A few days ago SmadAV Antivirus which is a local antivirus Indonesia has renewed its security system. which antivirus SmadAV that before his version of SmadAV Pro Version 8.2 with key pirated, when you memperbahui to the latest version then the party would smadav SmadAV blacklist you use a very dark black.
There are a couple of friends, teachers, neighbors, and others asking me, how this way of overcoming this SmadAV blacklist! let's follow and read with a good step by step I give you this. and this time I give way to open a blacklistnya?
Follow the following steps:
You open the RTP SmadAV new PRO 8.3 (Released October 7, 2010)
Then you click on Settings
After that you enter your name: anti-piracy
And I recommend it to key emptied, yes!
Then be sure you click on Register
Then after that you will become green SmadAV or as they are back, but you will be SmadAV smadav FREE again.
Registration SmadAV Pro Version 8.3
For friends and visitors who use its SmadAV 8.3 Free, then you are ready to return your SmadAV become PRO again, yes! following steps:
You first open the 8.3 SmadAV not the blacklist, characteristics - characteristics that is not black but green as before.
Then you click on Settings
After that you do not forget to download SmadAV 8.3 Pro Registration Key.
When you're done Download Registration key from me, you insert it into the registry of my SmadAV 8.3 Free you are.
Then be sure you click on the register.
Congratulations you are already a PRO SmadAV again
only the tips and tricks from my hopefully useful to you all, maybe this is simple but very useful at all if you ask me. Do not forget to always visit here, this is where the latest technology information and tips and tricks that are very reliable and trustworthy.