
Blogger Template Showcases

Template Posts

Baseball Gloves

When I played a baseball with my children, I often found my baseball gloves were easily broken, although my children and I have used them only for a couple of month. I really like playing baseball with my children; therefore, I really need good and qualified baseball gloves.After a month without playing baseball, I then tried to search for a better baseball gloves products. Finally, I have found

NFL Jerseys

The world has been always recognizing the American football as one of attractive sports to play and watch. This sport is not only recognized through the action done by the players in the field but also through the NFL Jerseys that the players use.As you can see, there are two main factors that make NFL Jerseys as key to globalize the American football. Firstly, have standardized forms and colors.

Online Soccer Equipment

The impact of the Internet has provided a very large and positive effect on the behavior of the global community in the shop. Via the internet we can buy any items quickly and easily. Like football equipment. You can buy all the equipment of football without the need to go to each store only to buyFootball is the most popular sport by every person in the world. TV shows about football can affect

Highlight Author Comment in Blogspot

This trick is to give a Highlight Author Comment . This will make the blog's owner comments looks different from the visitors comments. It's very usefull and interesting blogger hack tips. You can see the example in my blog. Here is what to do to make a "Highlight Author Comment" effect in Blogspot.

1. Login to blogger, then choose "Layout --> Edit HTML". Don't forget to backup your template first.
2. Check the "Expand Widget Templates" box.
3. Copy this script and put it before ]]></b:skin> or copy to your CSS area.

.comment-body-author {
background: #E6E6E6; /* Background color*/
color: #000; /* Text color*/
border-top: 1px dotted #223344;border-bottom: 1px dotted #223344;border-left: 1px dotted #223344;border-right: 1px dotted #223344;
padding:0 0 0 20px; /* Posotion*/

4. Then find this code:

<dl id='comments-block'>
<b:loop values='data:post.comments' var='comment'>
<dt class='comment-author' expr:id='"comment-" + data:comment.id'>
<a expr:name='"comment-" + data:comment.id'/>
<b:if cond='data:comment.authorUrl'>
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><data:comment.author/></a>

<b:if cond='data:comment.author == data:post.author'>
<dd class='comment-body-author'>

<dd class='comment-body'>
<b:if cond='data:comment.isDeleted'>
<span class='deleted-comment'><data:comment.body/></span>


<dd class='comment-footer'>
<span class='comment-timestamp'>
<a expr:href='"#comment-" + data:comment.id' title='comment permalink'>
<b:include data='comment' name='commentDeleteIcon'/>

5. The red color text is the code that you have to add to your script. The position must be right.
6. And then save your template.

* You have to login into your blogger account before to give comments.

Create Vertical Menu

We have learned how to create horizontal menu before. Now we will try to make a vertical menu. We will make a vertical menu like the image. Ok let's do it

1. Login to blogger then choose "Layout-->Edit HTML"
2. Put the script below before this code ]]></b:skin> or put it in CSS code area.

.glossymenu, .glossymenu li ul{
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 185px; /*WIDTH OF MAIN MENU ITEMS*/
border: 1px solid black;
.glossymenu li{
position: relative;
.glossymenu li a{
background: white url('http://blog.superinhost.com/vertical/blue1.gif') repeat-x bottom left;
font: bold 12px Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: white;
display: block;
width: auto;
padding: 5px 0;
padding-left: 10px;
text-decoration: none;
.glossymenu li ul{
position: absolute;
width: 190px;
left: 0;
top: 0;
display: none;
.glossymenu li ul li{
float: left;
.glossymenu li ul a{
width: 180px;
.glossymenu li a:visited, .glossymenu li a:active{
color: white;
.glossymenu li a:hover{
background-image: url('http://blog.superinhost.com/vertical/blue2.gif');

* html .glossymenu li { float: left; height: 1%; }
* html .glossymenu li a { height: 1%; }

You can change the menu color, look at the red text (blue1.gif and blue2.gif). Change it with some color menu below. For example, if you want to choose red color, then the code would be like this :

.glossymenu li a{
background: white url('http://blog.superinhost.com/vertical/red.gif') repeat-x bottom left;


.glossymenu li a:hover{
background-image: url('http://blog.superinhost.com/vertical/red.gif');

Vertical Menu Color :











3. Save your template.
4. Then go to "Page Elements" menu
5. choose "Add a Gadget -->HTML/JavaScript" the insert the code below.

<ul id="verticalmenu" class="glossymenu">
<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="http://trik-tips.blogspot.com">Trik Blog</a></li>
<li><a href="http://x-template.blogspot.com" >Free Template</a></li>
<li><a href="http://getebook.co.cc">Free Ebook</a></li>

Note :
- The red code is the links.
- The Blue code is anchor text.
- If you want to add menu, just copy the blink code and paste it.

6. Then click "Save"


Now, more and more insurance products offered by car. Therefore, the principles carefully before purchase, need to be applied, so that I regret later in the day. Before deciding to choose one of the car insurance products offered:1. Specify the type of insurance desired. Protection holistically (All Risk) to give the best protection, but you need to take into account the economic side.2. Do not

Please Excuse These Strange Posts

The last two posts and the next three to follow may seem strange but I am compensating for Blogger not having a page feature by creating posts, which I am then linking to in the top menu.

I have moved the templates and Blogger blogs blogrolls from the sidebar and they are now accessible from the top menu.

I will do an about me page, rather than using the default Blogger profile page which does not allow me the flexibility I want.

I am also setting up a contact form via Kontactr so please feel free to let me know of anything you would like to see in this blog. If you have a blog that focuses on, or even has a major section on, the topic of Blogger let me know and I will come and take a look. I intend this blog to be a general resource on the subject and am happy to point readers in the direction of anything worthwhile on other blogs

Blogs About Blogger

Create Tab View

Tab View is very usefull box. We can fill it with many contain. It will save our blogs area. (See Image Below)

Here is Tutorial how to create a tab view:

1. Login to blogger, go to "Layout --> Edit HTML"
2. Then find this code ]]></b:skin>
3. Insert the below code before ]]></b:skin> or in CSS tag.

