacker berani membeli nokia 1100 sampai 300 juta

Emang ada yang istimewa dari nokia 1100 itu ya?Dari hasil googling yang saya lakukan ternyata didalam handphone tersebut tertanam software yang mampu dimodifikasi untuk keperluan kejahatan online.Ya semacam hacking dan sejenisnya.Tapi tidak semua nokia 1100 terdapat software itu,dan yang memiliki software itu hanyalah nokia yang di produksi pabrik nokia di Bochum,Jerman.

Aduhhh gagal deh impian saya.Padahal punya nokia 1100 dirumah.Rencananya sih mau dijual ke hacker handphone nokia 1100ku ini

BCCI reserve price for the bidding of Team Indias jersey logo sponsorship in Crores

How much Twenty20 is popular and Money maker for BCCI can be guessed by this article printed in todays Times Of India (Delhi). The Day is not far when BCCI's wealth can be compared to Some wealthy Footbal clubs in the world. And why not if the craze for cricket is among 1,00,00,00,000 Indian alone much more than whole Footbal Fans in the world, if i'm not wrong...please dont mind if i've over-estimated. But Really Saying this is called Money Making...

Team India Rocks... Jai Ho

Article as In Today's TIMES OF INDIA (Delhi):

by: Indranil Basu | TNN [TOI]

The Board of Control for Cricket in India has put Twenty20 on a par with ODIs and Tests while setting the reserve price for the bidding of Team Indias jersey logo sponsorship. Sources said the board is asking for a minimum bid of Rs 3 crore for each Test, ODI or T20 game, showing the growing commercial value of T20 matches.

Four years ago, the base price was Rs 90 lakh for an ODI match and Rs 1 crore for a Test. T20 didnt even have a market. But in the last two and-a-half years, the valuation of logo sponsorship in a T20 game has caught up with those of Tests and ODIs.

The hike in reserve price could put bidders in a tizzy. It has already put present sponsor Sahara in two minds.

Asking Rate

BCCI seeking Rs 3 crore for each Test, ODI and T20 match Four years ago, the base price was Rs 90 lakh for an ODI and Rs 1 crore for a Test At Rs 800cr, deal could be worth more than Manchester Uniteds Rs 650cr deal for 4 yrs.

Facebook vs Friendster

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Antara Facebook dan Friendster mana yang lebih unggul saat ini?Sudah bisa ditebak,pasti jawabannya adalah Facebook lebih unggul.Kenapa bisa begitu?Padahal khan tahun sebelumnya friendster lah yang menjadi pilihan pertama banyak orang dalam hal jaringan sosial.Tapi setelah munculnya facebook,sebagian bahkan hampir 90% pengguna friendster beralih di facebook.Lalu apa yang membuat orang beralih ke facebook

Tentu sebagian orang melihat dari kelebihan yang diberikan facebook ini,atau bahkan mereka yang beralih dari friendster ke facebook hanya sebatas ikut ikut saja?ya semacam mengikuti trend lahhh....Setiap orang pasti mempunyai alasan yang berbeda beda,begitu juga dengan saya kenapa beralih ke facebook.Karena menurut saya facebook itu simpel dan asyik.
Beberap kelebihan yang ada di facebook :

1.Tampilan layar atau layout yang simple
Artinya tidak banyak pernak pernik atau widget yang muncul saat kita mengakses facebook

2.Warna layout yang kontras
Arti kontras disini adalah hanya ada 2 warna dalam layout facebook.Bisa kita lihat semua khan?Hanya ada warna Putih (warna yg lebih dominan di facebook)

3.Nomer satu di dunia saat ini sebagai situs jaringan sosial
Banyak artis atau orang terkenal yang menggunakan facebook

4.Aplikasi yang berfariasi
Banyak pilihan aplikasi yang disediakan facebook untuk membernya

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memungkinkan kita untuk berinteraksi langsung dengan teman kita melalui fasilitas chatting ini

Tapi bukan berarti facebook tidak ada kekurangannya.Berbeda dengan friendster,di friendster kita dapat merubah layout dengan mudah dan semua orang bisa melihat perubahan layout itu.Tapi di facebook sangat berbeda,kita tidak bisa memperlihatkan perubahan layout pada profil kita ke orang lain.Tapi yang bikin seru di facebook kita dapat merubah layout dengan foto kita sendiri dengan sangat mudah.

Saya rasa itu aja deh kekurangan yang ada di facebook dibandingkan friendster.Dan sampai sejauh ini situs jaringan sosial nomer 1 di dunia adalah facebook

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Linkfromblog salah satu cara mendapatkan dollar gratis dengan memonetize blog yang kita punya.Linkfromblog ini sendiri adalah sejenis paid reviews.Tentunya banyak juga bisnis semacam ini yang sekarang ada di internet.Kita sebagai pemilik blog dapat memperoleh bayaran dengan menulis review atau artikel.Sama halnya dengan Linkfromblog,Kita diwajibkan menulis satu review yang kita tempatkan di halaman blog atau website kita yang tentunya berhubungan dengan Linkfromblog.Itu salah satu cara yang wajib kita lakukan sebagai member di Linkfromblog untuk mendapatkan dollar

Intinya setiap kita memposting artikel ke dalam blog (tentunya blog masing-masing) kita akan mendapatkan dollar dari Linkfromblog.Itu sih info yang saya dapatkan dari hasil blogwalking.Ketentuan yang harus dilakukan udah tertera di halaman situsnya.Pikir saya "Kenapa gak dicoba aja toh gratis"

