Tokyo Two: Online March for Justice

Background - August 21, 2010

Greenpeace anti-whaling activists Toru Suzuki and Junichi Sato (the "Tokyo Two") have been facing trial for nearly two years in Japan and now a verdict will be announced on Monday September 6th.

In 2008, Junichi and Toru exposed a scandal involving government corruption entrenched within the tax-payer funded Japanese whaling industry. They are on trial for theft and trespass, and the prosecutor has asked they be jailed for one year and six months.

It is not just Junichi and Toru's liberty that is at stake here - it is the fundamental right to peacefully investigate and expose corruption, to challenge authority and to do so without fear of persecution.

"Two activists from Greenpeace Japan face trial and a potential ten year prison sentence for exposing a scandal striking at the heart of Japan's government whaling operation."

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Find out more about this news at:
Whaling on trial -- the facts
Tokyo Two: Online March for Justice
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