div.TabView div.Tabs
height: 24px;
overflow: hidden;
div.TabView div.Tabs a
float: left;
display: block;
width: 90px; /* Width top main menu */
text-align: center;
height: 24px; /* Height top main menu */
padding-top: 3px;
vertical-align: middle;
border: 1px solid #000; /* Top Main menu border color */
border-bottom-width: 0;
text-decoration: none;
font-family: "Times New Roman", Serif; /* Top main menu font */
font-weight: 900;
color: #000; /* Top main menu font color */
div.TabView div.Tabs a:hover, div.TabView div.Tabs a.Active
background-color: #FF9900; /* Top main menu background color */
div.TabView div.Pages
clear: both;
border: 1px solid #6E6E6E; /* Content Border color */
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #FF9900; /* Content background color */
div.TabView div.Pages div.Page
height: 100%;
padding: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
div.TabView div.Pages div.Page div.Pad
padding: 3px 5px;

4. You can change the code according to the red text explanation. To get html color code see HERE
5. The next step is put the code below before </head>

<script src='http://superinhost.com/trikblog/tabview.js' type='text/javascript'/>

6. Then "save" it.
7. Go to "Page Elements" menu
8. Chose "Add Page Element" --> "HTML/Javascript" in place where you want to put this tab.
9. Insert this code :

<form action="tabview.html" method="get">
<div class="TabView" id="TabView">
<div class="Tabs" style="width: 350px;">
<a>Tab 1</a>
<a>Tab 2</a>
<a>Tab 3</a>

<div class="Pages" style="width: 350px; height: 250px;">

<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad">
Tab 1.1 <br />
Tab 1.2 <br />
Tab 1.3 <br />


<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad">
Tab 2.1 <br />
Tab 2.2 <br />
Tab 2.3 <br />


<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad">
Tab 3.1 <br />
Tab 3.2 <br />
Tab 3.3 <br />



<script type="text/javascript">

Note :
- The number or the blue text(350px) Is size of the tabview.
- The green code is the main menu text
- The red code is the content of tabview. you can fill it with links, banner, widget, comment or anything.
- To add more menu, see on the blink code. Add the code under it.

Good luck every body.

Principles of Risk Management and Insurance

Principles of Risk Management and Insurance focuses primarily on the consumers of insurance, and the text blends basic risk management and insurance principles with consumer considerations. Praised for its depth and breadth of coverage, the Tenth Edition provides even more flexibility in its organization by giving an overview of the insurance industry first, before discussing specific plans.Basic

Trik Memberi Background Pada Artikel

Coba lihat artikel dibawah ini:

Ini adalah contoh bagian artikel yang diberi background. Dengan ini, maka akan memperjelas para pembaca untuk menemukan bagian artikel yang penting seperti (Ingat, Keterangan, Catatan, Warning, Perhatian, dll) atau yang lainnya. Tergantung keinginan anda!

Nah, anda juga bisa mengganti warna background sesuai keinginan anda. Atau anda juga bisa mengganti backgroundnya dengan sebuah gambar (klo mw tau caranya, harus Donate dulu !). Jika anda juga pingin punya yang kayak gini, ikuti cara2 berikut ini…

1. Login ke Blogger
2. Masuk ke Layout > Edit HTML
3. Masukin skrip berikut ini pada kode CSS (atau sebelum kode ]]></b:skin>)

.alert {
background: #DDE4FF;
text-align: left;
padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
border-top: 1px dotted #223344;
border-bottom: 1px dotted #223344;
border-left: 1px dotted #223344;
border-right: 1px dotted #223344;

4. #DDE4FF bisa anda ganti dengan warna yang anda inginkan, lihat kode2 warna
di sini
5. Klo udah, Save Template

Cara postingnya, tinggal masukkan bagian artikel yang ingin diberi background di antara kode <p class="alert"> dan </p>. Dah, selesai deh…

Trik Menambahkan Artikel2 Terkait

Dengan menambahkan link untuk artikel2 yang terkait dibawah setiap postingan, para pembaca artikel blog anda dapat menemukan informasi2 lain yang masih berkaitan dengan artikel yang sedang mereka baca. Seperti pada blog ini, di setiap akhir artikel terdapat link2 yang langsung menuju ke artikel2 terkait yang termasuk dalam satu kategori. Kalo mau menambahkan, begini caranya…

1. Login ke Blogger
2. Masuk ke Layout > Edit HTML
3. Beri centang Expand Widgets Template
4. Silakan download dulu skrip ini
5. Klo udah, cari kode <data:post.body/>
6. Masukkan skrip yang telah anda donlot tadi dibawah kode tersebut
7. Untuk blog yang ada “Read more...” nya, biasanya terdapat 2 kode, masukkan skrip tersebut dibawah kode yang pertama
8. Klo udah, Save Template

Trik Cepat Cari Kode2 Warna

Powered by Trik-Tips Blog

Trik Menyembunyikan Navbar

Untuk situs blogspot tertentu, biasanya di bagian paling atas terdapat bar panjang yang disebut dengan navigation bar (navbar), seperti ini:

Nah, fungsi dari fitur navbar itu sendiri juga gak penting2 banget, hanya untuk melakukan sign in/sign out ke Blogger, pencarian blog, dan juga untuk "melaporkan kecurangan2 situs blogspot kepada pihak Blogger". Oleh karena itu, klo mau menyembunyikan navbar gini nih caranya...

1. Login ke blogger
2. Masuk ke Layout > Edit HTML
3. Masukkan skrip berikut didalam tag <head>

#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;

4. Contohnya seperti ini:

Blogger Template Style
Name: Thisaway (Blue)
Designer: Dan Rubin
URL: www.superfluousbanter.org
Date: 29 Feb 2004
Updated by: Blogger Team
----------------------------------------------- */

#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;

/* Variable definitions

5. Klo udah, klik Save Template...

Trik Membuat Komputer Jadi Pentium 999

Karena trik ini merupakan trik yang paling populer di blog saya yang satunya, ;) maka saya juga memuat trik ini di blog ini sebagai bonus. :D Sebelumnya, kita harus download program buatanku ini ke C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.

Klo udah, restart komputer anda. :) Nah, klo udah nyala lagi, coba klik kanan
My Computer, pilih Properties, nah bagaimana??? :t Klo mau kembalikan seperti semula, anda tinggal hapus programku tadi dari folder Startup, lalu restart komputer anda...

