Postingan kali ini masih berhubungan dengan cheat game online, yaitu Cheat Ayodance 2011. Cheat terbaru ayodance 2011 ini merupakan cheat yang di nanti nanti para penggemar game online ayodance ini. Dengan cara bermain yang mudah tentu saja anda dapat melakukan ratusan gerakan dance yang keren dan fantastis, seperti gerakan dancer TOP artis idola, atau koreografi dance yang romantis. Bermainlah bersama pasangan anda ! Banyak juga fitur-fitur menarik lainnya di dalam Audition AyoDance.
Bagi teman-teman yang ingin cheat ayodance terbaru silahkan download disini dan dibawah ini adalah tutorial cara pemakainnya.
Tutorial Cheat Ayodance 2011:
• Ektrak file yang sudah didownload
• Buka PF on gambar tengkorak
• Play ayodance
• Tekan F3 untuk mengaktifkan
• Cheat ayodance siap dijalankan
Semoga bermanfaat cheat ayodance 2011. Bila ada masalah dengan cheat ini, atau meminta pake cheat password ataupun tidak jalan maafkan saja yah hehe. Mungkin game nya sudah update jadi cheatnya tidak berfungsi lagi. Semoga sukses dan masih bisa bekerja cheatnya. Untuk updetan cheat ayodance lewat facebook silahkan klik tanda suka/like di sisi kanan blog terimakasih.
Daftar Harga BB Blackberry April 2011
Informasi tentang Daftar Harga BlackBerry April 2011. Mulai saat ini dan kedepan saya akan mencoba membagikan informasi seputar harga-harga gadget handphone BlackBerry perbulan. Daftar harga hp BlackBerry ini akan selalu diupdate setiap bulan agar info ponsel BlackBerry di blog ini akan selalu di update tiap bulannya. Harga ini cuma sebagai patokan saja, belum tentu sama dengan harga sebenarnya di pasaran.
Berikut Adalah Daftar Harga BlackBerry April 2011 :
BlackBerry Curve 8310
Baru :
Rp. 1,650,000,-
Second :
Rp. 1,400,000,-
BlackBerry Tour 9630
Baru :
Rp. 3,400,000,-
Second :
Rp. 0,-
BlackBerry 8820
Baru :
Rp. 0,-
Second :
Rp. 1,600,000,-
BlackBerry Pearl 8120
Baru :
Rp. 2,000,000,-
Second :
Rp. 1,400,000,
BlackBerry Storm2 9550
Baru :
Rp. 4,600,000,-
Second :
Rp. 0,-
BlackBerry Pearl 8100
Baru :
Rp. 0,-
Second :
Rp. 1,000,000,-
BlackBerry Curve 8320
Baru :
Rp. 1,750,000,-
Second :
Rp. 1,500,000,-
BlackBerry Storm 9500
Baru :
Rp. 3,150,000,-
Second :
Rp. 2,300,000,-
BlackBerry Bold 9000
Baru :
Rp. 4,100,000,-
Second :
Rp. 3,700,000,-
BlackBerry Javelin 8900
Baru :
Rp. 3,400,000,-
Second :
Rp. 2,450,000,-
Semoga daftar harga hp bb terbaru ini bisa menjadi sebuah patokan apabila anda semua mau membeli hp tersebut. Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua yang membaca artikel ini dan sewaktu waktu harga hp blackbarry ini bisa berubah. Lihat juga daftar harga hp samsung, motorola, sony ericsson, dan nokia.
Berikut Adalah Daftar Harga BlackBerry April 2011 :
BlackBerry Curve 8310
Baru :
Rp. 1,650,000,-
Second :
Rp. 1,400,000,-
BlackBerry Tour 9630
Baru :
Rp. 3,400,000,-
Second :
Rp. 0,-
BlackBerry 8820
Baru :
Rp. 0,-
Second :
Rp. 1,600,000,-
BlackBerry Pearl 8120
Baru :
Rp. 2,000,000,-
Second :
Rp. 1,400,000,
BlackBerry Storm2 9550
Baru :
Rp. 4,600,000,-
Second :
Rp. 0,-
BlackBerry Pearl 8100
Baru :
Rp. 0,-
Second :
Rp. 1,000,000,-
BlackBerry Curve 8320
Baru :
Rp. 1,750,000,-
Second :
Rp. 1,500,000,-
BlackBerry Storm 9500
Baru :
Rp. 3,150,000,-
Second :
Rp. 2,300,000,-
BlackBerry Bold 9000
Baru :
Rp. 4,100,000,-
Second :
Rp. 3,700,000,-
BlackBerry Javelin 8900
Baru :
Rp. 3,400,000,-
Second :
Rp. 2,450,000,-
Semoga daftar harga hp bb terbaru ini bisa menjadi sebuah patokan apabila anda semua mau membeli hp tersebut. Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua yang membaca artikel ini dan sewaktu waktu harga hp blackbarry ini bisa berubah. Lihat juga daftar harga hp samsung, motorola, sony ericsson, dan nokia.
Daftar Harga Handphone Sony Ericsson April 2011
Informasi Daftar harga handphone Sony Ericsson terbaru memang sangat dibutukan oleh para pemburu HP Sony. Maka dari itu disini anda bisa melihat info daftar harga handphone sony ericsson baru dan second April 2011.
Berikut adalah daftar harga hp sony ericsson April 2011 :
Sony Ericsson C903 ==> Harga Baru :2,850,000,- Harga Second :2,500,000,-
Sony Ericsson W508 ==> Harga Baru :1,850,000,- Harga Second :1,500,000,-
Sony Ericsson W995 ==> Harga Baru :4,450,000,- Harga Second :3,900,000,-
Sony Ericsson W705 ==> Harga Baru :2,800,000,- Harga Second :2,350,000,-
Sony Ericsson T707 ==> Harga Baru :1,940,000,- Harga Second :1,625,000,-
Sony Ericsson C901 ==> Harga Baru :2,575,000,- Harga Second :2,100,000,-
Sony Ericsson C510 ==> Harga Baru :1,840,000,- Harga Second :1,450,000,-
Sony Ericsson W395 ==> Harga Baru :1,185,000,- Harga Second :850,000,-
Sony Ericsson J132 ==> Harga Baru :325,000,- Harga Second :225,000,-
Sony Ericsson S302 ==> Harga Baru :975,000,- Harga Second :750,000,-
Sony Ericsson G705 ==> Harga Baru :2,250,000,- Harga Second :1,800,000,-
Sony Ericsson F305 ==> Harga Baru :1,025,000,- Harga Second :825,000,-
Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 ==> Harga Baru :4,525,000,- Harga Second :3,750,000,-
Sony Ericsson W302 ==> Harga Baru :1,050,000,- Harga Second :800,000,-
Sony Ericsson C905 ==> Harga Baru :3,850,000,- Harga Second :3,300,000,-
Sony Ericsson W902 ==> Harga Baru :2,950,000,- Harga Second :2,450,000,-
Sony Ericsson Z250 ==> Harga Second :450,000,-
Sony Ericsson W595 ==> Harga Baru :2,200,000,- Harga Second :1,750,000,-
Sony Ericsson R306 Radio ==> Harga Baru :635,000,- Harga Second :450,000,-
Sony Ericsson K330 ==> Harga Baru :505,000,- Harga Second :375,000,-
Sony Ericsson T700 ==> Harga Baru :1,700,000,- Harga Second :1,300,000,-
Sony Ericsson T303 ==> Harga Baru :775,000,- Harga Second :575,000,-
Sony Ericsson W980 ==> Harga Baru :2,500,000,- Harga Second :2,000,000,-
Sony Ericsson R300 Radio ==> Harga Baru :575,000,- Harga Second :400,000,-
Sony Ericsson W760 ==> Harga Baru :1,980,000,- Harga Second :1,550,000,-
Sony Ericsson T280 ==> Harga Baru :695,000,- Harga Second :500,000,-
Sony Ericsson G502 ==> Harga Baru :1,300,000,- Harga Second :900,000,-
Sony Ericsson C902 ==> Harga Baru :2,850,000,- Harga Second :2,200,000,-
Sony Ericsson C702 ==> Harga Baru :2,375,000,- Harga Second :1,500,000,-
Sony Ericsson W350 ==> Harga Baru :750,000,- Harga Second :550,000,-
Sony Ericsson G700 ==> Harga Baru :1,775,000,- Harga Second :1,300,000,-
Sony Ericsson G900 ==> Harga Second :1,750,000,-
Sony Ericsson W380 ==> Harga Second :800,000,-
Sony Ericsson Z555 ==> Harga Second :700,000,-
Sony Ericsson Z770 ==> Harga Second :1,300,000,-
Sony Ericsson W890 ==> Harga Second :1,250,000,-
Sony Ericsson K660 ==> Harga Second :1,250,000,-
Sony Ericsson K630 ==> Harga Second :1,150,000,-
Sony Ericsson K850 ==> Harga Second :1,700,000,-
Sony Ericsson Z320 ==> Harga Second :450,000,-
Sony Ericsson W960 ==> Harga Second :1,900,000,-
Sony Ericsson P1 ==> Harga Second :1,750,000,-
Sony Ericsson W580 ==> Harga Baru :1,445,000,- Harga Second :1,100,000,-
Sony Ericsson W910 ==> Harga Baru :2,550,000,- Harga Second :2,000,000,-
Sony Ericsson K770 ==> Harga Baru :1,480,000,- Harga Second :1,150,000,-
Sony Ericsson T650 ==> Harga Second :1,050,000,-
Sony Ericsson T250 ==> Harga Second :375,000,-
Sony Ericsson S500 ==> Harga Baru :1,275,000,- Harga Second :1,000,000,-
Sony Ericsson K530 ==> Harga Second :1,050,000,-
Sony Ericsson W880 ==> Harga Baru :1,485,000,- Harga Second :1,100,000,-
Sony Ericsson K810 ==> Harga Second :1,350,000,-
Sony Ericsson W610 ==> Harga Second :800,000,-
Sony Ericsson K550 ==> Harga Second :900,000,-
Sony Ericsson K220 ==> Harga Second :375,000,-
Sony Ericsson K200 ==> Harga Second :325,000,-
Sony Ericsson J120 ==> Harga Baru :385,000,- Harga Second :300,000,-
Sony Ericsson J110 ==> Harga Second :175,000,-
Sony Ericsson W660 ==> Harga Second :900,000,-
Sony Ericsson W200 ==> Harga Baru :750,000,- Harga Second :550,000,-
Sony Ericsson K800 ==> Harga Second :1,200,000,-
Semoga daftar harga hp Sony Ericsson terbaru ini bisa menjadi sebuah patokan apabila anda semua mau membeli hp tersebut. Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua yang membaca artikel ini dan sewaktu waktu harga hp Sony Ericsson ini bisa berubah. Lihat juga daftar harga hp samsung, blackbarry, motorola dan nokia.