Ya itung itung biaya pengganti koneksi internetnya hehehe.Apa sobat tertarik?Kalo tertarik sobat bisa mencobanya menjadi member linkfromblog sebagai refferal saya hehehehe ( promosi mode on ).Atau kalau gak mau jadi refferal saya bisa langsung aja menuju ke lah tambahan dollar dari linkfromblogAdvertise with my Blog

SEO sederhana

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SEO bagi blogger bukanlah suata kata yang tidak asing lagi.SEO sendiri punya artian "Search Engine Optimaizer",adalah suatu cara yang dilakukan para blogger sampai mati matian hanya untuk satu tujuan yaitu "mendapat PR dan terkenal" betul ga sobat?Memang sich Ilmu SEO itu secara tidak langsung harus kita terapkan dalam blog maupun website yang kita miliki.Tapi ini tidak wajib lohhh!!!!Tapi sadar gak??Selama kita mempunyai blog atau website dan kita merawat blog atau website itu dengan teratur kita sudah menerapkan apa yang namanya ilmu SEO untuk blog itu.Lah terus dimana letak seonya?

Banyak dari para teman kita yang selalu dan selalu membahas tentang trik SEO yang terlalu rumit dan sangat susah untuk dipahami para blooger pemula ( seperti saya hehe ) padahal belum tentu apa yang mereka tulis sudah mereka terapkan.Terus kalau SEO susah kenapa harus kita lakukan.Bukan harus kita lakukan tapi kita mencoba dan berusaha.Nah disinilah letak tantangannya.Tidak selamanya SEO itu hanya bisa dilakukan para webmaster handal,kita pun sebagai blogger pemula mampu menjalankan SEO,apa saja yang harus kita lakukan sebagai blogger pemula?SEO sederhana untuk blogger pemula bisa sobat perhatikan dibawah ini

1.UPDATE secara rutin blog atau website

2.Rajin blogwalking dan tinggalkan komentar di blog lain (usahakan berkomentar dengan blog yang satu aliran dengan blog kita )

3.Mulai membangun backlink ( usahakan backlink yang kita dapat dari blog yang sealiran dengan blog kita )

4.Fokus pada satu pembahasan ( sering juga disebut niche suatu blog )

Dari ke 4 cara diatas apa ada yang dirasa berat?Cara diatas adalah sebagian yang saya terapkan dan hasilnya emmmm lumayan lahhh.Karena saya adalah salah satu blogger pemula,maka saya menerapkan ilmu SEO sederhana untuk blogger pemula ini.

Govt Financial grants for Basic Science Research open to MSc and Phd students by Union science and technology ministry for a period of 2 years.

The Centre is to hand out a two-year financial dole to fresh science graduates to help them continue higher studies and thus stop the decline in basic science research

The project of the Union science and technology ministry will be open to MSc and Phd students. The grant is intended to instil confidence among students to take up basic sciences, science and technology department.

An unemployed MSc or Phd basic science student can write a proposal to the department of science and technology on any project that would have useful results — either in terms of a product or in terms of enhanced knowledge, or new formulations in basic sciences. The proposal is evaluated by experts, and if okayed, the student gets the grant for two years.

Students may not want to do an MSc or Phd in basic sciences, fearing they won’t land jobs. This hits research in basic sciences as well as the student ratio and strength. If there is some sort of security and an assured financial support period, students would feel confident to take up MSc or Phd in basic sciences.

The ministry is planning an awareness drive across the country on the science allowance. ‘‘Not many students are aware of the plan for basic sciences. We plan to go region-wise. There need be no fear about proposals being rejected. Keeping in mind the need to encourage basic science students, we have brought down the rejection rate. More students can now get grants,’’ said the official. 

The grant expires after two years, and will be offered to a fresh batch of students — thus rotated every two years. The ministry is of the view that two years is adequate time for a student to find a job and that other students would be waiting for financial help.

‘‘The money coming from the DST is good and will be enough to help the student coast through a year or two. We expect a student to come up with a project that would be job-enabling, as experience on the project would count in job offers. The good thing is that students would not be penniless for the two-year period. The science ministry takes care of the student until he or she finds a job,’’ the official said.


For more info visit: DST

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Cara ganti layout facebook dengan foto

Bagaimana cara merubah tampilan layout facebook sobat dengan foto sobat atau dengan gambar yang lainnya?Udah pernah nyoba cara yang satu ini?Penasaran ya??Oke saya akan memberikan sedikit tips facaebook yang di jamin keren tentang cara merubah layout facebook dengan foto.

Berikut langkahnya : add-ons mozilla firefox Stylish 1.0.7,dan klik "add to firefox"

2.Setelah itu download script ini (aman kok dari virus hehehe)

3.Setelah di download,buka script tadi dan cari kode berikut ini gunakan ( CTRL + F) biar gampang

4.Setelah itu ganti dengan url foto atau gambar sobat,lihat screenshot dibawah ini

Ganti url yang di blog dengan url gambar ato foto sobat

5.Setelah itu blok semua isi notes tersebut lalu di copy

6.Langkah selanjutnya klik tools-->add ons

7.Pilih "User Styles" dan pilih "Write New Style"

8.Paste Notes yang sudah kita copy tadi (langkah nomer 5)

Lalu klik "SAVE"

Dan hasilnya seperti ini

( hasil yang di atas menggunakan URL foto saya )
Dan untuk mengembalikan layout aslinya tinggal klik Tools-->add ons-->User Styles-->uninstal

Selesai dehh sekarang foto sobat udah nampang di layout.Mudah khan cara mengganti layout facebook

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By Brandon Frazier

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