Trik Menambahkan Status Online IM

Jika anda termasuk pengguna layanan instant messenger (seperti Yahoo! Messenger, Google Talk, Skype, dll), anda dapat memasang ikon statusnya di dalam blog. Dengan ikon status ini, para pengunjung blog dapat mengetahui apakah anda sedang online/offline pada layanan2 IM yang anda gunakan. ;) Untuk lebih jelasnya, ikuti cara2 berikut ini…

Menambahkan Status Yahoo! Messenger

1. Buka http://messenger.yahoo.com/addpresence.php
2. Masukkan Yahoo! ID anda, maka secara otomatis terbentuk kode HTML
3. Anda tinggal login ke Blogger, masuk ke Layout > Page Elements
4. Tambahkan Page Element berupa HTML/JavaScript, isikan dengan kode HTML yang telah anda dapatkan tadi
5. Klo udah, klik tombol Save
6. :t Sebenarnya anda dapat mengubah tampilan status dengan variasi lainnya, yaitu dengan mengubah parameter t dengan nilai antara 0-9. Edit dulu elemennya di Layout > Page Elements, klik Edit pada elemen status YM yang telah anda tambahkan. Cari kode t=2 ubahlah nilai variabel t sesuai keinginan anda…

Menambahkan Status Google Talk

1. Buka http://www.jabbim.com/services-status-icon.html
2. Anda akan mendapatkan kode HTML-nya, tetapi anda harus menyesuaikan parameter jid dengan Jabber ID anda, dan parameter ib sesuai dengan tampilan ikon status yang diinginkan (dapat anda lihat pada Help)
3. Klo udah, masukkan kode HTML tersebut ke dalam elemen baru berupa HTML/JavaScript
4. Klo udah, klik tombol Save
5. Selanjutnya login ke akun Google Talk anda, jika anda mendapatkan permintaan dari jabstatus@njs.netlab.cz, klik aja Yes, dengan demikian status IM Google Talk anda telah berhasil ditambahkan ke dalam blog anda :)

Menambahkan Status Skype

1. Sebelumnya, kita harus mengaktifkan persetujuan untuk menampilkan ikon status didalam web. Masuk ke akun Skype, klik menu Tools > Options > Privacy, beri centang pada Allow my status to be shown on the web, lalu klik tombol Save untuk menyimpan setting
2. Klo udah, buka http://www.skype.com/intl/en/share/buttons/wizard.html
3. Kemudian masukkan nama akun skype anda dan atur setting tampilan ikon status sesuai keinginan anda, maka secara otomatis kode HTML terbentuk
4. Sekarang login ke Blogger, masukkan kode HTML tersebut ke dalam elemen halaman baru berupa HTML/JavaScript
5. :D Klo udah, klik tombol Save

Bagaimana dengan ikon status lanyanan instant messenger lainnya? Buka aja www.funnyweb.dk, disitu anda bisa mendapatkan ikon status layanan instant messenger lainnya untuk blog anda. Seperti AIM, ICQ, IRC, Jabber, MSN, Skype, Yahoo, dll. :p Coba sendiri ya…

Trik Mengganti Gambar Background Blog

Pada trik kali ini, kita akan mengubah gambar background pada blog sesuai keinginan kita. :) Tetapi pertama2 kita harus mencari alamat URL gambar yang kita inginkan untuk dijadikan background blog kita, atau kita bisa upload sendiri gambarnya melalui layanan web hosting. :D Nah, mumpung aku sendiri belum ngotak-atik background, ;) ayo kita coba trik ini sama2...

1. Login ke Blogger
2. masuk ke Layout > Edit HTML
3. Klo udah, cari kode body {
4. Nah, dibawah kode tersebut, anda pasti menemukan kode yang seperti ini:

background: #4386ce url(http://static1.grsites.com/archive/textures/blue/blue140.gif);

5. Ganti kode yang di bold sesuai keinginan anda. #4386ce bisa diganti dengan warna background ketika gambar background belum muncul (lihat kode2 warna di sini), sedangkan http://static1.grsites.com/archive/textures/blue/blue140.gif bisa diganti dengan alamat URL gambar yang ingin dijadikan sebagai background
6. Klo udah, klik tombol Save Template untuk menyimpan perubahan...

Trik Membuat Judul Blog Berjalan

Dalam trik kali ini, kita akan membuat judul blog berjalan ke arah kiri, terus huruf yang sudah ngilang ke kiri akan kembali ke kanan lagi (di posisi teks yang paling belakang) dan akan tetap berjalan kekiri secara terus-menerus, gitu lho maksud saya! Seperti di blogku ini...

Tenang aja, caranya gampang kok! Kita tinggal login ke Blogger, masuk ke Layout > Edit HTML. ;) Klo udah, masukkan skrip berikut ini di bawah <head>

<script language='JavaScript'>
var txt="JUDUL BLOG ANDA";
var kecepatan=170;var segarkan=null;function bergerak() { document.title=txt;

Anda tinggal mengganti JUDUL BLOG ANDA dengan judul blog anda. :D Klo udah, klik tombol Save Template untuk menyimpan perubahan, dan lihatlah perubahannya...

Trik Mengganti Favicon Blogspot

Didepan alamat situs pada addressbar, biasanya ada ikon khusus untuk situs tersebut, ikon ini dinamakan favicon (favorite icon), karena ikon ini juga digunakan sebagai ikon situs pada folder Favorites. Misalnya pada situs Google, faviconnya adalah logo Google, contoh2 lainnya yaitu Yahoo!, blog ini, dll. Nah, kalo situs blogspot, favicon defaultnya seperti ini:

Sebenarnya anda bisa menggantinya dengan favicon milik anda sendiri, bisa format ico, jpg atau gambar animasi format gif juga bisa dijadikan favicon. :p Gini nih cara gantinya...

1. Login ke Blogger
2. Masuk ke Layout > Edit HTML
3. Terus, taruh skrip berikut ini di bawah <head>

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://www.iconarchive.com/download/ico/icons-land/vista-style-emoticons/Cool.ico"/>

Anda tinggal mengganti skrip yang di bold dengan alamat URL favicon anda, jangan lupa untuk menyertakan ekstensi…

4. Klo udah, klik Save Template untuk menyimpan perubahan
5. :D Coba anda buka blog anda dan lihat sendiri hasilnya…

Long-Term Care Insurance - Can a Reverse Mortgage Be Right For You?

Reverse mortgages have been battered in the media recently, but reverse mortgages are often the perfect solution for cash-strapped seniors. The dollars that come in from reverse mortgages can be the difference between paying basic bills such as food and utilities, and even certain medical expenses or not.Reverse mortgages are designed for people 62 and over. They enable you to have a bank buy

Followers - New Blogger Feature

I have added the new Blogger page element gadget 'Followers' to my sidebar.

This widget shows who is following you via a gravatar image and allows readers to add you to their follow list. Once I get some followers you will be able to see what I mean.

You can view those you are following from your dashboard and read their latest posts either from here or in your Google Reader.