Berikut adalah daftar harga hp sony ericsson April 2011 :
Sony Ericsson C903 ==> Harga Baru :2,850,000,- Harga Second :2,500,000,-
Sony Ericsson W508 ==> Harga Baru :1,850,000,- Harga Second :1,500,000,-
Sony Ericsson W995 ==> Harga Baru :4,450,000,- Harga Second :3,900,000,-
Sony Ericsson W705 ==> Harga Baru :2,800,000,- Harga Second :2,350,000,-
Sony Ericsson T707 ==> Harga Baru :1,940,000,- Harga Second :1,625,000,-
Sony Ericsson C901 ==> Harga Baru :2,575,000,- Harga Second :2,100,000,-
Sony Ericsson C510 ==> Harga Baru :1,840,000,- Harga Second :1,450,000,-
Sony Ericsson W395 ==> Harga Baru :1,185,000,- Harga Second :850,000,-
Sony Ericsson J132 ==> Harga Baru :325,000,- Harga Second :225,000,-
Sony Ericsson S302 ==> Harga Baru :975,000,- Harga Second :750,000,-
Sony Ericsson G705 ==> Harga Baru :2,250,000,- Harga Second :1,800,000,-
Sony Ericsson F305 ==> Harga Baru :1,025,000,- Harga Second :825,000,-
Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 ==> Harga Baru :4,525,000,- Harga Second :3,750,000,-
Sony Ericsson W302 ==> Harga Baru :1,050,000,- Harga Second :800,000,-
Sony Ericsson C905 ==> Harga Baru :3,850,000,- Harga Second :3,300,000,-
Sony Ericsson W902 ==> Harga Baru :2,950,000,- Harga Second :2,450,000,-
Sony Ericsson Z250 ==> Harga Second :450,000,-
Sony Ericsson W595 ==> Harga Baru :2,200,000,- Harga Second :1,750,000,-
Sony Ericsson R306 Radio ==> Harga Baru :635,000,- Harga Second :450,000,-
Sony Ericsson K330 ==> Harga Baru :505,000,- Harga Second :375,000,-
Sony Ericsson T700 ==> Harga Baru :1,700,000,- Harga Second :1,300,000,-
Sony Ericsson T303 ==> Harga Baru :775,000,- Harga Second :575,000,-
Sony Ericsson W980 ==> Harga Baru :2,500,000,- Harga Second :2,000,000,-
Sony Ericsson R300 Radio ==> Harga Baru :575,000,- Harga Second :400,000,-
Sony Ericsson W760 ==> Harga Baru :1,980,000,- Harga Second :1,550,000,-
Sony Ericsson T280 ==> Harga Baru :695,000,- Harga Second :500,000,-
Sony Ericsson G502 ==> Harga Baru :1,300,000,- Harga Second :900,000,-
Sony Ericsson C902 ==> Harga Baru :2,850,000,- Harga Second :2,200,000,-
Sony Ericsson C702 ==> Harga Baru :2,375,000,- Harga Second :1,500,000,-
Sony Ericsson W350 ==> Harga Baru :750,000,- Harga Second :550,000,-
Sony Ericsson G700 ==> Harga Baru :1,775,000,- Harga Second :1,300,000,-
Sony Ericsson G900 ==> Harga Second :1,750,000,-
Sony Ericsson W380 ==> Harga Second :800,000,-
Sony Ericsson Z555 ==> Harga Second :700,000,-
Sony Ericsson Z770 ==> Harga Second :1,300,000,-
Sony Ericsson W890 ==> Harga Second :1,250,000,-
Sony Ericsson K660 ==> Harga Second :1,250,000,-
Sony Ericsson K630 ==> Harga Second :1,150,000,-
Sony Ericsson K850 ==> Harga Second :1,700,000,-
Sony Ericsson Z320 ==> Harga Second :450,000,-
Sony Ericsson W960 ==> Harga Second :1,900,000,-
Sony Ericsson P1 ==> Harga Second :1,750,000,-
Sony Ericsson W580 ==> Harga Baru :1,445,000,- Harga Second :1,100,000,-
Sony Ericsson W910 ==> Harga Baru :2,550,000,- Harga Second :2,000,000,-
Sony Ericsson K770 ==> Harga Baru :1,480,000,- Harga Second :1,150,000,-
Sony Ericsson T650 ==> Harga Second :1,050,000,-
Sony Ericsson T250 ==> Harga Second :375,000,-
Sony Ericsson S500 ==> Harga Baru :1,275,000,- Harga Second :1,000,000,-
Sony Ericsson K530 ==> Harga Second :1,050,000,-
Sony Ericsson W880 ==> Harga Baru :1,485,000,- Harga Second :1,100,000,-
Sony Ericsson K810 ==> Harga Second :1,350,000,-
Sony Ericsson W610 ==> Harga Second :800,000,-
Sony Ericsson K550 ==> Harga Second :900,000,-
Sony Ericsson K220 ==> Harga Second :375,000,-
Sony Ericsson K200 ==> Harga Second :325,000,-
Sony Ericsson J120 ==> Harga Baru :385,000,- Harga Second :300,000,-
Sony Ericsson J110 ==> Harga Second :175,000,-
Sony Ericsson W660 ==> Harga Second :900,000,-
Sony Ericsson W200 ==> Harga Baru :750,000,- Harga Second :550,000,-
Sony Ericsson K800 ==> Harga Second :1,200,000,-
Semoga daftar harga hp Sony Ericsson terbaru ini bisa menjadi sebuah patokan apabila anda semua mau membeli hp tersebut. Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua yang membaca artikel ini dan sewaktu waktu harga hp Sony Ericsson ini bisa berubah. Lihat juga daftar harga hp samsung, blackbarry, motorola dan nokia.
Daftar Harga Handphone Motorola April 2011
Informasi Daftar harga handphone baru bekas Motorola terbaru memang sangat dibutukan oleh para pemburu HP Motorola. Maka dari itu disini anda bisa melihat info daftar harga handphone motorola baru dan second di April 2011. Silahkan sesuaikan kembali list harga berikut dengan harga pasaran.
Berikut Daftar Harga Handpone Motorola Terbaru April 2011 :
Motorola WX390
Baru :
Rp. 485,000,-
Second :
Rp. 0,-
Motorola WX280
Baru :
Rp. 380,000,-
Second :
Rp. 0,-
Baru :
Rp. 6,000,000,-
Second :
Rp. 0,-
Motorola WX180
Baru :
Rp. 285,000,-
Second :
Rp. 0,-
Motorola A3100
Baru :
Rp. 3,550,000,-
Second :
Rp. 0,-
Motorola VE538
Baru :
Rp. 700,000,-
Second :
Rp. 550,000,-
Motorola ZN5
Baru :
Rp. 1,900,000,-
Second :
Rp. 1,500,000,-
Motorola EM30
Baru :
Rp. 900,000,-
Second :
Rp. 700,000,-
Semoga daftar harga hp motorola terbaru ini bisa menjadi sebuah patokan apabila anda semua mau membeli hp tersebut. Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua yang membaca artikel ini dan sewaktu waktu harga hp motorola ini bisa berubah. Lihat juga daftar harga hp samsung, blackbarry, sony ericsson, dan nokia.
Berikut Daftar Harga Handpone Motorola Terbaru April 2011 :
Motorola WX390
Baru :
Rp. 485,000,-
Second :
Rp. 0,-
Motorola WX280
Baru :
Rp. 380,000,-
Second :
Rp. 0,-
Baru :
Rp. 6,000,000,-
Second :
Rp. 0,-
Motorola WX180
Baru :
Rp. 285,000,-
Second :
Rp. 0,-
Motorola A3100
Baru :
Rp. 3,550,000,-
Second :
Rp. 0,-
Motorola VE538
Baru :
Rp. 700,000,-
Second :
Rp. 550,000,-
Motorola ZN5
Baru :
Rp. 1,900,000,-
Second :
Rp. 1,500,000,-
Motorola EM30
Baru :
Rp. 900,000,-
Second :
Rp. 700,000,-
Semoga daftar harga hp motorola terbaru ini bisa menjadi sebuah patokan apabila anda semua mau membeli hp tersebut. Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua yang membaca artikel ini dan sewaktu waktu harga hp motorola ini bisa berubah. Lihat juga daftar harga hp samsung, blackbarry, sony ericsson, dan nokia.
Daftar Harga Hp Nokia Terbaru April 2011
Informasi tentang Daftar Harga Hp Nokia Terbaru April 2011. Mulai saat ini dan kedepan saya akan mencoba membagikan informasi seputar harga-harga gadget handphone nokia terbaru. Daftar harga hp nokia ini akan selalu diupdate setiap bulan agar info harga ponsel Nokia di blog ini akan selalu di update tiap bulannya. Harga ini cuma sebagai patokan saja, belum tentu sama dengan harga sebenarnya di pasaran.
Berikut adalah Daftar Harga Hp Nokia April 2011 :
Nokia 6760 slide ==> Harga Baru : 2,875,000-
Nokia E52 ==> Harga Baru : 3,000,000,-
Nokia N97 mini ==> Harga Baru : 5,600,000-
Nokia E72 ==> Harga Baru : 4,465,000-
Nokia N97 ==> Harga Baru: 5,725,000 - Harga Second: 5,000,000
Nokia 6700 classic ==> Harga Baru : 2,650,000,- Harga Second : 2,300,000,-
Nokia 5730 XpressMusic ==> Harga Baru : 2,975,000,- Harga Second : 2,550,000,-
Nokia 2323 classic ==> Harga Baru : 520,000,- Harga Second : 375,000,-
Nokia 2330 classic ==> Harga Baru : 580,000,- Harga Second : 430,000,-
Nokia N86 8MP ==> Harga Baru : 4,400,000,- Harga Second : 4,000,000,
Nokia 5030 XpressRadio ==> Harga Baru : 510,000,- Harga Second : 375,000,-
Nokia 6720 classic ==> Harga baru : 2,700,000,-
Nokia 5630 XpressMusic ==> Harga Baru : 2,425,000,- Harga Second : 2,050,000,-
Nokia 2700 classic ==> Harga baru 1,015,000,- Harga Second 800,000,-
Nokia 6303 classic ==> Harga Baru 1,575,000,- Harga Second 1,150,000,-
Nokia 1661 ==> Harga Baru : 390,000,- Harga Second : 300,000,-
Nokia 6260 slide ==> Harga Baru : 2,825,000,- Harga Second : 2,500,000,-
Nokia E75 ==> Harga Baru : 3,750,000,- Harga Second : 3,200,000,-
Nokia 7100 Supernova ==> Harga Baru : 910,000,- Harga Second : 700,000,-
Nokia 5130 XpressMusic ==> Harga Baru : 1,150,000,- Harga Second : 850,000,-
Nokia E63 ==> Harga Baru : 1,975,000,- Harga Second : 1,700,000,-
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic ==> Harga Baru : 2,775,000,-Harga Second : 2,400,000,-
Nokia N85 ==> Harga Baru : 3,850,000,- Harga Second : 3,350,000,-
Nokia N79 ==> Harga Baru : 3,350,000,-
Nokia 1202 ==> Harga Baru : 625,000,- Harga Second : 150,000,-
Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte ==> Harga Baru : 16,800,000,-
Nokia 7210 Supernova ==> Harga Baru : 1,010,000,- Harga Second : 800,000,-
Nokia N96 ==> Harga Baru 4,600,000,- Harga Second : 3,250,000,-
Nokia 2680 slide ==> Harga Baru : 775,000,- Harga Second : 600,000,-
Nokia 6600 slide ==> Harga Baru 2,450,000,-
Nokia 6600 fold ==> Harga Baru : 2,190,000,- Harga Second : 1,700,000,-
Nokia 7070 Prism ==> Harga Baru : 610,000,- Harga Second : 400,000,-
Nokia 1209 ==> Harga Baru : 325,000,- Harga Second : 200,000,-
Nokia 3600 slide ==> Harga Baru : 1,625,000,- Harga Second : 1,250,000,-
Nokia 6210 Navigator ==> Harga Baru : 1,750,000,-
Nokia E71 ==> Harga Baru : 3,050,000,- Harga Second : 2,700,000,-
Nokia E66 ==> Harga Baru : 3,100,000,- Harga Second : 2,450,000,-
Nokia 7610 Supernova ==> Harga Baru : 1,775,000,- Harga Second : 1,400,000,-
Nokia 5000 ==> Harga Baru : 575,000,-
Nokia 5320 XpressMusic ==> Harga Baru : 1,400,000,-
Nokia 6220 classic ==> Harga Second :2,000,000,-
Nokia 5220 XpressMusic ==> Harga Second :850,000,-
Nokia 1680 classic ==> Harga Baru :510,000,- Harga Second :375,000,-
Nokia 7310 Supernova ==> Harga Second :1,000,000,-
Nokia N78 ==> Harga Second :1,650,000,-
Nokia 3120 classic ==> Harga Baru :1,210,000,- Harga Second :900,000,-
Nokia 2600 classic ==> Harga Baru :600,000,- Harga Second :425,000,-
Nokia 1650 ==> Harga Second :300,000,-
Nokia 8800 Sapphire Arte ==> Harga Second :11,500,000,-
Nokia 8800 Arte ==> Harga Second :6,700,000,-
Nokia N81 8GB ==> Harga Second :2,000,000,-
Nokia N95 8GB ==> Harga Baru :5,125,000,- Harga Second :4,400,000,-
Nokia 6500 classic ==> Harga Second :1,050,000,-
Nokia 3500 classic ==> Harga Second :700,000,-
Nokia N82 ==> Harga Second :2,250,000,-
Nokia E51 ==> Harga Second :1,550,000,-
Nokia N81 ==> Harga Second :1,650,000,-
Nokia 7900 Prism ==> Harga Second :1,350,000,-
Nokia 6300 ==> Harga Baru :1,300,000,- Harga Second :1,000,000,-
Nokia E65 ==> Harga Second :1,350,000,-
Nokia N95 ==> Harga Second :2,000,000,-
Nokia 5700 ==> Harga Second :1,300,000,-
Nokia E90 ==> Harga Baru :7,200,000,- Harga Second :3,800,000,-
Nokia 6500 slide ==> Harga Second :1,650,000,-
Nokia 5310 ==> Harga Second :1,100,000,-
Nokia 5610 ==> Harga Second :1,500,000,-
Nokia 7500 Prism ==> Harga Second :1,100,000,-
Nokia 2630 ==> Harga Baru :695,000,- Harga Second :470,000,-
Nokia 8600 Luna ==> Harga Second :3,500,000,-
Nokia 6267 ==> Harga Baru :1,800,000,- Harga Second :1,350,000,-
Semoga daftar harga hp Nokia terbaru ini bisa menjadi sebuah patokan apabila anda semua mau membeli hp tersebut. Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua yang membaca artikel ini dan sewaktu waktu harga hp nokia ini bisa berubah. Lihat juga daftar harga hp samsung, blackbarry, sony ericsson, dan motorola.
