Create Xaivier Blog Banner by GIMP Editor
In the end, I have successfully created my first banner for Xaivier Blog. I was using GIMP Image Editor to build this banner in Ubuntu Operation System directly. It is because this software is free and powerful enough to fulfill all important tasks, such as resizing, colouring, writing, and designing my banner by using scale tool, bucket fill tool, text tool and pencil tool, respectively. Of course, this software also provides many other advanced functions which can make my banner more attractive. The procedure for me to finish this banner is stated as below.
1. Find a suitable photo.
2. Edit the photo to suit my need. For example, type a slogan on the banner.
3. Coloring the photo with maximum 5 different colors to make the banner more professional. More colors may make the banner become confusing.
4. Scaling the banner to standard size, such as 125X125 and 250X250.
Last but not least, I have found some special text font to design my banner such as Century Schoolbook, Purisa Oblique, and URW Chancery.
To conclude, time is needed for me to learn more about this software. I hope this software can help me to create a animation banner in the future.
Written by: Xaivier Chia