Setting Domain Blogspot With co.cc Domain

co.cc is a free domain. It's not only URL forwarding but we can setup DNS Records, A, MX, and CNAME records. We can change our blog's name to become "name.co.cc". It's more simple than we use domain "name.blogspot.com". To change our default blogspot name to co.cc domain name there are some steps to do. Here is the tutorial to setup domain co.cc

1. Open your browser to co.cc
2. Then regiter a domain that you want to use.
3. If it's no available you have to find another domain name. But if it's available then you can register it.
4. The you have to setup your domain. Got to "setup-->Manage domain"
5. Choose "Zone Records"
6. In the coloumn "Host" fill it with your domain name (www.yourdomainname.co.cc")
7. Choose "CNAME" for "Type"
8. In the "Value" box fill it with "ghs.google.com"
9. Then click "Setup" Button.

The next step is make some setup in blogspot.

1. Login to Bloggr/blogspot then choose "Setting-->Publishing"
2. Then choose "Switch to: • Custom Domain
3. Then click on "Already own a domain? Switch to advanced settings"
4. Fill it with your new domain in the "Your Domain" coloumn.

5. To Finish click "Save Setting" Button.

It will take 1-48 hours for your new domain to work. So be patient....

Insurance Claims Secrets - The INSIDE STORY

Insurance claims can be a first class PITA!

With that in mind, this little bit of INSIDE INFORMATION is offered.


  1. An Adjuster (human type)
  2. A File (either electronic or paper or both)
  3. A Supervisor (also the human type)

The claim process looks like this (considering the three above items)

  1. The Adjuster mediates and calculates the value of the claim. (Why? Because that's what he's paid to do)
  2. The Adjuster documents The File. (Why? Because The Supervisor is going to check that file)
  3. The Supervisor reviews the file. (Why? Because once a year, the state insurance commission will audit the insurance company and randomly review claim files to be sure that the money paid out was justified, documented and in accordance with state insurance law. When there's an issue, the insurance company is fined -- HEAVILY! )

Here is the extremely valuable information ! When you're negotiating with the insurance company to settle your claim, remember while making you happy is important to them, passing the eventual audit is more important. A badly documented or poorly calculated claim can cost the insurance company -- MANY MORE DOLLARS than giving you a couple hundred extra for your bent fender.

Generally, the adjuster does not personally care how much they pay to settle the claim. Let me say that again.

Generally, the adjuster does not personally care how much they pay to settle the claim.

I say generally because you will occasionally run into that young buck, fresh out of 'ADJUSTER SCHOOL" who wants to save the world and treats the insurance company money like his own. THAT'S a discussion for another day. They're paid employees with families, bills, problems, vacation plans, and a host of other issues just like you and I face everyday.

The claim adjuster doesn't really care what he pays to settle the claim.
The claim adjuster wants to get the file closed as much as you do.

As long as he can document the amount paid, he'll write the check now and be done with it.


Whatever assistance you can offer to document a better value for your claim, the faster you'll get paid.

  1. When you think your car is worth more than they're offering, get some documentation that supports that additional value.
  2. When your repair job exceeds the insurance company estimate, get a letter or itemized estimate explaining the difference.
  3. When the replacement cost of your kitchen exceeds what the insurance company is willing to pay, get pictures of your old kitchen and an itemized bid from the contractor that clearly indicates that you're putting yourself back as you were -- No better, no worse.
  4. When the 'facts of the accident' are not clear, get witness statements or police report clarification.

The more you're willing to work WITH the claim adjuster to properly document their file to justify higher payments, the more you'll get paid for your claim.

Contact me if I can help you in any way.

After all..... it's what I do.


It's a Good Life !

Dennis Volz Insurance Agency
10783 Jamacha Bl, Suite 1, Spring Valley, CA 91978
OFFICE: (619) 670-1000 - FAX: (619) 670-1121


Websites: Company Site: DennisVolzInsurance.com

Client Convenience Site: 6701000.com

My 'Other Blogs'
Working by Referral
Musings from California

Blogger in Draft New Features - Inline Comments Too

Blogger in Draft is the testing ground for new Blogger features before they are released into general use. You can login to Blogger in Draft and use the features that are being trialled.

One thing I am sure all Blogger users will be pleased to hear about is that there is now the option in Blogger in Draft to have your comment form embedded into your post window rather than appearing as a popup or separate page.

To enable this feature in Blogger in Draft go to "Settings/Comments/Comment Placement form" and choose "Embedded below post". If the comment form is still not showing after you have done this then it could be that you need to make some minor changes to your template. The tutorial on Blogbuster How to add a comment form beneath your blog posts will help you do this.You can find further details in the Blogger in Draft blog post New Feature: Embedded Comment Form.

Other new features include:

  • Ability to import/export your posts - if, for example, you want to move across to Wordpress you do not have to be using Classic Blogger to be able to transfer your posts across.
  • A new layout for the post edit window
  • A star rating system for posts
  • Integration with Google Webmaster Central
  • If you are using word verification for comments, the word verification form now appears after you click on "Post Comment"
The embedded comment form works with Classic templates too. Add the tag <$BlogItemCreate$> tag to your page template. I have enabled embedded comments in this post so please give it a go and let me know what you think of this new feature :-)

Two New Blogger XML Template Sites

I have added two new Blogger xml template sites to my blogroll: both by established bloggers who have decided to highlight their templates by creating a dedicated home for them.

Exotic Mommie has transported her templates to Candy's Templates - 22 templates to date. She is asking for suggestions as to the type of templates we would like to see there.

Little Miss Blogger is a new template site created by Kathleen of Kathleen & The Dreaded Opium She says her inspirations are drawn from "steampunk, vintage, retro, shabby chic, victoriana, edwardiana, dolls, burton, nordic, shaker, folk art & puritan" which should give a wide range of design to choose from. Kathleen creates both free and OOAK (One-of-a-Kind) Templates at £7.50 each.

Good luck to both of you with your sites and congratulations to Mommie on her beautiful brand new baby girl.

Show Related Article to Your Post

The advantage of showing related article to your post is it will help your readers find more information related to the topics. This is base on label or category. This is usually put to the end of the article. After your visitors finish read your article, they will find some links that related to the post base on label or category.
Here's the tutorial to create "related article to your spot":

1. Login to Blogger
2. Go to "Layout-->Edit HTML"
3. Click on "Expand Widgets Template" checkbox.
4. Then download THIS SCRIPT or HERE.
5. Open it then copy the scripts.
6. Paste the script after this code : <data:post.body/>. If you have "Read more widget" you will find two codes. Put it under the first code.
7. Save your template.