Berikut adalah Daftar Harga Hp Nokia April 2011 :
Nokia 6760 slide ==> Harga Baru : 2,875,000-
Nokia E52 ==> Harga Baru : 3,000,000,-
Nokia N97 mini ==> Harga Baru : 5,600,000-
Nokia E72 ==> Harga Baru : 4,465,000-
Nokia N97 ==> Harga Baru: 5,725,000 - Harga Second: 5,000,000
Nokia 6700 classic ==> Harga Baru : 2,650,000,- Harga Second : 2,300,000,-
Nokia 5730 XpressMusic ==> Harga Baru : 2,975,000,- Harga Second : 2,550,000,-
Nokia 2323 classic ==> Harga Baru : 520,000,- Harga Second : 375,000,-
Nokia 2330 classic ==> Harga Baru : 580,000,- Harga Second : 430,000,-
Nokia N86 8MP ==> Harga Baru : 4,400,000,- Harga Second : 4,000,000,
Nokia 5030 XpressRadio ==> Harga Baru : 510,000,- Harga Second : 375,000,-
Nokia 6720 classic ==> Harga baru : 2,700,000,-
Nokia 5630 XpressMusic ==> Harga Baru : 2,425,000,- Harga Second : 2,050,000,-
Nokia 2700 classic ==> Harga baru 1,015,000,- Harga Second 800,000,-
Nokia 6303 classic ==> Harga Baru 1,575,000,- Harga Second 1,150,000,-
Nokia 1661 ==> Harga Baru : 390,000,- Harga Second : 300,000,-
Nokia 6260 slide ==> Harga Baru : 2,825,000,- Harga Second : 2,500,000,-
Nokia E75 ==> Harga Baru : 3,750,000,- Harga Second : 3,200,000,-
Nokia 7100 Supernova ==> Harga Baru : 910,000,- Harga Second : 700,000,-
Nokia 5130 XpressMusic ==> Harga Baru : 1,150,000,- Harga Second : 850,000,-
Nokia E63 ==> Harga Baru : 1,975,000,- Harga Second : 1,700,000,-
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic ==> Harga Baru : 2,775,000,-Harga Second : 2,400,000,-
Nokia N85 ==> Harga Baru : 3,850,000,- Harga Second : 3,350,000,-
Nokia N79 ==> Harga Baru : 3,350,000,-
Nokia 1202 ==> Harga Baru : 625,000,- Harga Second : 150,000,-
Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte ==> Harga Baru : 16,800,000,-
Nokia 7210 Supernova ==> Harga Baru : 1,010,000,- Harga Second : 800,000,-
Nokia N96 ==> Harga Baru 4,600,000,- Harga Second : 3,250,000,-
Nokia 2680 slide ==> Harga Baru : 775,000,- Harga Second : 600,000,-
Nokia 6600 slide ==> Harga Baru 2,450,000,-
Nokia 6600 fold ==> Harga Baru : 2,190,000,- Harga Second : 1,700,000,-
Nokia 7070 Prism ==> Harga Baru : 610,000,- Harga Second : 400,000,-
Nokia 1209 ==> Harga Baru : 325,000,- Harga Second : 200,000,-
Nokia 3600 slide ==> Harga Baru : 1,625,000,- Harga Second : 1,250,000,-
Nokia 6210 Navigator ==> Harga Baru : 1,750,000,-
Nokia E71 ==> Harga Baru : 3,050,000,- Harga Second : 2,700,000,-
Nokia E66 ==> Harga Baru : 3,100,000,- Harga Second : 2,450,000,-
Nokia 7610 Supernova ==> Harga Baru : 1,775,000,- Harga Second : 1,400,000,-
Nokia 5000 ==> Harga Baru : 575,000,-
Nokia 5320 XpressMusic ==> Harga Baru : 1,400,000,-
Nokia 6220 classic ==> Harga Second :2,000,000,-
Nokia 5220 XpressMusic ==> Harga Second :850,000,-
Nokia 1680 classic ==> Harga Baru :510,000,- Harga Second :375,000,-
Nokia 7310 Supernova ==> Harga Second :1,000,000,-
Nokia N78 ==> Harga Second :1,650,000,-
Nokia 3120 classic ==> Harga Baru :1,210,000,- Harga Second :900,000,-
Nokia 2600 classic ==> Harga Baru :600,000,- Harga Second :425,000,-
Nokia 1650 ==> Harga Second :300,000,-
Nokia 8800 Sapphire Arte ==> Harga Second :11,500,000,-
Nokia 8800 Arte ==> Harga Second :6,700,000,-
Nokia N81 8GB ==> Harga Second :2,000,000,-
Nokia N95 8GB ==> Harga Baru :5,125,000,- Harga Second :4,400,000,-
Nokia 6500 classic ==> Harga Second :1,050,000,-
Nokia 3500 classic ==> Harga Second :700,000,-
Nokia N82 ==> Harga Second :2,250,000,-
Nokia E51 ==> Harga Second :1,550,000,-
Nokia N81 ==> Harga Second :1,650,000,-
Nokia 7900 Prism ==> Harga Second :1,350,000,-
Nokia 6300 ==> Harga Baru :1,300,000,- Harga Second :1,000,000,-
Nokia E65 ==> Harga Second :1,350,000,-
Nokia N95 ==> Harga Second :2,000,000,-
Nokia 5700 ==> Harga Second :1,300,000,-
Nokia E90 ==> Harga Baru :7,200,000,- Harga Second :3,800,000,-
Nokia 6500 slide ==> Harga Second :1,650,000,-
Nokia 5310 ==> Harga Second :1,100,000,-
Nokia 5610 ==> Harga Second :1,500,000,-
Nokia 7500 Prism ==> Harga Second :1,100,000,-
Nokia 2630 ==> Harga Baru :695,000,- Harga Second :470,000,-
Nokia 8600 Luna ==> Harga Second :3,500,000,-
Nokia 6267 ==> Harga Baru :1,800,000,- Harga Second :1,350,000,-
Semoga daftar harga hp Nokia terbaru ini bisa menjadi sebuah patokan apabila anda semua mau membeli hp tersebut. Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua yang membaca artikel ini dan sewaktu waktu harga hp nokia ini bisa berubah. Lihat juga daftar harga hp samsung, blackbarry, sony ericsson, dan motorola.
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Sartaj Singh Pannu
Server 1 – Dailymotion
Watch Part 1
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Watch Part 6
Server 2 – Hostingcup
Watch Part 1
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Watch Part 6
Server 3 – Dailymotion
Watch Part 1
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Server 4 – Novamov
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Watch Part 6
Server 2 – Hostingcup
Watch Part 1
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Watch Part 6
Server 3 – Dailymotion
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Watch Part 6
Server 4 – Novamov
Watch Part 1
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Watch Part 5
Watch Part 6
Server 5 – Duckload
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Cheat Point Blank 1 Januari 2011 Scarletze.V.1
Cheat Point Blank 1 Januari 2011 Scarletze.V.1, cheat point blank terbaru ini merupakan cheat susulan cheat cheat yang sudah di update kemaren. Cheat cheat sebelumnya yang mungkin sekarang sudah kadaluarsa alias tidak bisa di pakai lagi, membuat para cheat pb sibuk buat mencari cheat pb 1 januari 2011 pada hari ini.
Langsung saja ini merupakan cheat point blank 1 januari sebagai berikut :
Archive Type : ZIP
Included files : Made in Scarletze.V.1.0.exe
Game Target : PointBlank
Anti-Cheat : AhnLab HackShield Pro
Type : Trainer / Cheat
Cheat/Trainer Effect :
Cara pemakaian :
* Untuk bomberman tinggal klik Bomberman pada injector.
* Untuk walshoot select Dll ja terus masukin dll nya kemudian klik inject now.
* Cara pake nya WALSHOOT tekan ON (INSERT) sebelum start saat loading screen tekan OF (DELETE).
* Cara pake BOMBERMAN aktifkan dalam permainan atau saat wa.
* Matikan antivirus klo mau pake ini injector.
Semoga cheat pb 1 januari 2011 Scarletze.V.1 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi para tropers point blank yang sedang mencarinya yang ingin men - download cheat pb 1 januari ini silahkan klik disini dan jangan lupa untuk mendaftar dahulu agar bisa download cheat pb ini. Untuk mengetahui cheat cheat lainnya silahkan cari di pencarian yang sudah disediakan atau pun bisa di bawah artikel ini di kotak related post, terimakasih teman-teman sukses selalau.
Langsung saja ini merupakan cheat point blank 1 januari sebagai berikut :
Archive Type : ZIP
Included files : Made in Scarletze.V.1.0.exe
Game Target : PointBlank
Anti-Cheat : AhnLab HackShield Pro
Type : Trainer / Cheat
Cheat/Trainer Effect :
Cara pemakaian :
* Untuk bomberman tinggal klik Bomberman pada injector.
* Untuk walshoot select Dll ja terus masukin dll nya kemudian klik inject now.
* Cara pake nya WALSHOOT tekan ON (INSERT) sebelum start saat loading screen tekan OF (DELETE).
* Cara pake BOMBERMAN aktifkan dalam permainan atau saat wa.
* Matikan antivirus klo mau pake ini injector.
Semoga cheat pb 1 januari 2011 Scarletze.V.1 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi para tropers point blank yang sedang mencarinya yang ingin men - download cheat pb 1 januari ini silahkan klik disini dan jangan lupa untuk mendaftar dahulu agar bisa download cheat pb ini. Untuk mengetahui cheat cheat lainnya silahkan cari di pencarian yang sudah disediakan atau pun bisa di bawah artikel ini di kotak related post, terimakasih teman-teman sukses selalau.
Cheat Point Blank
Cheat Point Blank (PB) HEROIN ENEMY FREEZER December 31, 2010
Creator: USN | Hero ™ aka Gohack
released: 12/31/2010
Special TNX: HRD for inspiration
Heroin 6 Enemy FREEZER
Fresh new feuture:
F5: All Complete mission
F6: Card 10-0F FF
SHIFT 1 = complete char Assault
SHIFT 2 = complete char AWP
SHIFT 3 = complete char SMG
SHIFT 4 = complete char SG
-------------------------------------------------- -----
INS: MIN [•] DEL: MIN [x]
-------------------------------------------------- -----
-------------------------------------------------- -----
Enemy freezer to freeze all enemies / friends so that
with our easy to kill your opponent ...
if the opponent mendifuse RM prevent bomb
work BM, DM, DEF, DES
use the nail on the timing ....
If not RM ati2 way ... because we do not see motion jg
ah dah developed by myself and yes ....
yg laen dah do not need tutors to know exactly ....
released: 12/31/2010
Special TNX: HRD for inspiration
Heroin 6 Enemy FREEZER
Fresh new feuture:
F5: All Complete mission
F6: Card 10-0F FF
SHIFT 1 = complete char Assault
SHIFT 2 = complete char AWP
SHIFT 3 = complete char SMG
SHIFT 4 = complete char SG
-------------------------------------------------- -----
INS: MIN [•] DEL: MIN [x]
-------------------------------------------------- -----
-------------------------------------------------- -----
Enemy freezer to freeze all enemies / friends so that
with our easy to kill your opponent ...
if the opponent mendifuse RM prevent bomb
work BM, DM, DEF, DES
use the nail on the timing ....
If not RM ati2 way ... because we do not see motion jg
ah dah developed by myself and yes ....
yg laen dah do not need tutors to know exactly ....
Thank To :
popo bro'
rifqy36s (sqi)
semua master2 di n3
tnkyu verymuaach..
popo bro'
rifqy36s (sqi)
semua master2 di n3
tnkyu verymuaach..
Game Online,
Point Blank
Cheat Point Blank - Cheat PB 31 Desember 2010 Neutron V.1 Fix
Cheat Point Blank 31122010 Neutron V.1 Fix 31 Desember 2010, cheat yang baru saja dirilis pembuatnya untuk memenuhi request para pengunjung setia pada sebuah forum. Semoga saja bisa bermanfaat bagi para tropers point blank yang mau memakai atau hanya men download cheat pb ini. Gunakan lah dengan bijak dan sebaik baik nya dalam menggunakan cheat pb 311210 ini, karena sangat berbahaya buat tropers lain.
Fitur cheat pb 31 desember 2010 :
[INSERT] Minimize On
[DELETE] Minimize Off
[F9 ] Char robot Cewe
[F10] Char robot Cowo dan Hack title
[NUMPAD1]Baret ShoutGun
[NUMPAD3]Baret Asault
[NUMPAD5]Baret Pistol
[NUMPAD6]Baret GM ( PBN2C )
[END] NO Baret
Semoga bermanfaat bagi para tropers point blank. Bagi yang mau Download Cheat Point Blank 31122010 Neutron V.1 Fix 31 Desember 2010 silahkan klik disini atau masuk forum klik disini tetapi harus daftar terlebih dahulu. Semoga cheat pb 31 desember 2010 ini bisa sukses dan berjalan lancar.
Fitur cheat pb 31 desember 2010 :
[INSERT] Minimize On
[DELETE] Minimize Off
[F9 ] Char robot Cewe
[F10] Char robot Cowo dan Hack title
[NUMPAD1]Baret ShoutGun
[NUMPAD3]Baret Asault
[NUMPAD5]Baret Pistol
[NUMPAD6]Baret GM ( PBN2C )
[END] NO Baret
Semoga bermanfaat bagi para tropers point blank. Bagi yang mau Download Cheat Point Blank 31122010 Neutron V.1 Fix 31 Desember 2010 silahkan klik disini atau masuk forum klik disini tetapi harus daftar terlebih dahulu. Semoga cheat pb 31 desember 2010 ini bisa sukses dan berjalan lancar.
Cheat Point Blank
Cheat Point Blank (PB) Pancibuntus Update December 31, 2010
Released: 31/12/2010
Greetz to:
[*] OM Zenix
[*] OM Drache
[*] Abujafar
[*] RCD
[*] Gambler007
Archive Type: RAR
Target Game: PointBlank
Anti-Cheat: AhnLab HackShield Pro
Type: Trainer / Cheat
Cheat / Trainer Effect:
[*] Minimize On: INSERT
[*] Minimize Off: DELETE
[*] HACK TITLE = F11
[*] Spion Mode = F9
[*] = F12 RANK HACK
[*] = NUMPAD4 Beret Assault
[*] Berets SNIPER = NUMPAD3
[*] SMG = NUMPAD2 Beret
[*] SG = NUMPAD1 Beret
How to use:
[-] Tuk WAS when initiating Play On and Off at Loading screen Play
[-] Tuk replace char pda tau dah kyk xixixix ... Yg can hnya beret And Helmt
Additional Note: -
Greetz to:
[*] OM Zenix
[*] OM Drache
[*] Abujafar
[*] RCD
[*] Gambler007
Archive Type: RAR
Target Game: PointBlank
Anti-Cheat: AhnLab HackShield Pro
Type: Trainer / Cheat
Cheat / Trainer Effect:
[*] Minimize On: INSERT
[*] Minimize Off: DELETE
[*] HACK TITLE = F11
[*] Spion Mode = F9
[*] = F12 RANK HACK
[*] = NUMPAD4 Beret Assault
[*] Berets SNIPER = NUMPAD3
[*] SMG = NUMPAD2 Beret
[*] SG = NUMPAD1 Beret
How to use:
[-] Tuk WAS when initiating Play On and Off at Loading screen Play
[-] Tuk replace char pda tau dah kyk xixixix ... Yg can hnya beret And Helmt
Additional Note: -
Credits By me full !!
