Ranger Warkop

Ranger Warkop
er safn af litlum samfélögum staðsett í útjaðri Jakarta
þeir eru ungir menn full af anda glíma við lífið 

þeir einnig oft saman í útjaðri Jakarta warkop 86 stöðum
starfsemi sem þeir sjá sig að vinna þar, atvinnurekendur, starfsmenn, atvinnulaussem þeir sjá sig allt?


þau eru í útjaðri Jakarta þar sem þeir halda hagkvæmur
kveðjur warkop 86

Indonesian People has got rich art and culture that are intertwined with their age-old tradition and religion. Cultural values brought by Portuguese and Dutch colonizers are added to this. 

Their culture is not only based on folklore as some of them are derived from the court culture. The dance dramas are primarily based on Hindu mythology. The craft works are mainly made up of wood, clay, metal, stone etc. lot of designs are done on cloths with gold and silver threads. Intricate designs are visible on cotton and silk cloths. 

Indonesian People belong to various occupations like academics, diplomats, educators, physicians, engineers, business people, poets, writers, military personnel, photographers, politicians, actors, dancers, dramatists, singers, playwrights, astronauts, composers, sports people, scientists etc.

Publisher : By .E.B Indonesian Blogger
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