Good Luck...

Free Web Hosting Without Ads

If we have a/some blogs, webhosting is important to support our blog running. web hosting is use for put our files such as images, sound, script, videos and many more. We can use use paid hosting or free hosting, but I suggested you to use 000webhost as your web hosting. 000webhost is a free web hosting service with full feature and no force ads. 000webhost is an amazing web hosting service. It's free web hosting that gives many features such as:
- 250 MB Disk Space
- 100 GB Data Transfer
- cPanel Control Panel
- Fantastico De Luxe 1-Click Autoinstaller
- Website Builder Software
- PHP Scripts Autoinstaller
- MySQL Databases
- Curl, GD2 library, ImageMagick, Zend
- and much more features are enabled

But to make your web hosting running well you must folow their rule.
Here is the most important rules:

1. No adult content or any kind.
2. No warez / hacking / phishing sites
3. No mass mailers / spammers (account will be automatically suspended if you will try to send mass mail), so if your software supports such feature, disable it right now.
4. We do not allow any public image or file hosting server scripts to be run.
5. Chat, proxy, or file download scripts are not allowed.
6. Paid-to-surf, auto-surm, buxto, and any other similar scripts are banned
7. We do not allow online gaming scripts such as ogame, mafia, etc..
8. Nulled software such as ip.board or vbulletin is not allowed to be hosted
9. Account cannot be used only to store files.

What are you waiting for, just SIGN UP HERE

Free Domain co.cc

Do you feel your blog name is too long?
If we create a blog, use blogspot or wordpress service, we have to make a name to our blog, it should be like "name.blogspot.com" or "name.wordpress.com". Do you feel it's such as a long name? If we have some money, we can buy a domain, and then our blog name would be like name.com or name.net or name.co.uk name.us etc.

But now, we can to get free domain to cut up our blog name. it's co.cc service. We can register domain to co.cc, our blogname will be like "name.co.cc". It's free, no payment needed, no setup fee and it's easy to setup. I thinnk it's very good service that offer us a free domain name. I have try it for some of my blogs, and it's interesting. So what are you waiting for.....

CO.CC:Free Domain

Get Paid From Bloggerwave

Bloggerwave is one of PPP (Pay Per Post) Program. It's like sponsoredreviews, buyblogreview and other PPP program. They provide some jobs to be reviewed by bloger. It's such as writing an article about a website or company and then we post it in our blog. To be approved to Bloggerwave is easier than other PPP programs. No PR needed or any others criteria. So I thing this is a good PPP program

HTML Color Codes

Color is very important to design a blog. But to give a color to background or text or table it's not as simple as looks like, we have to know tho color code. With HTML color codes you can set the color of web site background, color of text, cells in tables and much more. With this dynamic HTML color codes chart you can get codes for basic colors.
Click on any color to get it's HTML color code:

Whose Insurance Does What during "DELAYED POSSESSION"?

Got this great question from Jennifer Allan, author of Sell With Soul today and thought the answer might be helpful.

Hey Dennis...

What's the deal when a home sells and closes, but there's a delayed possession - that is - the seller retains possession of the property for a few days past closing to move out?

If there's damage... which homeowners policy pays? The buyer's (who owns the property, but hasn't yet taken possession) or the seller's (who no longer owns the property)?


WOW! Great questions, Jennifer.

Homeowners insurance for the buyer goes into force to close escrow. After the closing, the BUYER owns and insures the house. Should there be damage to the home, it would fall on the BUYER'S insurance to cover the loss. The new owner would be responsible to pay the deductible. (there could be some stipulations in the RENT BACK AGREEMENT about that, but without some agreement to the contrary, that's how it would likely settle out.)

Loss to any contents of the SELLER (those items remaining while they move out) could be covered one of two ways.

1. Using the homeowners insurance for THEIR (the sellers) new home
2. Using Renters Insurance if they're moving to a rental
Most insurance companies offer at least 30 days of "EITHER PLACE" coverage. In other words, their stuff can be covered by their existing policy for up to 30 days in the old OR the new location. So if they're moving to another home, they will have homeowners insurance in place on that new home. If they're moving to a rental, they need to roll their old homeowners insurance over to RENTERS INSURANCE for the new residence at the close of escrow, In either case, the EITHER PLACE coverage still applies using the new insurance policies to cover their contents during moving.

If you have any questions, please call, write, email, signal flags, or smoke signals.... :)

p.s. My insurance company, which is available nationwide, offers additional location coverage without a time limit. In other words, your stuff is covered anywhere in the world -- PERIOD. Doesn't matter if you're moving, storing, vacationing, or stocking your Ski Chalet in Switzerland.

Point here being that not all insurance companies handle this situation exactly the same. Check with your local insurance professional to be sure.


It's a Good Life !

Dennis Volz Insurance Agency
10783 Jamacha Bl, Suite 1, Spring Valley, CA 91978
OFFICE: (619) 670-1000 - FAX: (619) 670-1121


Websites: Company Site: DennisVolzInsurance.com

Client Convenience Site: 6701000.com

My 'Other Blogs'
Working by Referral
Musings from California

Blogger Templates Tutorial 1

This is Part One of a beginners guide to Blogger templates and how to edit them.

You will find the template features of your blog under the Layout tab of your dashboard. The tabs under Layout are:
  • Page Elements - this allows you to easily include additional features in your blogs header, sidebar and footer areas. Blogger has a good range of add-ins which it calls page elements. You may wish to include features from external sites, in which case you are provided with the code to add to your template. This is normally done by copying and posting the code into a new HTML/JavaScript Page Element.

  • Fonts and Colors - This allows for some basic styling of your blogs font and background colors.

  • Edit HTML - Here you will find all the coding for your template. Edit xml would have been a more appropriate title for it as these are xml rather than html templates. Before you do any editing it is wise to download a copy of your current template using the download function at the top of the edit html screen. You can then restore this if anything goes wrong or you just change your mind.

    The main reasons you may want to edit this template are:
    • To alter your blogs styling over and above what you can do in the Fonts and Colors section.
    • To change your template to one that is not included in the Pick New Template Tab. i.e. a template you download from another site or one you create yourself.
    • To make alterations to your existing template, add new features that cannot be added via Page Elements or to add the ability to add more page elements.