Game Online,
Point Blank
Happy New Year 2011 : Get New Year wallpapers, images, Receipes, pic, songs, message, sms, shayari, greetings, wishes : All Free Download
Happy New Year Sms :
Sabke Dilo mai ho sabke liye Pyar,
Aanewala har din laye Khusiyo ka Towhar,
Es ummid ka sath aao bhulke sare Gum
New Year 20XX ko Hum Sab kare WEL-COME!
Nights are Dark but Days are Light,
Wish your Life will always be Bright.
So my Dear don't get Fear
Coz, God Gift us a "BRAND NEW YEAR".
Throughout the Coming Year may your life be filled with little celebration of Happiness...Wishes you a Bright, Happy and Prosperous New Year 20XX with God Bless.
Hope The New Year brings a lot of good cheer for you, May all Your Dreams Will be True, Hope the year also bring Gigabyte of Fun, Happy New Near and good luck with your Resolution.
I Wish a wish for You Dear.. Sending you Big bunch of Wishes from the Heart close to where..Wish you a Very Very Happy New Year..
A Relaxed Mind, A Peaceful Soul, A Joyful Spirit, A Healthy Body & Heart full of Love..All these are my Prayers for You..Wish a Happy New Year 20XX.
Hi My Very Special Friend..I pray you lay in rest, God bless you always & may New Year 20XX..Bring you a lot of Love & Happiness.
You know God arrange for you..
12 Months of Love,
52 Weeks Non Stop Fun,
& 365 days of Happiness.
So when you Mixed them all..
You will found a Very Happy Year! & I think it's 20XX My Dear.
In Year 20XX may God... would be your Best Friend, He Loves you Deeper, always Bless on You, God Always Guide You & Carry you...Happy New Year 20XX
Naye saal aaye banke ujale,
Khul jaye aap ki kismat ka tale,
Hamesha aap pe rahe meherban Oparwale,
Chand tare bhi aap pe hi rosni dale.
Happy New year.
Sabke Dilo mai ho sabke liye Pyar,
Aanewala har din laye Khusiyo ka Towhar,
Es ummid ka sath aao bhulke sare Gum
New Year 20XX ko Hum Sab kare WEL-COME!
Nights are Dark but Days are Light,
Wish your Life will always be Bright.
So my Dear don't get Fear
Coz, God Gift us a "BRAND NEW YEAR".
Throughout the Coming Year may your life be filled with little celebration of Happiness...Wishes you a Bright, Happy and Prosperous New Year 20XX with God Bless.
Hope The New Year brings a lot of good cheer for you, May all Your Dreams Will be True, Hope the year also bring Gigabyte of Fun, Happy New Near and good luck with your Resolution.
I Wish a wish for You Dear.. Sending you Big bunch of Wishes from the Heart close to where..Wish you a Very Very Happy New Year..
A Relaxed Mind, A Peaceful Soul, A Joyful Spirit, A Healthy Body & Heart full of Love..All these are my Prayers for You..Wish a Happy New Year 20XX.
Hi My Very Special Friend..I pray you lay in rest, God bless you always & may New Year 20XX..Bring you a lot of Love & Happiness.
You know God arrange for you..
12 Months of Love,
52 Weeks Non Stop Fun,
& 365 days of Happiness.
So when you Mixed them all..
You will found a Very Happy Year! & I think it's 20XX My Dear.
In Year 20XX may God... would be your Best Friend, He Loves you Deeper, always Bless on You, God Always Guide You & Carry you...Happy New Year 20XX
Naye saal aaye banke ujale,
Khul jaye aap ki kismat ka tale,
Hamesha aap pe rahe meherban Oparwale,
Chand tare bhi aap pe hi rosni dale.
Happy New year.
Cheat Ninja Saga (NS) Spoocky V4.2.1 December 30, 2010
At the end of the year 2010 from this site I congratulate the new year and hopefully be better than the previous. to which request the token Hack Cheat NS or the other please wait. but on this occasion I still share Cheat NS but different, just look directly below.
-Mozilla Firefox
-Instant Mission
Gold Grade-C mission in reward practice Naginata *
-Instant CUNIN, Jounin (In finish 1 per 1 kalo dah finish 5 / 5 in required to refres)
Unlock ALL-Hunting House 1 Hits K.O
-Gold in the shop *
Reset point-in shop *
Instant-jutsu *
Unlearn-jutsu *
System-old gift
Delay 10 Sec-
NB: * Need daily task 4 / 4 or 6 / 6
-Mozilla Firefox
-Instant Mission
Gold Grade-C mission in reward practice Naginata *
-Instant CUNIN, Jounin (In finish 1 per 1 kalo dah finish 5 / 5 in required to refres)
Unlock ALL-Hunting House 1 Hits K.O
-Gold in the shop *
Reset point-in shop *
Instant-jutsu *
Unlearn-jutsu *
System-old gift
Delay 10 Sec-
NB: * Need daily task 4 / 4 or 6 / 6
File Cheat : download
Password : adjie
Password : adjie
Credit: Spoocky & Adjie
Game Online,
Ninja Saga
Mereset Password Bios
Password BIOS dapat menambah lapisan keamanan tambahan untuk desktop dan laptop. Ini digunakan untuk mencegah seseorang untuk mengubah pengaturan BIOS atau untuk mencegah PC melakukan booting tanpa password. Sayangnya, password BIOS juga bisa menjadi beban jika pengguna lupa password mereka, atau mengubah password secara sengaja pada departemen IT suatu perusahaan. Mengirim unit kembali ke
Cheat Point Blank (PB) Pasimbung v1.4 Nano December 30, 2010
Product Name: Nano version Pasimbung v1.4
Released: 30-12-2010
Creator: hrd
Greetz to:
[*] dono
[*] Drache
[*] John_Smith
Archive Type: ZIP
Included files: pasimbung.exe (exe: ASPacked, etc.: PESpinned)
: Readme.txt
Requirements: Flash player, the need to display the injector interface
Target Game: PointBlank
Anti-Cheat: AhnLab HackShield
Type: Trainer
[*] Map Hack, Luxville to CrackDown [F5 ON / OFF]
[*] Map Hack, Downtown to CrackDown [F6 ON / OFF]
Additional note: please copy and paste, but keep the credits!
How to use:
- Join room BM (luxvile / dt)
- Press the hotkey (F5/F6 [ON]) before the start
- Press the hotkey (F5/F6 [OFF]) on the loading screen
Credit By hrd
Game Online,
Point Blank
Cheat Point Blank (PB) MICRO_INJECTOR December 30, 2010
Cheat / Trainer EffectL
[*] Minimize Pada Wikipedia: F5
[*] Minimize Off: F6
[*] Wallshot On: F9
[*] Wallshot Off: F10
[*] Spion On: F11
[*] TitleHack: F12
[*] Shotgun Baret: [Numpad-1]
[*] Sniper Baret: [Numpad-2]
[*] Assault Baret: [Numpad-3]
[*] Mitraliur Gun Baret: [Numpad-4]
[*] Pistol Baret: [Numpad-5]
[*] Baret GM: [Numpad-6]
[*] Minimize Pada Wikipedia: F5
[*] Minimize Off: F6
[*] Wallshot On: F9
[*] Wallshot Off: F10
[*] Spion On: F11
[*] TitleHack: F12
[*] Shotgun Baret: [Numpad-1]
[*] Sniper Baret: [Numpad-2]
[*] Assault Baret: [Numpad-3]
[*] Mitraliur Gun Baret: [Numpad-4]
[*] Pistol Baret: [Numpad-5]
[*] Baret GM: [Numpad-6]
download, extract and hold on to the Windows \ system32
continue to RUN
regsvr32 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GIFviewer.ocx
Creator: No Name
Special Thanks TO: Ba1mA2
continue to RUN
regsvr32 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GIFviewer.ocx
Creator: No Name
Special Thanks TO: Ba1mA2
Game Online,
Point Blank
Cheat PB 30 Desember 2010 GB KD/HS - EXP - Match
Sebelumnya saya share cheat point blank 30 desember 2010 S.A Repack dan sekarang adalah cheat pb 30 desember 2010 gb kd/hs, exp dan match. Buat sobat blogger yang suka main Pointblank, dan sudah bosan karena lama buat naik pangkat, atau pangkatnya sudah gede, tapi match sama KD/HS nya masih kecil, silahkan ikuti tutorial berikut ini.
Bahan- Bahan :
-. *PE
-. ALT - TAB yang mantep minimal kuat 3 menit
-. dua kompi 1 buat GB 1 buat tumbal
-. kopi - rokok - indomie - duit buat bayar net nya. hehehhe....
-. ketelitian
-. inget ANTIVIRUS nonaktifin, matiin dulu jangan di uninstall
tumbal atau GB mau tero atau CT sama aja
tutornya :
* setting RPE nya
* klik terus klik
* klik terus klik -> apply
* klik terus klik driver -> hide RPE -> apply -> close
* klik active sama active custom snutz biar berubah warna nya jadi warna hijau
* klik -> -> open sendlist
* time 600 terus millisecond 1 (tergantung koneksi/selera)
* klik continously
* launch PB terus buka trainer/cheat alt-tab
* star PB -> login
* main di room DESTROY (BREAKDOWN) aja
* set room -> kunci room -> 3ROUND -> waktu bebas berapa aja
* play PB -> saat di room jangan dulu bantai bantaian
* CT alt-tab inject PB (cara cepat CTRL-ALT-P)
* klik kelnsertQueueApc (ring0)
* cari POINTBLANK terus inject
* udah di inject START RPE -> balik lagi ke PB
* lalu TERO headshot CT
* CT alt-tab STOP RPE cari address 28 sama 45 add to sendlist
* jangan lupa masukin socket id nya
* lalu send CT balik lagi ke PB
* dan liat "chain headshot" berulang kali
* diemin aja ampe DC sendiri
gak ada tumbal 2 2 nya dapet EXP
pemegang RPE CT
* setting RPE nya
* klik terus klik
* klik terus klik -> apply
* klik terus klik driver -> hide RPE -> apply -> close
* klik active sama active custom snutz biar berubah warna nya jadi warna hijau
* klik -> -> open sendlist
* time 3500 terus millisecond 1 (tergantung koneksi/selera)
* klik continously
* launch PB terus buka trainer/cheat alt-tab
* star PB -> login
* main di room BOM MISI (LUXVILLE) aja
* set room -> kunci room -> 5ROUND -> waktu bebas berapa aja
* play PB -> saat di room jangan dulu bantai bantaian
* CT alt-tab inject PB (cara cepat CTRL-ALT-P)
* klik kelnsertQueueApc (ring0)
* cari POINTBLANK terus inject
* udah di inject START RPE -> balik lagi ke PB
* lalu TERO pasang bom terus CT defuse
* CT alt-tab STOP RPE cari address 21 sama 8 add to sendlist
* jangan lupa masukin socket id nya
* lalu sendCT balik lagi ke PB
* dan liat "BOM BOM BOM" berulang kali
* udah beres maen langsung rede lagi soalnya keburu DC, mumpung masih bom bom bom
kedua char pegang RPE
tumbal atau GB mau tero atau CT sama aja
tutornya :
* setting RPE nya
* klik terus klik
* klik terus klik -> apply
* klik terus klik driver -> hide RPE -> apply -> close
* klik active sama active custom snutz biar berubah warna nya jadi warna hijau
* klik -> -> open sendlist
* time 600 terus millisecond 1 (tergantung koneksi/selera)
* klik continously
* launch PB terus buka trainer/cheat alt-tab
* star PB -> login
* main di room BEBAS aja
* set room -> kunci room -> bebas -> waktu bebas berapa aja
* CT & TERO alt-tab inject PB (cara cepat CTRL-ALT-P)
* klik kelnsertQueueApc (ring0)
* cari POINTBLANK terus inject
* udah di inject START RPE -> balik lagi ke PB
* lalu start bareng
* lalu TERO headshot CT
* lalu CT out room
* udah out rede lagi bareng
* lalu TERO headshot CT lagi
* lalu CT out room lagi
* CT & TERO alt-tab STOP RPE
* CT cari address 4 sama 8
* TERO cari address 4, 8 sama 12
* jangan lupa masukin socket id nya
* lalu send CT & TERO balik lagi ke PB
* dan liat "rede sendiri" berulang kali
* diemin aja ampe DC sendiri
Semoga cheat pb 301210 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kalian semua yang memakainya. Bila cheat pb 30 desember 2010 ini pengen work berjalan dengan lancar ikuti langkah-langkah di atas dengan baik, salah sedikit cheatnya gx bakalan jalan. Yang mau download cheat pb 30 desember 2010 silahkan klik disini.
Bahan- Bahan :
-. *PE
-. ALT - TAB yang mantep minimal kuat 3 menit
-. dua kompi 1 buat GB 1 buat tumbal
-. kopi - rokok - indomie - duit buat bayar net nya. hehehhe....
-. ketelitian
-. inget ANTIVIRUS nonaktifin, matiin dulu jangan di uninstall
tumbal atau GB mau tero atau CT sama aja
tutornya :
* setting RPE nya
* klik terus klik
* klik terus klik -> apply
* klik terus klik driver -> hide RPE -> apply -> close
* klik active sama active custom snutz biar berubah warna nya jadi warna hijau
* klik -> -> open sendlist
* time 600 terus millisecond 1 (tergantung koneksi/selera)
* klik continously
* launch PB terus buka trainer/cheat alt-tab
* star PB -> login
* main di room DESTROY (BREAKDOWN) aja
* set room -> kunci room -> 3ROUND -> waktu bebas berapa aja
* play PB -> saat di room jangan dulu bantai bantaian
* CT alt-tab inject PB (cara cepat CTRL-ALT-P)
* klik kelnsertQueueApc (ring0)
* cari POINTBLANK terus inject
* udah di inject START RPE -> balik lagi ke PB
* lalu TERO headshot CT
* CT alt-tab STOP RPE cari address 28 sama 45 add to sendlist
* jangan lupa masukin socket id nya
* lalu send CT balik lagi ke PB
* dan liat "chain headshot" berulang kali
* diemin aja ampe DC sendiri
gak ada tumbal 2 2 nya dapet EXP
pemegang RPE CT
* setting RPE nya
* klik terus klik
* klik terus klik -> apply
* klik terus klik driver -> hide RPE -> apply -> close
* klik active sama active custom snutz biar berubah warna nya jadi warna hijau
* klik -> -> open sendlist
* time 3500 terus millisecond 1 (tergantung koneksi/selera)
* klik continously
* launch PB terus buka trainer/cheat alt-tab
* star PB -> login
* main di room BOM MISI (LUXVILLE) aja
* set room -> kunci room -> 5ROUND -> waktu bebas berapa aja
* play PB -> saat di room jangan dulu bantai bantaian
* CT alt-tab inject PB (cara cepat CTRL-ALT-P)
* klik kelnsertQueueApc (ring0)
* cari POINTBLANK terus inject
* udah di inject START RPE -> balik lagi ke PB
* lalu TERO pasang bom terus CT defuse
* CT alt-tab STOP RPE cari address 21 sama 8 add to sendlist
* jangan lupa masukin socket id nya
* lalu sendCT balik lagi ke PB
* dan liat "BOM BOM BOM" berulang kali
* udah beres maen langsung rede lagi soalnya keburu DC, mumpung masih bom bom bom
kedua char pegang RPE
tumbal atau GB mau tero atau CT sama aja
tutornya :
* setting RPE nya
* klik terus klik
* klik terus klik -> apply
* klik terus klik driver -> hide RPE -> apply -> close
* klik active sama active custom snutz biar berubah warna nya jadi warna hijau
* klik -> -> open sendlist
* time 600 terus millisecond 1 (tergantung koneksi/selera)
* klik continously
* launch PB terus buka trainer/cheat alt-tab
* star PB -> login
* main di room BEBAS aja
* set room -> kunci room -> bebas -> waktu bebas berapa aja
* CT & TERO alt-tab inject PB (cara cepat CTRL-ALT-P)
* klik kelnsertQueueApc (ring0)
* cari POINTBLANK terus inject
* udah di inject START RPE -> balik lagi ke PB
* lalu start bareng
* lalu TERO headshot CT
* lalu CT out room
* udah out rede lagi bareng
* lalu TERO headshot CT lagi
* lalu CT out room lagi
* CT & TERO alt-tab STOP RPE
* CT cari address 4 sama 8
* TERO cari address 4, 8 sama 12
* jangan lupa masukin socket id nya
* lalu send CT & TERO balik lagi ke PB
* dan liat "rede sendiri" berulang kali
* diemin aja ampe DC sendiri
Semoga cheat pb 301210 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kalian semua yang memakainya. Bila cheat pb 30 desember 2010 ini pengen work berjalan dengan lancar ikuti langkah-langkah di atas dengan baik, salah sedikit cheatnya gx bakalan jalan. Yang mau download cheat pb 30 desember 2010 silahkan klik disini.
Cheat Point Blank
Cheat Point Blank 30122010 S.A.Repack 30 Desember 2010
Cheat Point Blank 30122010 S.A.Repack 30 Desember 2010 ini sama dengan cheat SA REPACK 19 desember 2010 kemaren hanya saja ada updetan terbaru nya. Semoga saja bisa bermanfaat bagi para tropers point blank yang mau memakai atau hanya men download cheat pb ini. Gunakan lah dengan bijak dan sebaik baik nya dalam menggunakan cheat pb 301210 ini, karena sangat berbahaya buat tropers lain.
Cara Pakai Masmed / Card Hack :
Untuk mendapatkan medal dan exp
Beli Misi >>> Posisikan di Kartu P >>> ke Lobby >>> klik INSERT >>> langsung Play >>> setelah selesai game
Klik DELETE>>>> Posisikan di Kartu P >>> ke Lobby >>> klik INSERT >>> langsung Play >>> Lakukan sampai Bosan
Untuk mendapatkan Masmed ( RIBET MODE ON )
Beli misi >>>> Posisi di kartu P >>>> ke Lobby >>>> tekan INSERT ( complete all card's ) >>> Play
selesai main >>>> Buka tutup kartu misi P s/d K
Posisi di Kartu K >>>> Klik DELETE(Resset Card's) >>>> Play >>> selesaikan misi yg tersisa
Setelah selesai Game >>> Klik INSERT >>> Play lagi >>> selesai main buka tutup kartu misi 2x >>> cek masmed

[-] NUMPAD 2 = VIPER/HIDE + BERET Nimble Sneaker
[-] NUMPAD 3 = VIPER/HIDE + BERET Still Assasin
[-] NUMPAD 4 = VIPER/HIDE + BERET Supreme Buster
[-] NUMPAD 5 = VIPER/HIDE + BERET Shooting Star
[-] NUMPAD 6 = BERET ????
[-] NUMPAD 7 = BERET Nimble Sneaker
[-] NUMPAD 8 = BERET Still Assasin
[-] NUMPAD 9 = BERET Supreme Buster
[-] NUMPAD 0 = BERET Shooting Star
Semoga bermanfaat bagi para tropers point blank. Bagi yang mau Download Cheat Point Blank SA REPACK 30 Desember 2010 silahkan klik disini. Semoga cheat pb 30 desember 2010 ini bisa sukses dan berjalan lancar.
Cara Pakai Masmed / Card Hack :
Untuk mendapatkan medal dan exp
Beli Misi >>> Posisikan di Kartu P >>> ke Lobby >>> klik INSERT >>> langsung Play >>> setelah selesai game
Klik DELETE>>>> Posisikan di Kartu P >>> ke Lobby >>> klik INSERT >>> langsung Play >>> Lakukan sampai Bosan
Untuk mendapatkan Masmed ( RIBET MODE ON )
Beli misi >>>> Posisi di kartu P >>>> ke Lobby >>>> tekan INSERT ( complete all card's ) >>> Play
selesai main >>>> Buka tutup kartu misi P s/d K
Posisi di Kartu K >>>> Klik DELETE(Resset Card's) >>>> Play >>> selesaikan misi yg tersisa
Setelah selesai Game >>> Klik INSERT >>> Play lagi >>> selesai main buka tutup kartu misi 2x >>> cek masmed
[-] NUMPAD 2 = VIPER/HIDE + BERET Nimble Sneaker
[-] NUMPAD 3 = VIPER/HIDE + BERET Still Assasin
[-] NUMPAD 4 = VIPER/HIDE + BERET Supreme Buster
[-] NUMPAD 5 = VIPER/HIDE + BERET Shooting Star
[-] NUMPAD 6 = BERET ????
[-] NUMPAD 7 = BERET Nimble Sneaker
[-] NUMPAD 8 = BERET Still Assasin
[-] NUMPAD 9 = BERET Supreme Buster
[-] NUMPAD 0 = BERET Shooting Star
Semoga bermanfaat bagi para tropers point blank. Bagi yang mau Download Cheat Point Blank SA REPACK 30 Desember 2010 silahkan klik disini. Semoga cheat pb 30 desember 2010 ini bisa sukses dan berjalan lancar.
Cheat Point Blank
Format Flash Drive Dengan Sistem File NTFS
Biasanya, tipe sistem file dalam sebuah usb flash drive adalah FAT atau FAT32. Tapi pernahkah anda memformat sebuah usb flash drive sistem dengan file NTFS? Salah satu keuntungan yang bisa di dapat dengan sistem file NTFS adalah dapat mengatur hak akses pada setiap file dan folder yang dapat pada drive untuk pengguna windows tertentu, sesuatu yang tidak dapat di lakukan dalam tipe sistem file FAT atau FAT32.
Dalam windows 7, sering kali mencoba untuk melakukan hal tersebut., anda akan mengalami kegagalan. Dengan sedikit tips trik windows 7 ini anda dapat benar benar menformat usb flash dengan sistem file NTFS. Untuk itu iku langkah langkah sebagai berikut :
* Klik tombol start menu > kemudian klik pada menu komputer > pilih properties
* Pada panel sebelah kanan, pilih link Device Manager
* Kemuadian arahkan kursor ke item disk drive usb ( pilih menu usb flash drive anda ) > setelah itu klik kanan pada item tersebut dan pilih menu properties pada daftar menu yang muncul
* Setelah jendela berikutnya muncul, pindah ke tab Policies > pada bagian Removal Policy, pilih Better Performance > kemudian klik tombol ok.
* Sekarang coba format USB falsh drive anda > di windows explorer klik kanan flash dissk dan pilih format > kemudian pilih sistem file NTFS
Selamat mencoba, semoga berhasil tips trik windows 7 ini dan bisa digunakan dengan sebaik baiknya. Baca juga tips trik windows 7 lainnya yang mungkin anda cari dan bisa menjadi ilmu baru buat kalian semua pengunjung setia blog ini.
Dalam windows 7, sering kali mencoba untuk melakukan hal tersebut., anda akan mengalami kegagalan. Dengan sedikit tips trik windows 7 ini anda dapat benar benar menformat usb flash dengan sistem file NTFS. Untuk itu iku langkah langkah sebagai berikut :
* Klik tombol start menu > kemudian klik pada menu komputer > pilih properties
* Pada panel sebelah kanan, pilih link Device Manager
* Kemuadian arahkan kursor ke item disk drive usb ( pilih menu usb flash drive anda ) > setelah itu klik kanan pada item tersebut dan pilih menu properties pada daftar menu yang muncul
* Setelah jendela berikutnya muncul, pindah ke tab Policies > pada bagian Removal Policy, pilih Better Performance > kemudian klik tombol ok.
* Sekarang coba format USB falsh drive anda > di windows explorer klik kanan flash dissk dan pilih format > kemudian pilih sistem file NTFS
Selamat mencoba, semoga berhasil tips trik windows 7 ini dan bisa digunakan dengan sebaik baiknya. Baca juga tips trik windows 7 lainnya yang mungkin anda cari dan bisa menjadi ilmu baru buat kalian semua pengunjung setia blog ini.
Tips Trik Windows
Cheat Point Blank (PB) SNUTZ REVOLUTION December 29, 2010
F1 = Wallshot ON
F2 = Wallshot OFF
INSERT = Minimize ON (auto minimize)
DELETE = Minimize Off
F10 = Viper / Hide Helm
F11 = DFox / Leopard Helmet
F12 = Reset Char
Numpad 1 = Berets SG
Numpad 2 = Beret Sniper
Numpad 3 = Beret Assault
Numpad 4 = Berets SMG
Numpad 5 = Berets Pistol
Numpad 6 = Beret Item
HOME = Hack Title
END = Hack Rank / Points / Cash
F6 = BugTrap System (Special for chatty Find Offset)
F7 = Quick Exit Game
F9 = Spion Mode
How to Use Robot Char:
Choose Barrett - START-F10/F11 when loading - Finished Loading F12
F2 = Wallshot OFF
INSERT = Minimize ON (auto minimize)
DELETE = Minimize Off
F10 = Viper / Hide Helm
F11 = DFox / Leopard Helmet
F12 = Reset Char
Numpad 1 = Berets SG
Numpad 2 = Beret Sniper
Numpad 3 = Beret Assault
Numpad 4 = Berets SMG
Numpad 5 = Berets Pistol
Numpad 6 = Beret Item
HOME = Hack Title
END = Hack Rank / Points / Cash
F6 = BugTrap System (Special for chatty Find Offset)
F7 = Quick Exit Game
F9 = Spion Mode
How to Use Robot Char:
Choose Barrett - START-F10/F11 when loading - Finished Loading F12
Wallshot and Minimize handling system for non-exit cockroaches OFF
Credit by me: indrascott
Special Thanks to:
* AnasTM
* Rifqi36
Special Thanks to:
* AnasTM
* Rifqi36
Game Online,
Point Blank
Free Access to Exclusive Rich Dad Financial Education Product from Robert Kiyosaki
Most of the available financial education stuff are provided by the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. Here are some of them I found from internet which are free of charge:
1. – Get FREE Access to Exclusive Rich Dad Products (Register required)
“Rich Dad World’s goal is to increase your financial IQ, and bring you a world of possibilities, a world of learning, a world of understanding. A take charge world, where you’ll be equipped to take command of your finances and live a Rich life."
Get access to powerful Rich Dad products - an $800 value - yours FREE. The PowerPack includes the Choose to Be Rich online home study course, and much more. This is Rich Dad’s way of helping people succeed financially in this uncertain time. Get yours today and Share With a Friend!