    You will see the option to 'revert to Classic Template' at the bottom of the Edit HTML tab. All new blogspot hosted blogs are based on an xml templating system. Prior to this they were html based and these are now called Classic Templates. If you want to install a new template from a third party site ensure you are using the correct sort. Classic templates are still used by some blogspot bloggers and they must be used if you want to host your blog on your own server. This old system does not, among other things, have the Page Elements feature and changes have to be made by editing your html.

  • Pick New Template - to change your template to one of the Blogger default templates.

New to Blogger blogspot?

My daughter has just started blogging using blogspot and this has given me an incentive to pay attention to this blog again.

I will be answering any questions she has as well as posting on topics I think would be useful for her. If you too are a newcomer to using Blogger please feel free to ask questions too.

Essay Writing Services

For writers, it should be noted that the investigation documents concerning any aspect of library and information science are eligible. The author may also write the steps in making the contract, the recommended reference tools for the research paper. Choosing a good search engine is also of great importance for the process of collecting material for the research paper.Research papers are usually

Have a Comfortable Vacation with Travel Insurance

Many people now start to consider about joining insurance. They begin to realize the importance of insurance for their life. Since life is unpredictable, joining insurance will help us when the things start to go wrong.There are many types of insurance. They are life insurance, car insurance, travel insurance, health insurance and many more. Usually people take life insurance, car insurance

Effectively Using Overture/Yahoo To Get Website Visitors

Overture or now known as Yahoo because of Yahoo’s takeover, was the original inventor of the use of the P4P or Pay for Performance. Overture saw that the internet was fast becoming the easiest and most convenient way to shop, and advertising was going to hit at an all time high because of the many businesses in the arena.To get a person to go to a site than others, it needs to be very visible.

Take Your New Shopping Style Now

The world has completely changed since the internet come. The online world gives wider possibility for people all around the world to have more variety in business. The old type of business should follow the wave of change by giving an online service to the customer. Now, you can get any information you want on the internet. Information about insurance, health, lifestyle and other kinds of

Back up Your Blog

Back up blog? is it important?
Yes it's very important. Because we can't guarantee that our blog will exist forever. Lately, many blogers lost their blogs because of unpredicted fault . Few months ago I lost all of my blog (it'a about 10 blogs), but now I got some of them back. Since then I know how important to back up our blog. It's really frustating when your hard work suddenly lost.

There is a free service website that allow us to back up our blog. It's name is blogbackuponline. They give us a space for 5 MB. Althought it's small but I think it's enough for us to backup our blog. If our avarage posted arcticle is 1000 character, meaning it can backup until 5000 title. It's for free version. They also provide more features for premium account. Just go to blogbackuponline and back up your blog there.

WaMu is a secure online banking

Most people are willing to have a comfortable and stable life. But life is unpredictable and so unstable. That’s why many people take some insurance just in case of unexpected things. You can also have a comfortable live by having a savings account in the right bank. WaMu is a free online banking that will help you in controlling your savings account. WaMu is also completed with Free

I've had a FIRE! What do I do now?

Fire can be one of the most traumatic and devastating losses anyone can experience.

If you've had a fire and there were injuries or a death, my sincere condolences. If you've experienced just loss to property, please take a moment to be thankful that there we no injuries or death.

You're probably still in shock that this has happened to you and bewildered by the seemingly endless task ahead of you. This is going to be a ONE DAY AT A TIME process. If you can settle into that thinking, this will be much easier. Every day that you make progress toward rebuilding your life is a WIN. Ask yourself at the start of each day, "What does WIN THE DAY look like
TODAY?" Make a VERY SHORT list of a few things that will get you to that WIN THE DAY feeling and be happy with that.

If your loss is a severe one (a total loss or one where SUBSTANTIAL work is required to get you back into your home) then you need to first think about some long-term living arrangements.

This should be your first priority. You might be put up with friends or in a hotel at first and you may need to get some basic items like clothing, personal items (toothbrush, etc) but don't get involved with any other stuff until you're settled into where you're going to live.

Your insurance company should be very generous here. You can usually rent a place similar to yours at their expense. They won't pay you any extra though.

For example, if you were renting a house or apartment, you won't be required to pay rent while you're out of your home, so you'll just be paying rent someplace else. The insurance company might make up the difference if there's nothing available similar to yours. The goal is to keep your monthly expense about the same.

If you owned a house, you'll still be responsible for your mortgage so the insurance company
should pick up the entire cost of renting another place.

Just rent some furniture for now and then SLOWLY, replace it with items you purchase along the way. You'll have plenty of time to shop for furniture once the contractor gets busy rebuilding your home.

OK. So now you have a "home base" from which to rebuild your life. Its important to have this so you can focus on gathering, replacing, purchasing the things, memories and items necessary for daily living.
DON'T BE TOO HASTY TO "HIRE" THE SERVICES of a 'PUBLIC ADJUSTER'. This is someone who will show up EARLY. (like while the fire department is putting the hoses back on their truck) They will tell you that they will do all the negotiating with the "big bad" insurance company for you for a small fee. SAY NO FOR NOW.... (you can always go to them later and their "small fee" is THOUSANDS of dollars....) You're better of without them.

Your claim adjuster is going to be your new best friend. That's an important mind-set to adopt. Look to him as a source of information, encouragement and ideas to get the most out of your insurance policy. The company I'm with (and most companies) will look for ways to BE ABLE TO PAY YOU rather than looking for ways to get out of paying you. Remember, losses are calculated into what they charge and a good claim experience and positive results serve them much better than saving a couple thousand dollars by nickel and diming you to death.

TAKE NOTES. You should pick up a 3-ring binder w/ some paper. You might want to get some tabbed pages to keep track of THINGS TO DO, NOTES ON CALLS, CONTACT INFORMATION, etc. Remember think MARATHON not SPRINT. You're going to need a central location (the notebook and maybe a small file
box) to keep track of your information.

They're going to start by giving you an overview of the entire process. There will be a contractor to find, plans to draw up, lists to create, receipts to keep, and plans to make. Take good notes and remember to keep thinking 'just one day at a time.'
KEEP YOUR PERSPECTIVE AND HAVE FUN! Yeah, I know that sounds a little off. But this is such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You get to start all over. Fresh! New!

Make a decision to enjoy this process -- This curve ball that life has thrown your way. If you're married you can play 'newlyweds' all over again. If you're single you can make a substantial change in your lifestyle, your look, anything you want.

Decide to be BETTER not bitter because of it.

Yes.... Make a conscious decision that this is probably one of the most exciting adventures you'll ever have. Get just a few things and relish in how simple life can be. You'll "clutter back up" soon enough so just enjoy the spartan simplicity.