2. FREE community membership to play the CASHFLOW® Web Game (Register required)
3. Free Online Simulation Financial Education Game for Kids
4. Financial Education Stuff for Teacher
5. Online Free Book - Conspiracy of the Rich
6. Online Article - Why the Rich Get Richer
Robert Kiyosaki says: “My Rich Dad said, ‘All of us have the power of choice. I choose to be rich, and I make that choice every day.’” Personally, I also choose to be rich plus happy. That's why I am so hardworking everyday.
Prepared by: Xaivier Chia
1. – Get FREE Access to Exclusive Rich Dad Products (Register required)
“Rich Dad World’s goal is to increase your financial IQ, and bring you a world of possibilities, a world of learning, a world of understanding. A take charge world, where you’ll be equipped to take command of your finances and live a Rich life."
Get access to powerful Rich Dad products - an $800 value - yours FREE. The PowerPack includes the Choose to Be Rich online home study course, and much more. This is Rich Dad’s way of helping people succeed financially in this uncertain time. Get yours today and Share With a Friend!
2. FREE community membership to play the CASHFLOW® Web Game (Register required)
3. Free Online Simulation Financial Education Game for Kids
4. Financial Education Stuff for Teacher
5. Online Free Book - Conspiracy of the Rich
6. Online Article - Why the Rich Get Richer
Robert Kiyosaki says: “My Rich Dad said, ‘All of us have the power of choice. I choose to be rich, and I make that choice every day.’” Personally, I also choose to be rich plus happy. That's why I am so hardworking everyday.
Prepared by: Xaivier Chia
Self Improvement
Cheat Point Blank (PB) Special SL_Repack Want New Year December 28, 2010
Released: 28/12/2010 ----> Want Special New year ....
Creator DLL: Silincah_Yovie
Creator Injector: Silincah_Yovie
Greetz to:
[*] Drache
[*] Abujafar
[*] RCD
[*] Rifqi36
[*] AnggaMucal
[*] Indracoft
[*] HRD
[*] IkIsCrEaMz / MuSeHoLiC
[*] AWP-Slanker
Archive Type: RAR
Included files: => SL_Repack
Target Game: PointBlank
Anti-Cheat: AhnLab HackShield Pro
Type: Trainer / Cheat
[*] Insert = AutoMinimize
[*] HOME = Wallshot Only
[*] Up = Bomberman On
[*] Down Arrow = Bomberman Off
[*] Numpad1 = Black Mask (Black Mask)
[*] Numpad2 = White mask (white mask)
[*] Mask Numpad3 = Russian Blue (Russia)
[*] Numpad4 = K-Marine Mask (m.kotiki)
[*] Numpad5 = FR-Mask Desert (desert)
[*] Numpad6 = Mask Flame (Flame Mask)
[*] Numpad7 = Two Tone Mask (mask Two-color)
[*] Numpad8 = Cool Iron Mask (Iron Mask)
[*] Numpad9 = Target Mask (Mask-target)
[*] Numpad0 = Pumpkin Mask (Mask pumpkin)
[*] F1 = Jewel Pink Mask (pink mask)
[*] F2 = Gold Mask (Golden Mask)
[*] F3 = Skull Mask (Mask-Skull)
[*] F4 = Mask Clown (JOKER)
[*] F5 = Blue Alien (Alien BLUE)
[*] F7 = Black Alien (Alien black)
[*] F8 = Hospital Mask (mask hospitals)
[*] F9 = SG
[*] F10 = Sniper
[*] F11 = Assault
[*] F12 = SMG
[*] Up Left = Berets GM
How to use: Press the Hotkey When D'room click nick-agan agan beret klo change his / her mask means success
NB: Just Press Hotkey 1x d'the room more than 1x trap awaits Bug
How to Use Beret: Special scratch push the hotkey when d'room ---> nick agan click ---> direct Rede
Creator DLL: Silincah_Yovie
Creator Injector: Silincah_Yovie
Greetz to:
[*] Drache
[*] Abujafar
[*] RCD
[*] Rifqi36
[*] AnggaMucal
[*] Indracoft
[*] HRD
[*] IkIsCrEaMz / MuSeHoLiC
[*] AWP-Slanker
Archive Type: RAR
Included files: => SL_Repack
Target Game: PointBlank
Anti-Cheat: AhnLab HackShield Pro
Type: Trainer / Cheat
[*] Insert = AutoMinimize
[*] HOME = Wallshot Only
[*] Up = Bomberman On
[*] Down Arrow = Bomberman Off
[*] Numpad1 = Black Mask (Black Mask)
[*] Numpad2 = White mask (white mask)
[*] Mask Numpad3 = Russian Blue (Russia)
[*] Numpad4 = K-Marine Mask (m.kotiki)
[*] Numpad5 = FR-Mask Desert (desert)
[*] Numpad6 = Mask Flame (Flame Mask)
[*] Numpad7 = Two Tone Mask (mask Two-color)
[*] Numpad8 = Cool Iron Mask (Iron Mask)
[*] Numpad9 = Target Mask (Mask-target)
[*] Numpad0 = Pumpkin Mask (Mask pumpkin)
[*] F1 = Jewel Pink Mask (pink mask)
[*] F2 = Gold Mask (Golden Mask)
[*] F3 = Skull Mask (Mask-Skull)
[*] F4 = Mask Clown (JOKER)
[*] F5 = Blue Alien (Alien BLUE)
[*] F7 = Black Alien (Alien black)
[*] F8 = Hospital Mask (mask hospitals)
[*] F9 = SG
[*] F10 = Sniper
[*] F11 = Assault
[*] F12 = SMG
[*] Up Left = Berets GM
How to use: Press the Hotkey When D'room click nick-agan agan beret klo change his / her mask means success
NB: Just Press Hotkey 1x d'the room more than 1x trap awaits Bug
How to Use Beret: Special scratch push the hotkey when d'room ---> nick agan click ---> direct Rede
thanks to
RCD, Drache, rifqi86, INDRASCOT, AnggaMucal, AWP-slanker, IkIsCrEaMz / MuSeHoLiC etc.
Game Online,
Point Blank
Cheat Point Blank (PB) X-Lonz December 28, 2010
Released: 28/12/2010
Creator: EchoLondo
Greetz to:
[*] OM Drache (TEMP)
[*] Abujafar <
[*] Ukira <
[*] Rifqi36 <
Archive Type: ZIP
Included files: => X-LoNz_Repack.exe
Target Game: PointBlank
Anti-Cheat: AhnLab HackShield Pro
Type: Trainer / Cheat
Cheat / Trainer Effect:
[*] Minimize On Simple: F1
[*] Minimize Off: F2
[*] REPLACE CHAR Girl beret SG = NUMPAD1
[*] REPLACE CHAR Cewe beret? = NUMPAD3
[*] REPLACE CHAR Cewe beret? = NUMPAD4
[*] REPLACE CHAR Cewe beret? = NUMPAD5
[*] RESET CHAR Cewe beret = NUMPAD6
[*] HACK TITLE = F12
[*] Spion Mode = DELETE
How to use:
[-] Tuk x WS On First time login ..!!!
[-] Tuk replace char pda tau dah kyk xixixix ... tuk Char will re-Normal but wat beret n Helmt not / /
Additional note: mirroring is prohibited without were allowed by author / author,
I guarantee you there are no viruses if you Dpt of other links ...
Tested: XP SP2
Creator: EchoLondo
Greetz to:
[*] OM Drache (TEMP)
[*] Abujafar <
[*] Ukira <
[*] Rifqi36 <
Archive Type: ZIP
Included files: => X-LoNz_Repack.exe
Target Game: PointBlank
Anti-Cheat: AhnLab HackShield Pro
Type: Trainer / Cheat
Cheat / Trainer Effect:
[*] Minimize On Simple: F1
[*] Minimize Off: F2
[*] REPLACE CHAR Girl beret SG = NUMPAD1
[*] REPLACE CHAR Cewe beret? = NUMPAD3
[*] REPLACE CHAR Cewe beret? = NUMPAD4
[*] REPLACE CHAR Cewe beret? = NUMPAD5
[*] RESET CHAR Cewe beret = NUMPAD6
[*] HACK TITLE = F12
[*] Spion Mode = DELETE
How to use:
[-] Tuk x WS On First time login ..!!!
[-] Tuk replace char pda tau dah kyk xixixix ... tuk Char will re-Normal but wat beret n Helmt not / /
Additional note: mirroring is prohibited without were allowed by author / author,
I guarantee you there are no viruses if you Dpt of other links ...
Tested: XP SP2
Game Online,
Point Blank
Cheat Ninja Saga 28 Desember 2010 Tutor Edit Swf
Cheat Ninja Saga 28 Desember 2010 ini merupakan cheat terbaru dari cheat ninja saga. Kita tau banyak banget cheat cheat ninja saga seperti cheat hack TP, cheat weapon, cheat token, cheat coin and gold dan masih banyak lagi. Tetapi beda dengan ini yang merupakan cheat tutor edit yang bisa mengedit swf kamu akan bisa membuat cheat sendiri, bagi yang masih belum bisa mengedit "new_shop.swf" atau yang lainnya bisa mengedit kostum, weapon, gold, token, emblem, misi instan, HP, TP, dll.
Tools yang diperlukan
*Sothink swf decompiler (Download)
*Macromedia Flash 8 Pro (Download)
*Macromedia Flash Cs3 (cari di google)
*Interner Download manager (IDM Download)
Steps 1 :
*Buka Fiddler (Download disini kalau blm punya)
*Play ke Ninja Saga
*Lihat salah satu address Ninja Saga yg ada di fiddler untuk kamu edit > klik kanan address > Copy > Just URL
*Buka Internet download manager, terus paste kan address yang baru kamu copy tadi ke Internet download manager (IDM)
Steps 2 :
*Buka Convert swf to fla using Sothink swf decompiler, terus jangan lupa kalian untuk menconvert file swf yg kalian download tadi ke Sothink swf decompiler ( apabila kalian menconvert nya pastikan bahwa nama file yang kalian convert tidak menggunakan simbol)
*Kalau sudah selesai menconvert filenya sekarang kalian buka Macromedia Flash 8 Pro untuk mengedit Hp, damage, mission .dll lalu save
*Buka Macromedia Flash Cs3 untuk mempublish file fla ke swf dengan cara : klik File - Publish Setting trus klik Publish. Selesai langkah - langkahnya.
Semoga cheat ninja saga 28 desember 2010 ini bisa berjalan dengan lancar, berjalan atau tidaknya cheat ninja saga 281210 ini tergantung pada editan yang kalian buat. Dan tunggu saja episode cheat ninja saga 29, 30, 31 desember 2010 selanjutnya. Bagi yang mau liat cheat ninja saga lainnya silahkan klik pada tautan tersebut atau ke sumbernya. Semoga bermanfaat dan sukses buat anda yang mau serius mencobanya.
Tools yang diperlukan
*Sothink swf decompiler (Download)
*Macromedia Flash 8 Pro (Download)
*Macromedia Flash Cs3 (cari di google)
*Interner Download manager (IDM Download)
Steps 1 :
*Buka Fiddler (Download disini kalau blm punya)
*Play ke Ninja Saga
*Lihat salah satu address Ninja Saga yg ada di fiddler untuk kamu edit > klik kanan address > Copy > Just URL
*Buka Internet download manager, terus paste kan address yang baru kamu copy tadi ke Internet download manager (IDM)
Steps 2 :
*Buka Convert swf to fla using Sothink swf decompiler, terus jangan lupa kalian untuk menconvert file swf yg kalian download tadi ke Sothink swf decompiler ( apabila kalian menconvert nya pastikan bahwa nama file yang kalian convert tidak menggunakan simbol)
*Kalau sudah selesai menconvert filenya sekarang kalian buka Macromedia Flash 8 Pro untuk mengedit Hp, damage, mission .dll lalu save
*Buka Macromedia Flash Cs3 untuk mempublish file fla ke swf dengan cara : klik File - Publish Setting trus klik Publish. Selesai langkah - langkahnya.
Semoga cheat ninja saga 28 desember 2010 ini bisa berjalan dengan lancar, berjalan atau tidaknya cheat ninja saga 281210 ini tergantung pada editan yang kalian buat. Dan tunggu saja episode cheat ninja saga 29, 30, 31 desember 2010 selanjutnya. Bagi yang mau liat cheat ninja saga lainnya silahkan klik pada tautan tersebut atau ke sumbernya. Semoga bermanfaat dan sukses buat anda yang mau serius mencobanya.
Cheat Ninja Saga
Cheat Ninja Saga (NS) Hunting Token use IP SuperHide
- Download Super hide IP software.
- Install the software (there is a tutor for PRO so not make the serial more)
- If dah be installed and made in Pro, and open superhideIP
- If you want to change the IP of other countries choose IP country Choose aja
- If dah selected, and IN hide IP
- If dah finished first check your IP, change dah lom,
- Open up> NInjasaga> earnsagatoken> select which course
- If there are more who register and send you confused for the register, take it easy there ya site (
- Hunting Token
NB: due to external IP then use our internet speeds will be reduced so be patient
Game Online,
Ninja Saga
Cheat PB 28122010 Trainer Kewel U 28 Desember 2010
Di pagi yang cerah ini saya akan menshare cheat pb 28122010 yaitu cheat pb trainer kewel u yang merupakan updetan terbaru cheat point blank 28 desember 2010. Banyak pula cheat pb 281210 yang terbaru lainnya tetapi saya cuman akan memberikan cheat pb terbaru trainer kewel u. Gx banyak basa basi ayo kita lihat fitur yang di berikan dari cheat pb 28 desember 2010 ini.
LeftCTRL DOWN ARROW (Ctrl Kiri Panah BAWAH) = Baret SG
LeftCTRL Page Up = Baret Secondary
LeftCTRL Page Down = Baret Hitam (Tero) buat gaya2an
Numpad 0 = Headger / Helm
Numpad 1 = Topeng Putih
Numpad 2 = Topeng Hitam
Numpad 3 = Topeng Rusia
Numpad 4 = Topeng Kotiki
Numpad 5 = Topeng Gurun
Numpad 6 = Topeng Falme
Numpad 7 = Topeng 2 Warna
Numpad 8 = Topeng Besi
Numpad 9 = Topeng Target
Numpad . = Topeng Emas
Numpad / = Topeng Labu
Numpad * = Topeng Pink
Numpad = Topeng tengkorak
NUMLOCK = Topeng Badut
F7 = Topeng Alien biru
F8 = Topeng Alien Hitam
F9 = Topeng Hospital
Semoga cheat pb 28 desember 2010 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kalian semua yang mencarinya. Bagi kalian semua yang mau donwload cheat pb 28 desember 2010 silahkan klik disini. Semoga saja cheat pb terbaru ini bisa bermanfaat dan bisa berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan harapan kalian semua.
LeftCTRL DOWN ARROW (Ctrl Kiri Panah BAWAH) = Baret SG
LeftCTRL Page Up = Baret Secondary
LeftCTRL Page Down = Baret Hitam (Tero) buat gaya2an
Numpad 0 = Headger / Helm
Numpad 1 = Topeng Putih
Numpad 2 = Topeng Hitam
Numpad 3 = Topeng Rusia
Numpad 4 = Topeng Kotiki
Numpad 5 = Topeng Gurun
Numpad 6 = Topeng Falme
Numpad 7 = Topeng 2 Warna
Numpad 8 = Topeng Besi
Numpad 9 = Topeng Target
Numpad . = Topeng Emas
Numpad / = Topeng Labu
Numpad * = Topeng Pink
Numpad = Topeng tengkorak
NUMLOCK = Topeng Badut
F7 = Topeng Alien biru
F8 = Topeng Alien Hitam
F9 = Topeng Hospital
Semoga cheat pb 28 desember 2010 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kalian semua yang mencarinya. Bagi kalian semua yang mau donwload cheat pb 28 desember 2010 silahkan klik disini. Semoga saja cheat pb terbaru ini bisa bermanfaat dan bisa berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan harapan kalian semua.
Cheat Point Blank
Cheat Point Blank 28 Desember 2010 Pkl_Injection V 3.8
Cheat point blank 28 desember 2010 ini merupakan cheat yang bernama pkl_injection V3.8. Cheat pb 28 desember 2010 ini memiliki banyak fitur-fitur terbaru yang patut untuk dicoba. Di hari yang sama ini 28 desember 2010 point blank pun mengalami updetan data yang memang tiap hari selasa selalu di update. Ini yang dimaksudkan agar cheat cheat point blank terdahulu sudah tidak work lagi.
Fitur cheat point blank 28 desember 2010 :
F1 = Bomberman ON (tdk perlu OFF tdk akan BT)
F2 = Bomberman OFF
F3 = Wallshot ON
INSERT = Minimize ON (auto minimize) tahan sangat lama di desktop no BT !!!
F10 = Viper/Hide Helm +++
F11 = Kuli Beras/Beruang.Kutub Helm +++
F12 = Reset Char
NUMPAD 1 = Baret SG
NUMPAD 2 = Baret Sniper
NUMPAD 3 = Baret Assault
NUMPAD 4 = Baret Pistol
NUMPAD 5 = Baret SMG
NUMPAD 6 = Baret Item
========Fitur tambahan=========
HOME = Title Hack
END = HACK Rank/Poin/Cash
DELETE = Spion Mode
F7 = Quick Exit Game
Semoga cheat point blank 28 desember 2010 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kalian semua yang mencarinya. Bagi kalian semua yang mau donwload cheat point blank 28 desember 2010 silahkan klik disini. Semoga saja cheat point blank ini bisa bermanfaat dan bisa berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan harapan kalian semua.
Fitur cheat point blank 28 desember 2010 :
F1 = Bomberman ON (tdk perlu OFF tdk akan BT)
F2 = Bomberman OFF
F3 = Wallshot ON
INSERT = Minimize ON (auto minimize) tahan sangat lama di desktop no BT !!!
F10 = Viper/Hide Helm +++
F11 = Kuli Beras/Beruang.Kutub Helm +++
F12 = Reset Char
NUMPAD 1 = Baret SG
NUMPAD 2 = Baret Sniper
NUMPAD 3 = Baret Assault
NUMPAD 4 = Baret Pistol
NUMPAD 5 = Baret SMG
NUMPAD 6 = Baret Item
========Fitur tambahan=========
HOME = Title Hack
END = HACK Rank/Poin/Cash
DELETE = Spion Mode
F7 = Quick Exit Game
Semoga cheat point blank 28 desember 2010 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kalian semua yang mencarinya. Bagi kalian semua yang mau donwload cheat point blank 28 desember 2010 silahkan klik disini. Semoga saja cheat point blank ini bisa bermanfaat dan bisa berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan harapan kalian semua.
Cheat Point Blank
Cheat Mako Tittle Server Side Hack Hack Room Number 1 (Client Side / Server Side) December 28, 2010
Creator: Jan Kristian
File Name: Game Hack Mako Indonesia V 1.0.exe
Size: 948.63 KB
Hotkey: - F1 = Gold Hack 100,000,000 (Client Side), Tittle became man (Server Side / Client Side) randomly
- F2 = Hack Room Number 1 (Server Side / Client) randomly (time in test dual login, so the server side)
Credit: Yan Kristian (Bandung Cheater)
Version: 1.0
File Name: Game Hack Mako Indonesia V 1.0.exe
Size: 948.63 KB
Hotkey: - F1 = Gold Hack 100,000,000 (Client Side), Tittle became man (Server Side / Client Side) randomly
- F2 = Hack Room Number 1 (Server Side / Client) randomly (time in test dual login, so the server side)
Credit: Yan Kristian (Bandung Cheater)
Version: 1.0
Game Online,
Cheat Ninja Saga (NS) 28 December 2010 Tutor Edit swf
Cheat Ninja Saga NS December 28, 2010 Tutor Edit swf to make a cheat ninja saga. With you can edit the swf will be able to make a cheat himself, for those who still can not edit the "new_shop.swf" or others can edit the costumes, weapons, gold, tokens, emblems, instant missions, HP, TP, etc..
Software / tools needed can be obtained by downloading it or buying the software at a special shop selling software.
Tools needed:
1. Sothink swf decompiler (download)
2. Macromedia Flash 8 Pro (search on google)
3. Macromedia Flash CS3 (search on google)
4. Interner Download Manager (IDM) (Download)
Steps 1:
1. Open Fiddler
Tools needed:
1. Sothink swf decompiler (download)
2. Macromedia Flash 8 Pro (search on google)
3. Macromedia Flash CS3 (search on google)
4. Interner Download Manager (IDM) (Download)
Steps 1:
1. Open Fiddler
2. Play the Ninja Saga
3. see one of the Ninja Saga address at fiddler imaginable for you to edit> address right click> Copy> Just URL
4. open Internet download manager, continue to paste the new address that you copied to the Internet download manager (IDM)
Steps 2:
1. Open Convert swf to fla using Sothink swf decompiler, do not forget you guys continue to menconvert swf file which you downloaded earlier into Sothink swf decompiler (if you make sure that his menconvert that you convert the file name does not use symbols)
2. when it's finished now you open the file menconvert Macromedia Flash 8 Pro to edit hp, damage, mission. etc then save
3. Open the Macromedia Flash CS3 to publish the fla into swf files by: click File - Publish Settings then click Publish. Finish step - step.
Try your test / test file that you use to edit just had to walk what is not?
if running then it could make your own SWF artificial.
3. see one of the Ninja Saga address at fiddler imaginable for you to edit> address right click> Copy> Just URL
4. open Internet download manager, continue to paste the new address that you copied to the Internet download manager (IDM)
Steps 2:
1. Open Convert swf to fla using Sothink swf decompiler, do not forget you guys continue to menconvert swf file which you downloaded earlier into Sothink swf decompiler (if you make sure that his menconvert that you convert the file name does not use symbols)
2. when it's finished now you open the file menconvert Macromedia Flash 8 Pro to edit hp, damage, mission. etc then save
3. Open the Macromedia Flash CS3 to publish the fla into swf files by: click File - Publish Settings then click Publish. Finish step - step.
Try your test / test file that you use to edit just had to walk what is not?
if running then it could make your own SWF artificial.
Credit N3
Game Online,
Ninja Saga
Cheat Point Blank (PB) [RMD].Net V 1.4 FIX December 27, 2010
Release: [RMD].Net V 1.4 FIX (27/12/2010).
How to use:
PB 1.Buka Launcher
2.Buka [RMD]. Net 1.4 FIX
His 3.Start PB
Bomberman F1 = ON (no need to OFF would not have BT)
F2 = Bomberman OFF
F3 = Wallshot ON
INSERT = Minimize ON (auto minimized) highly resistant BT no longer on the desktop!
F10 = Viper / Hide Helm
F11 = Coolie Rice / Beruang.Kutub Helm
F12 = Reset Char
Numpad 1 = Berets SG
Numpad 2 = Beret Sniper
Numpad 3 = Beret Assault
Numpad 4 = Berets Pistol
Numpad 5 = Berets SMG
Numpad 6 = Beret Item
HOME = Title Hack
END = HACK Rank / Points / Cash
DELETE = Spion Mode
F7 = Quick Exit Game
PB 1.Buka Launcher
2.Buka [RMD]. Net 1.4 FIX
His 3.Start PB
Bomberman F1 = ON (no need to OFF would not have BT)
F2 = Bomberman OFF
F3 = Wallshot ON
INSERT = Minimize ON (auto minimized) highly resistant BT no longer on the desktop!
F10 = Viper / Hide Helm
F11 = Coolie Rice / Beruang.Kutub Helm
F12 = Reset Char
Numpad 1 = Berets SG
Numpad 2 = Beret Sniper
Numpad 3 = Beret Assault
Numpad 4 = Berets Pistol
Numpad 5 = Berets SMG
Numpad 6 = Beret Item
HOME = Title Hack
END = HACK Rank / Points / Cash
DELETE = Spion Mode
F7 = Quick Exit Game
Creator: Snooler Fadly Dudud
Thx to | | Andrie Pekalongan | | top of the file *. DLL her, and has given me the opportunity to make a Cheat [RMD]. Net
Special THx also Buad The Suhu2ku Which has helped:
Indrascott in snutz, RCD in N3, Anas TM, Rifqi N3
Creator: Snooler Fadly Dudud
Thx to | | Andrie Pekalongan | | top of the file *. DLL her, and has given me the opportunity to make a Cheat [RMD]. Net
Special THx also Buad The Suhu2ku Which has helped:
Indrascott in snutz, RCD in N3, Anas TM, Rifqi N3
Game Online,
Point Blank
Cheat Point Blank (PB) MILD_NEW YEAR December 27, 2010
F1 Bomberman = ON (no need to OFF would not have BT)
F2 = Bomberman OFF
F3 = Wallshot ON
INSERT = Minimize ON (auto minimized) highly resistant BT no longer on the desktop!
F10 = Viper / Hide Helm
F11 = Coolie Rice / Beruang.Kutub Helm
F12 = Reset Char
Numpad 1 = Berets SG
Numpad 2 = Beret Sniper
Numpad 3 = Beret Assault
Numpad 4 = Berets Pistol
Numpad 5 = Berets SMG
Numpad 6 = Beret Item
HOME = Title Hack
END = HACK Rank / Points / Cash
DELETE = Spion Mode
F7 = Quick Exit Game
How to Use Robot Char:
Choose Barrett - START-F10/F11 when loading - Finished Loading F12
F2 = Bomberman OFF
F3 = Wallshot ON
INSERT = Minimize ON (auto minimized) highly resistant BT no longer on the desktop!
F10 = Viper / Hide Helm
F11 = Coolie Rice / Beruang.Kutub Helm
F12 = Reset Char
Numpad 1 = Berets SG
Numpad 2 = Beret Sniper
Numpad 3 = Beret Assault
Numpad 4 = Berets Pistol
Numpad 5 = Berets SMG
Numpad 6 = Beret Item
HOME = Title Hack
END = HACK Rank / Points / Cash
DELETE = Spion Mode
F7 = Quick Exit Game
How to Use Robot Char:
Choose Barrett - START-F10/F11 when loading - Finished Loading F12
Creator : VinCelL
Special Thanks to :
-Indrascott (SUHU)
-AnasTM (SUHU)
Special Thanks to :
-Indrascott (SUHU)
-AnasTM (SUHU)
Game Online,
Point Blank
Getting Listed in Google, Yahoo and Bing
Getting listed in Google and the other popular search engines is one of the most effective ways of directing free, targeted traffic to your website.
Below you'll discover what the search engines look for when determining your page rank so you can optimize your pages for best results. This is often called SEO or search engine optimization.
To this day, the marjority of my traffic comes from the major search engines.
How Search Engines Determine Your Rank
Before you try to add your site to the search engines, you should understand what they look for when they decide how to rank your site. Just because you're listed doesn't mean you'll get traffic. You have to make sure your site is search engine ready.
The general rule of thumb is that most engines use a "formula" to determine keyword relevancy. The technical term is called an "algorithm", and each search engine has its own unique algorithm that it uses to rank pages.