Buy a different brand of underwear, splurge on some really plush socks, or get a pair of just THE COOLEST JEANS EVER! Try out new ways of cooking with new dishes. Get back to enjoying the simple things in life. You'll be a bigger and better person because of it.

Don't forget to let your friends help you. You'll deepen your relationships and forge new friendships along the way. Just let it all happen.


There's way too many variations and possibilities to go into within the scope of this blog. But here's a few things to think about as you begin to work with your adjuster and contractor.
  1. The insurance company will generally pay to build the house just like the one you lost but YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUILD IT THE SAME WAY. If you've always wanted a big picture window on the west side... then GET ONE!
  2. Take your time with your architect or making your own sketches of how you want your house rebuilt. You might even be able to change the "footprint" of the slab (the basic shape and orientation of the house) One of my clients who lost their home in the San Diego fires of 2003 had always lamented that the side of the house with the best view had just one little tiny window. Well.... They fixed that w/ 4 huge picture windows and instead of having the bathroom there, it was their den and fireplace area. Turned out BEAUTIFULLY!
  3. Have a plan to refurnish your home. Just slowly replace your rented furniture with your new stuff as the "building the home" process unfolds.

The process of rebuilding your home can be the most challenging event you've ever experienced. It can also (at the same time) be the most rewarding and life-changing! After all, if you can survive this, sitting in traffic or having to replace your refrigerator just won't phase you any more.

Contact me if you have any questions.


It's a Good Life !

Dennis Volz Insurance Agency
10783 Jamacha Bl, Suite 1, Spring Valley, CA 91978
OFFICE: (619) 670-1000 - FAX: (619) 670-1121


Websites: Company Site: DennisVolzInsurance.com

Client Convenience Site: 6701000.com

My 'Other Blogs'
Working by Referral
Musings from California

Put Paypal Donation Box to Blog

Do you want to put this box in your blog/site? Well many of us want put this code on their own blog/site like those popular sites but they don't know how. Well i am very glad to teach you and going tell you how.
If you don't have a paypal account, click here to sign up one. Well i supply the code, and you just simply copy and paste it, is that simple.
Ok here we go.

Just copy the code and change some values in red.
Change Blog/Website Title to your own Blog title example change to "The-Online-Quest".
And change Your paypal email to your own paypal email.


<!-- The-Online-Quest Pay Pal Donation Form Code Start -->

<table border="1" width="143" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolorlight="#FFF8E8" bordercolordark="#EFE0C9">
<p align="center"><b>Please Donate To My Blog</b>
<td width="145">
<form action="https://www.paypal.com/row/cgi-bin/webscr" name="_xclick" method="post">
<input value="Thanks for Your Donations - Blog/Website Title" name="item_name" type="hidden"/>
<input value="Your paypal email" name="business" type="hidden"/>
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">
<input value="_xclick" name="cmd" type="hidden"/>
<!-- input type="hidden" name="amount" value="1.00" -->
<b>Amount</b> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> <select name="Amount" size="1">
<option selected value="1.00"/>1.00
<option value="2.00"/>2.00
<option value="3.00"/>3.00
<option value="4.00"/>4.00
<option value="5.00"/>5.00
<option value="10.00"/>10.00
<option value="15.00"/>15.00
<option value="20.00"/>20.00
<option value="25.00"/>25.00
<option value="30.00"/>30.00
<option value="35.00"/>35.00
<option value="40.00"/>40.00
<option value="45.00"/>45.00
<option value="50.00"/>50.00
<option value="100.00"/>100.00
<option value="200.00"/>200.00
<option value="300.00"/>300.00
<option value="400.00"/>400.00
<option value="500.00"/>500.00
<option value="1000.00"/>1000.00
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><b>Currency</b> <select name="currency_code" size="1">
<option value="AUD"/>Australian Dollar
<option selected value="USD"/>USD
<option value="GBP"/>British Pound
<option value="CAD"/>Canadian Dollars
<option value="CZK"/>Czech Koruna
<option value="DKK"/>Danish Kroner
<option value="EUR"/>EUR
<option value="HKD"/>Hong Kong Dollars
<option value="HUF"/>Hungarian Forint
<option value="JPY"/>Japanese YEN
<option value="NZD"/>New Zealand Dollars
<option value="NOK"/>Norwegian Kroner
<option value="PLN"/>Polisg Zlotych
<option value="SGD"/>Singapore Dollars
<option value="SEK"/>Swedish Kronor
<option value="CHF"/>Swiss Francs
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center">
<input border="0" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!" width="60" src="http://www.blogpulp.com/imagehost/images/5971708800.gif" name="submit" height="30" type="image"/>
<p align="right"><b><font face="Arial" size="1">Powered by <a href="http://djyano.blogspot.com/2008/04/put-paypal-donation-code-to-your.html" target="_blank"> The-Online-Quest</a></font></b>

<!-- End of The-Online-Quest Pay Pal Donation Form Code -->

For blogger, after you have copied and changed the values, just add a new page element. Click add HTML/JavaScript to blog, paste all the codes in and save changes.Enjoy blogging and have fun, if you have put this code in your blog/site, post a comment about it and please let me know.

Original post by : The Online Quest

The 3 Things To Avoid When Emailing Your List

When you decide to have an opt-in list, it is not just a matter of sending your subscribers your promotional newsletters or catalogs. There are many things to consider in avoiding many complications. While there are so many ways you can make people subscribe to your list, there are also some things you must do to avoid subscribers from wanting to get off from your list. Aside from that, you also

PlayPhone.com is all I need.

I am a hard worker woman. I spend my whole time on working in front of the computer. Sometimes I get bore too. But I don’t like going out with my friends. I like to have my own fun. So, I usually play games and watching movies for relax.Well, of course I need complete information about games and movies. PlayPhone.com is all I need. Playphone.com gives me complete information about games,

A word about DEDUCTIBLES...

Simply stated: A deductible is the amount that you pay toward a loss or claim before the insurance company begins to pay. The higher your deductible, the lower your premium.
  • The more you are willing to participate in your loss, the greater the savings on your premium.
The insurance company will offer your a lower premium if you take a higher deductible because your LOSS FREQUENCY and your LOSS SEVERITY will be lower. Consider if you have a $2000 deductible instead of a $500 deductible:
  1. You'll make fewer claims because you won't be making claims for $600, $900 or $1995 losses. You'll simply pay those yourself. (FREQUENCY)
  2. When you do submit a claim the insurance company will be paying $1500 LESS than if you had the $500 deductible. (SEVERITY)

There is no "correct" deductible to choose. It depends on what I like to call your personal LOSS THRESHOLD. So before we get too far ahead, lets take a moment to diagnose your "loss threshold."

Lets say you go out and buy a $3 picture to hang in your bathroom. Are you going to insure it? Of course not! Now you go out and buy a famous $252,000 masterpiece painting. Are you going to insure it? Unless you are a multi-millionaire, you certainly will. Somewhere in between the $3 print and the $252,000 masterpiece is your loss threshold. Your loss threshold is the amount of money you can stand to lose without doing any great harm to your daily lifestyle or your peace-of-mind. In the above example, different people will have different thresholds. There is no right or wrong answer here!


OK. Let's say you're ok with a loss threshold of $1000 or less. Now you can choose between a $1000 deductible or a $500 deductible. Here's all you have to do.

  1. Find the premium difference between the two.
  2. Let's say you save $80 a year in premium to take the $1000 deductible.
  3. Now look at the DIFFERENCE between the 2 deductibles which is $500. It would take you over 6 years ($80/yr x 6 years = $480 ) to save the DIFFERENCE between the deductibles.
  4. Now you simply ask yourself, "Do I think I'll have more than 1 claim in the next 6 years?"
  5. If the answer is yes, you should probably take the lower ($500) deductible.
  6. If the answer is no, then the higher deductible ($1000) probably makes more sense.

If you're still confused by this, just give me a call and I'll walk you through it....


It's a Good Life !

Dennis Volz Insurance Agency
10783 Jamacha Bl, Suite 1, Spring Valley, CA 91978
OFFICE: (619) 670-1000 - FAX: (619) 670-1121


Websites: Company Site: DennisVolzInsurance.com

Client Convenience Site: 6701000.com

My 'Other Blogs'
Working by Referral
Musings from California

Free Diet Plans Can Work for You

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Will the Mediterranean Diet Work for Me?

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Car insurance

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Job in Insurance

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A few thoughts on PROPERLY insuring your Rental Property

So, you're going to be a landlord! Since it's nearly ALWAYS a good time to buy real estate, you're making an excellent move. The long-term value of real estate from an investment standpoint is, in my humble opinion, the best leverage available.

Now that you've taken that step, it's important to get the right kind of insurance to protect not only your investment from the ravages of fire, vandalism, smoke, and broken water pipes, but also protection from the greedy hands of your tenants should they sustain an injury on your property in the form of Liability Coverage.

There's usually 4 primary areas of coverage you want to explore when looking into insurance for your property that you rent to others. (doesn't matter if it's a single family dwelling, duplex, multi-plex or a condo.

  1. Building Coverage - Protection for the structure.
  2. Personal Property Coverage - Protection for the contents of the unit that you own. This includes refrigerator and window treatments primarily. It would also include any other non-building type items that you own and are stored or used in the rented dwelling.
  3. Loss of Rents Coverage - This pays your fair market rent value to you whenever your property is rendered uninhabitable from a covered loss.
  4. Liability Coverage - This is that important coverage that protects you when tenants or their guests are injured or sustain some "other kind" of "loss" that they think is YOUR FAULT and they come after you with vengence and an attorney!

There's other coverages to consider like Medical Payments (usually included), Flood and Earthquake Coverage(BOTH usually NOT included).

Ok so now you at least have a place to start. Let's take a quick look at each one to give you just a little guidance.

This coverage is identical to homeowners insurance in that it protects the building against physical loss from perils like fire, smoke, vandalism, water damage from broken appliances and pipes, falling trees, automobiles, etc. It's usually written on an ALL RISK basis. Which is fancy insurance talk that simply means EVERYTHING except certain listed exclusions is covered. In other words, if something happens to the structure and it's NOT listed in the exclusions... IT'S COVERED!

You'll want to get enough coverage here to rebuild the structure at current construction costs. Ask your agent of a general contractor what current constructions costs would be for a place like yours. For a more complete discussion, read HOW MUCH HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE DO YOU REALLY NEED (the section on the building coverage walks you thru the same thinking you'll need to determine coverage on your rented property.)

This portion provides coverage for items that you likely brought to the property. (Exception here might be a refrigerator or window treatments) Rule of thumb is that if it's permanently part of the structure it's a building item, if not, it's likely a personal property item. Most window treatment items (curtains, blinds, curtain rods) will be personal property (check with your agent to be sure) Refrigerator is personal property. An installed dishwasher is likely a building item.

Usually you don't need too much coverage here -- $2000 to $5000 is usually enough, but add your stuff up to be sure.

This is important to provide a consistent flow of income should you sustain damage to the property that renders it uninhabitable for a period of time. Policies can pay for up to 12 or 24 mos or some offer an indefinite period of time. Usually it's just for a short time like a few days or a week or two.

This could be one of the most important decisions you make regarding your rental property insurance. My advice is to think of $1 Milliion as a minimum. The difference between $300,000 and $1 million is likely less than $100 per year ($8.00 per MONTH) Beleive me, a WISE investment in the protection of EVERYTHING you own. Liability losses can be wide ranging and EXTREMELY varied in nature.

Here's a quick story about one...

Just this year a policyholder called me and told me that they were being sued because their tenant's girlfriend accidentally let the tenant's dog out of the back yard. The dog made a beeline across the street and kicked the stuffing out of the neighbor’s dog. The landlord (NOT the tenant or the girlfriend) was being sued by the neighbor for veterinarian bills that exceeded $3000 and for mental anguish, stress, and… well, you know the drill. Fortunately my policyholder had not only their Rental Dwelling Insurance in place but also a $1 Million Liability Umbrella standing between this crazy neighbor and everything they owned. Without that, this could have been their problem…

They could have been paying off this “little problem” for years. They could have risked everything they own in addition to their FUTURE EARNINGS by not having the foresight to get adequate Rental Dwelling Insurance and a LIABILITY UMBRELLA policy.
You can insure your rental property, your personal property and your liability exposure in one simple policy.

Be sure to take your time and spend a few minutes in the chaos of the transaction to talk with your insurance professional about these important coverages.

You can always call or email me if you have any questions.


It's a Good Life !

Dennis Volz Insurance Agency
10783 Jamacha Bl, Suite 1, Spring Valley, CA 91978
OFFICE: (619) 670-1000 - FAX: (619) 670-1121


Websites: Company Site: DennisVolzInsurance.com

Client Convenience Site: 6701000.com

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