Generally, this magic formula consists of your page title, overall body content and the number and quality of links pointing back to your site, how long people stay on your site, etc.
It's important to note that every engine is different. Some may look at inbound links (number of people linking to you), others may place more emphasis on your body content.
You also need to know about meta tags. These are hidden descriptors that appear at the beginning of your HTML code, inside your <head> tag. They may be invisible to your visitor's eyes, but search engine spiders can read them.
They usually consist of a title, description, and keyword tag and they look something like this:
<title>Title of Your Site</title>
<meta name="description" content="Description of your site here.">
<meta name="keywords" content="keywords separated by commas">
Because of abuse, many search engines no longer use these tags to help rank pages, but you should still include them because they do use them to display information about your site.
For example, whatever is inside the <title> tag is what the search engines will use as the title of your site in the search results. You want to use keywords that describe your page and entice visitors to click.
The Big 3 Engines - Google, Yahoo and Bing (formerly MSN/Live)
There are a handful of engines out there that bring traffic, but the reality is a very large percentage of search engine traffic comes from Google, Yahoo and MSN. Yes, there are other engines like AOL, etc, but they pull their results from the Big 3.
So in other words, once you start getting traffic from Google, Yahoo and MSN, you'll rank well in the others automatically.
How to Get Listed In Google
There are three ways to list your site with Google, but I will warn you that using any one of these 3 methods no longer guarantees your site will be listed.
Google is getting more and more selective about who gets in, and the first step is ensuring that your site is full of useful, unique content.
After that, work on getting quality, relevant sites to link back to you. These days those two steps are the best ways to find your site in the almighty Google.
Having said that, here are some methods that may also get you in...
1) Get your site listed in The Open Directory -
This is a directory that is managed by volunteers that act as "category editors." To list your site, simply go to the most appropriate category for your web site, then drill down to the relevant subcategory and select the "Add URL" link at the top of that category's page.
Wait about a month to see if your site appears. If it does not, I recommend emailing one of the category editors and asking for advice on how to get your site listed. If you're lucky, you'll receive a helpful response, but most of the category managers do not answer emails.
Sometimes it may take up to one year for an editor to review and list your site and other times it may only take a couple of weeks. Be patient and please don't keep submitting!
Unfortunately since DMOZ is run by volunteers, the time it takes to get your site reviewed really depends on the availability of the volunteers. Sometimes they may not check the submissions for weeks, which can be quite frustrating for people trying to get listed.
Lately, it seems to be more and more difficult to get in, but the good news is this is not the only way to get into Google. Years ago this was one of the fastest ways to get listed and ranked. Fortunately there are other options that are just as effective, and I'll discuss those below.
Warning: Don't try to submit to The Open Directory unless you have enough useful information on your site. If your site is only one or two pages long, then you won't likely get listed. They want medium to large sized web sites with useful and unique content. Strive for at least 15 pages.
If you need more content, has some free articles you can post on your site. Simply find the category that closely matches your theme and add them. Be careful though, don't use too many articles because the engines may penalize your site if you have too much duplicate content.
2) The second way to get listed in Google is to use their own Add URL form located here This method is not as dependable as listing with The Open Directory, but it can get you in. Google admits that they may not add every site, so don't be surprised if this does not work for you.
3) The third way to get listed is to be linked from another web site that is already in Google. That way, when Google's spider goes to visit that site for updates, it will pick up the link to your site and add it. This method does not always work, but many sites do get in this way.
Getting into Yahoo
Most websites get into Yahoo and Live by getting spidered from other sites. Meaning if you're already linked from another site or web directory, Live and Yahoo's robots will eventually find you when they update their search index.
If you don't want to wait to get spidered, you can submit directly to Live by going here
Do not keep re-submitting your site. It will not speed up the process of getting listed and may even get you banned.
Yahoo's direct submission site is
The Yahoo Directory
Not to be confused with the regular Yahoo search function, the Yahoo directory is also a place you can add your site.
When you go to and enter a search into the box, you are using their regular search engine, not the directory. So it is possible to be included in Yahoo's regular search index and not be included in their directory.
The Yahoo directory is actually a categorical listing of sites located here and it's not used very much by web surfers.
The real benefit to being listed here is to have a high quality link pointing to your site. Many search engines look at who is linking to you and if you have a link from the Yahoo directory, it may give you some "credibility" points.
Some believe that having a listing in the directory will help boost your rank in Google and other engines. There is no solid proof of this, however. Yahoo also states that if you are listed in their directory, it does not have any affect on your position in their regular search results.
If your site is commercial it will cost you $299 per year to be included in Yahoo's directory. So if you can justify/afford the cost, I would still recommend getting into Yahoo just to have the high-quality link pointing to your site - but don't expect a lot of traffic from the actual page you'll be listed on.
It's up to you to decide if it's worth it or not. Many webmasters do quite well in the "Big 3" search engines without a listing in the Yahoo directory.
A Powerful Search Engine Traffic Generation Tool
If you're building a money making website then free search engine traffic is an absolute must. It's the reason my sites became successful, and ultimately the reason I was able to quit my job.
Site Build It is a great choice if you want to learn the right ways to master the major engines.
It's only getting tougher out here to master Google (and other engine's) algorithm and so many people are doing it wrong as they sit and wonder why they can't find their site in the results. SBI ensures you do it right without wasting money in the process.
I can say this with confidence because I use it now. I bought it to see if the hype over SBI was worth it. After 11 months, my other website,, earned $700 per month in Adsense income alone, and 90% the traffic comes from Google.
At the time I'm writing this, I'm ranked on the first page for the keyword phrases flat stomach and ab crunches.
SBI actually coaches me as I build every page to make sure it's completely optimized for the best possible results in the search engines. Then it automatically submits your pages ONLY when necessary.
Now, when I say "coach", I don't mean they teach how to "trick" or "cheat" the search engines. You will learn how to build content-focused pages that search engines will love for the long haul.
It amazes me when I hear of big businesses and dot com start-ups spending thousands of dollars a month on advertising while first-time web site builders are getting more traffic, just from using a web host like SBI.
Read this next paragraph carefully . . .
Over half of SBI customers rank within the top 3% visited web sites on the net because of their excellent search engine rankings. There are over 56 million web sites on the Internet right now, and to say that over half of their customer base ranks in the top 3% for traffic says a heck of a lot about this tool.
See for yourself.
Let's not forget who's benefiting from SBI. There are sites created by stay-at-home moms, retired school teachers, aspiring entrepreneurs, full-time workers looking for part-time income, etc. Most of these people who are succeeding with SBI have no previous website building experience whatsoever.
I wouldn't recommend SBI if I didn't use it myself. And I'm not the only one with a success story. Check out these customers who have made videos showing how SBI changed their lives.
Below you'll discover what the search engines look for when determining your page rank so you can optimize your pages for best results. This is often called SEO or search engine optimization.
To this day, the marjority of my traffic comes from the major search engines.
How Search Engines Determine Your Rank
Before you try to add your site to the search engines, you should understand what they look for when they decide how to rank your site. Just because you're listed doesn't mean you'll get traffic. You have to make sure your site is search engine ready.
The general rule of thumb is that most engines use a "formula" to determine keyword relevancy. The technical term is called an "algorithm", and each search engine has its own unique algorithm that it uses to rank pages.
Generally, this magic formula consists of your page title, overall body content and the number and quality of links pointing back to your site, how long people stay on your site, etc.
It's important to note that every engine is different. Some may look at inbound links (number of people linking to you), others may place more emphasis on your body content.
You also need to know about meta tags. These are hidden descriptors that appear at the beginning of your HTML code, inside your <head> tag. They may be invisible to your visitor's eyes, but search engine spiders can read them.
They usually consist of a title, description, and keyword tag and they look something like this:
<title>Title of Your Site</title>
<meta name="description" content="Description of your site here.">
<meta name="keywords" content="keywords separated by commas">
Because of abuse, many search engines no longer use these tags to help rank pages, but you should still include them because they do use them to display information about your site.
For example, whatever is inside the <title> tag is what the search engines will use as the title of your site in the search results. You want to use keywords that describe your page and entice visitors to click.
The Big 3 Engines - Google, Yahoo and Bing (formerly MSN/Live)
There are a handful of engines out there that bring traffic, but the reality is a very large percentage of search engine traffic comes from Google, Yahoo and MSN. Yes, there are other engines like AOL, etc, but they pull their results from the Big 3.
So in other words, once you start getting traffic from Google, Yahoo and MSN, you'll rank well in the others automatically.
How to Get Listed In Google
There are three ways to list your site with Google, but I will warn you that using any one of these 3 methods no longer guarantees your site will be listed.
Google is getting more and more selective about who gets in, and the first step is ensuring that your site is full of useful, unique content.
After that, work on getting quality, relevant sites to link back to you. These days those two steps are the best ways to find your site in the almighty Google.
Having said that, here are some methods that may also get you in...
1) Get your site listed in The Open Directory -
This is a directory that is managed by volunteers that act as "category editors." To list your site, simply go to the most appropriate category for your web site, then drill down to the relevant subcategory and select the "Add URL" link at the top of that category's page.
Wait about a month to see if your site appears. If it does not, I recommend emailing one of the category editors and asking for advice on how to get your site listed. If you're lucky, you'll receive a helpful response, but most of the category managers do not answer emails.
Sometimes it may take up to one year for an editor to review and list your site and other times it may only take a couple of weeks. Be patient and please don't keep submitting!
Unfortunately since DMOZ is run by volunteers, the time it takes to get your site reviewed really depends on the availability of the volunteers. Sometimes they may not check the submissions for weeks, which can be quite frustrating for people trying to get listed.
Lately, it seems to be more and more difficult to get in, but the good news is this is not the only way to get into Google. Years ago this was one of the fastest ways to get listed and ranked. Fortunately there are other options that are just as effective, and I'll discuss those below.
Warning: Don't try to submit to The Open Directory unless you have enough useful information on your site. If your site is only one or two pages long, then you won't likely get listed. They want medium to large sized web sites with useful and unique content. Strive for at least 15 pages.
If you need more content, has some free articles you can post on your site. Simply find the category that closely matches your theme and add them. Be careful though, don't use too many articles because the engines may penalize your site if you have too much duplicate content.
2) The second way to get listed in Google is to use their own Add URL form located here This method is not as dependable as listing with The Open Directory, but it can get you in. Google admits that they may not add every site, so don't be surprised if this does not work for you.
3) The third way to get listed is to be linked from another web site that is already in Google. That way, when Google's spider goes to visit that site for updates, it will pick up the link to your site and add it. This method does not always work, but many sites do get in this way.
Getting into Yahoo
Most websites get into Yahoo and Live by getting spidered from other sites. Meaning if you're already linked from another site or web directory, Live and Yahoo's robots will eventually find you when they update their search index.
If you don't want to wait to get spidered, you can submit directly to Live by going here
Do not keep re-submitting your site. It will not speed up the process of getting listed and may even get you banned.
Yahoo's direct submission site is
The Yahoo Directory
Not to be confused with the regular Yahoo search function, the Yahoo directory is also a place you can add your site.
When you go to and enter a search into the box, you are using their regular search engine, not the directory. So it is possible to be included in Yahoo's regular search index and not be included in their directory.
The Yahoo directory is actually a categorical listing of sites located here and it's not used very much by web surfers.
The real benefit to being listed here is to have a high quality link pointing to your site. Many search engines look at who is linking to you and if you have a link from the Yahoo directory, it may give you some "credibility" points.
Some believe that having a listing in the directory will help boost your rank in Google and other engines. There is no solid proof of this, however. Yahoo also states that if you are listed in their directory, it does not have any affect on your position in their regular search results.
If your site is commercial it will cost you $299 per year to be included in Yahoo's directory. So if you can justify/afford the cost, I would still recommend getting into Yahoo just to have the high-quality link pointing to your site - but don't expect a lot of traffic from the actual page you'll be listed on.
It's up to you to decide if it's worth it or not. Many webmasters do quite well in the "Big 3" search engines without a listing in the Yahoo directory.
A Powerful Search Engine Traffic Generation Tool
If you're building a money making website then free search engine traffic is an absolute must. It's the reason my sites became successful, and ultimately the reason I was able to quit my job.
Site Build It is a great choice if you want to learn the right ways to master the major engines.
It's only getting tougher out here to master Google (and other engine's) algorithm and so many people are doing it wrong as they sit and wonder why they can't find their site in the results. SBI ensures you do it right without wasting money in the process.
I can say this with confidence because I use it now. I bought it to see if the hype over SBI was worth it. After 11 months, my other website,, earned $700 per month in Adsense income alone, and 90% the traffic comes from Google.
At the time I'm writing this, I'm ranked on the first page for the keyword phrases flat stomach and ab crunches.
SBI actually coaches me as I build every page to make sure it's completely optimized for the best possible results in the search engines. Then it automatically submits your pages ONLY when necessary.
Now, when I say "coach", I don't mean they teach how to "trick" or "cheat" the search engines. You will learn how to build content-focused pages that search engines will love for the long haul.
It amazes me when I hear of big businesses and dot com start-ups spending thousands of dollars a month on advertising while first-time web site builders are getting more traffic, just from using a web host like SBI.
Read this next paragraph carefully . . .
Over half of SBI customers rank within the top 3% visited web sites on the net because of their excellent search engine rankings. There are over 56 million web sites on the Internet right now, and to say that over half of their customer base ranks in the top 3% for traffic says a heck of a lot about this tool.
See for yourself.
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I wouldn't recommend SBI if I didn't use it myself. And I'm not the only one with a success story. Check out these customers who have made videos showing how SBI changed their lives.
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